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Cave Story "2"

Mar 12, 2006 at 8:39 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I'am going to make a MOD, that could be a Sequel to Pixel's Cave Story... :)

Note: You need the Original Game to play it...
Well and a NPC.INI for Sue's Workshop is included, (I Help Prof. Eich...) you can use it if u want..

Mar 12, 2006 at 8:52 PM
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Can you be more specific on how to make it work? I'd really like to play it.

Nm, i got it.

Edit again:
First thing that happens when I start the game is that I turn invisable. And I can't seem to move (I'd hear walking sound i guess) or do anything.
Mar 12, 2006 at 9:13 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Aww... wrong version i think... well you look at the game in Sue's Workshop... I don't know where the Error is... Tell me if works correctly...

EDIT: Well iam going to upload again to fix the bug...

LINK: http://www.filespace.org/ShInInG_PhAnToM/Beta0_1.zip
Mar 12, 2006 at 9:35 PM
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Well, what I did was add #0095 <MNA<END then I added <TRA0013:0095(where you start forget the coordinates) to the end of the script that has you lying down or what not. That worked out too.

How much do you have done?
Mar 12, 2006 at 9:40 PM
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2 (good designed) Maps...
A boss
a Small rOOm

Well upload BETA0_2 soon... Well if i forget <MNA the charakter do not appeard, but i don't forget it! That all confuse me...!!!
I had think the Game make a bug with <SMC and <HMC well, i deleted the INTRO...
Mar 13, 2006 at 10:22 PM
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I couldn't get past the first area, my character went inivisble and nothing else happened.

Also, I don't have the image that the sequel would take place back on the island, something more like this;

Balrog flies Quote and Curly to the Helicopter, drops them off, and then returns to the island to become a nurse, Misery (Or Miza, whichever would fit better with the sequel) has gone off to explore the world due to her new found freedom.

Of course, when Quote and Co. get back, they don't recieve a warm welcome. Infact, the Lab that created them has been driven underground due to their activities (Attempting to destroy the Crown) and are currently working like a Robbin-Hood esque band of hero's.

Misery (Miza) doesn't know about this, and the major problems happen when she is captured by a Government of a certain country. They know about Ballos' story, and begin trying the same method on Misery in order to force her to forge a new crown.

Balrog, due to his connection with Misery, charges (in a comical manner) through the walls of the Labyrinth and sets off flying towards her location, but is shot down by fighters.

Of course, he lands near Tokyo, where the Rogue-Scientist's Base is, and Quote and Curly pick him up and learn about what has unfolded thus far.

I'd love to see a fan-game like this, mainly because it's my own image of what would happen :) but I do have more that I could add to it. But it would lead to spoilers, which I don't want :(.
Mar 13, 2006 at 11:39 PM
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Neonlare said:
I couldn't get past the first area, my character went inivisble and nothing else happened.

Also, I don't have the image that the sequel would take place back on the island, something more like this;

Balrog flies Quote and Curly to the Helicopter, drops them off, and then returns to the island to become a nurse, Misery (Or Miza, whichever would fit better with the sequel) has gone off to explore the world due to her new found freedom.

Of course, when Quote and Co. get back, they don't recieve a warm welcome. Infact, the Lab that created them has been driven underground due to their activities (Attempting to destroy the Crown) and are currently working like a Robbin-Hood esque band of hero's.

Misery (Miza) doesn't know about this, and the major problems happen when she is captured by a Government of a certain country. They know about Ballos' story, and begin trying the same method on Misery in order to force her to forge a new crown.

Balrog, due to his connection with Misery, charges (in a comical manner) through the walls of the Labyrinth and sets off flying towards her location, but is shot down by fighters.

Of course, he lands near Tokyo, where the Rogue-Scientist's Base is, and Quote and Curly pick him up and learn about what has unfolded thus far.

I'd love to see a fan-game like this, mainly because it's my own image of what would happen :) but I do have more that I could add to it. But it would lead to spoilers, which I don't want :(.

That's pretty far from my image of what would happen, but I do agree with you on one thing: the sequel likely wouldn't take place back on the island.

As far as the being unable to get past room 1, I had that problem myself. here's how to fix it.

Grab a copy of sue's workshop (there's a link in another thread on this forum)
tell it to open up the doukutsu.exe in the place you put Shining phantom's hack.

