Yes, but if you have 3hp and recover 1hp to make 4hp it is still counted as 3hp, so when you get hit for 1hp damage it is counted as lowering your heath to 2hp instead of 3hp.xristosx said:hey with the 3hp rule if you get hit say 1hp and you recover 1 back does that count as having 3hp again?
andwhyisit said:Yes, but if you have 3hp and recover 1hp to make 4hp it is still counted as 3hp, so when you get hit for 1hp damage it is counted as lowering your heath to 2hp instead of 3hp.
Don't think about it too much or your head will start hurting.
Though very time consuming.Chaddykins said:for some reason, Undead Core was way easier than the other ones
andwhyisit said:Though very time consuming.
I gotta try the fireball on Sue and Misery next time I fight Undead Core 'cause that was awesome.
Yeah I get that, though you have to get in close to get the most damage, for fireball it is the same damage no matter what the distance is.Chaddykins said:Blade is better for both of them, doing 3 damage rapidly is nothing compared to doing 18 damage rapidly.
Level 2 Blade by the way.
Chaddykins said:Something I noticed while trying to kill Iron Head with ducks...
The big blocks have frownie faces o_o
Too much info.xristosx said:i noticed they had something but not frownes![]()
andwhyisit said:Here is a good one:
Monster X
No booster.
Do not gain or lose any exp or health during the fight.
Only lvl2 weapons allowed during the fight.
Atravir said:Hard one for you:
Undead core, Polar star lvl3, 3hp (10 if that's too hard). Catch: You are not allowed to fire for the first forty five seconds of the battle.
Yep! Serious XP dodging required. Maybe that is too hard, hmm.Chaddykins said:That one seems kinda easy because my normal strategy for a 3HP fight with Monster X involves the level 2 blade =x or am I supposed to dodge all the xp crystals that drop too? Cause..that'd be near impossible