Oct 3, 2011 at 6:18 PM
Join Date: Jul 10, 2009
Posts: 1004
Age: 40
Pronouns: he/him
Fun outcome would be if Pixel would actually send the beta to him, and he'd remain silent about having it
WoodenRat said:Damn, I wonder what the first cave story was like.
That was the idea, yes. I was planning for a community restoration project, though if I had to do it myself, I might be capable of that, since I do have knowledge of computer code.andwhyisit said:Unless you are willing to do the work yourself there is little point in asking for the source files. Pixel only hands out source files if you agree to keep them to yourself and if you prove you are capable of doing the work yourself, usually with a demo of some sort.
NeatNit said:I think he meant that if he wants to finish the story, he will need a lot of time to think it through (write the story).
暗い小道>Dim Path
プーレストラン>Poo's Restaurant
宝箱をあけた>You opened a treasure box.
100coin手に入れた>You got 100 coins.
「プーのレストラン」に、ようこそー。>Welcome to the poo's restaurant.
さて、きょうのメニューは…>So, today's menu are...
あれ、おまえはミミガーじゃない?>What? You are not mimiga?
んじゃ泡友達希望?>Then, you want to be soap friends with me?
んなワケないよねー?>Nooo. Do you?
プー、オマエ知ってるよ>I know you.
コロシニ来たんでしょ?>You come here to kill me.
コンテニュー?はい/いいえ>continue? Yes/No