On the list to left, double click "13. start point (start)"
click on the little icon that says "hey"

where it says
change the 0013 to 0012.
click save script.

close the text window, and the map window.
Now, doubleclick "12. Outside (outside1)"
and click "hey" again.
where it says

replace the 0012 with 0011.

Click save script. Now close sue's workshop and run the game.
Mar 15, 2006 at 1:43 AM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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I get to a room with the enraged mimiga, and i'm not there. And, if i walk for a while, i fall in some "water" and drown.
Mar 15, 2006 at 2:11 AM
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genius314 said:
I get to a room with the enraged mimiga, and i'm not there. And, if i walk for a while, i fall in some "water" and drown.

Whoops, where I said
Upthorn said:
Where it says
replace the 0012 with 0011.

I should say
Under #100, replace the line that starts with "<tra0012"
with "<TRA0012:0092:0017:0009<END"

Sorry about that.
Mar 15, 2006 at 8:17 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Well ,that all goes wrong BECAUSE: /the Magic\ lol wrong EXE file, in the Exe file all maps are saved with NUMBER but in the Wrong the numbers aren't correct so always look on the top of page one to download the newest version or click here:





The Sequel will take them back on the island!!!
Balrog, Quote and Curly, fly in the Air to search out a good palce for the rest of thier live (SPECIAL CREDITS, ON CAVE STORY 1!!!) than suddenly a explosion, all fall back to the island...
Quote awake at Outer Wall, but where are the others??

Well later in game he will meet Sue, Kazuma and Momorin Sakamoto, they wondered where is Quote and searched for him...

Prof. Booster is at Jenka.

Quote first will meet Curly and then Balrog.

The rest of the story is a secret :)).
Mar 29, 2006 at 9:59 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Hi ShInInG PhAnToM.You haven't updated in a while.I think your game sounds fun, but i can't get it to work. Will you help?
Mar 30, 2006 at 12:49 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Download Beta Fix and unzip into your Cave Story folder, replace the files who are in the folder... Remember make a COPY of your Game!
I don't pack all the files in the zip because i have only 56K and the package will be toooo large...
May 6, 2006 at 6:40 PM
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I have been getting the same wierd glitch with the second area (Cave Room). As soon as I get Sue's Workshop I will change the area so it can allow me to enter and fight the enemy there.

EDIT:I altered the level and defeated the boss (with my grunt weapon, the Polar Star) and the mod looks good so far. Good Luck on it and I hope you successfully make it. ;)
May 9, 2006 at 12:27 AM
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Very good, but i find the third room too hard. Should you use easier enemies other than those little hoppers and the night spirits? You should start with easy enemies like Blue Critters and Cursed Doors.

If you don't know how to change a sprite set, right-click the level, click settings and on the right, select the sprite set on the first one, not the second. It won't work.
May 9, 2006 at 1:01 AM
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jeffreymaher9@hotmail.com said:
select the sprite set on the first one, not the second. It won't work.

Actually it depends entirely on the entity in question which sprite sheet it will use. A lot are set to the map's first sprite sheet, but some are set to the second. The best way to tell without actually finding the value in npc.tbl is to find the entity already in the game, check the sprite sheets the map is using, and then look at those sheets to tell which one has the entity's sprites. Sometimes it's a little more obvious, such as Balrog's sprites (he uses the second one).

If you really really want to use two entities from two sprite sheets and they are conflicting, you can change one of them to use the second sheet by hex editing npc.tbl, but you'll have to pay close attention to how that entity is used anywhere else in the game.
May 9, 2006 at 12:00 PM
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That is true because when Pixel created Cave Story, they used certain sprite sheets(as shown in Sue's Workshop) and not others. Pixel had it so you couldn't use two sprite sheets in there at the same time so like Shmitz said, you could hex edit npc.tbl
May 13, 2006 at 6:12 PM
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Well, i know how to change the sprite sheets!
But that the Start, its hard yeah, i know, but try to reach every like capsule, so you have 10 (Not sure long time not played my mod) Health...
The Lifecapsule at the Start you reach with:

Machine Gun Level 3

*Spoiler end*
May 13, 2006 at 8:57 PM
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OMG... lol:)
Jun 23, 2006 at 10:49 PM
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Uh... I don't mean to revive an old topic... But... Is Cave Story 2 ever going to get fixed? That room with the Enraged Mimiga...
Jun 24, 2006 at 12:08 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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well i wait for a new Version of Sues Workshop...