Dec 9, 2013 at 1:56 AM
Join Date: Apr 5, 2013
Location: In my mind and of my body.
Posts: 1642
Age: 27
Noxid said:what I would /really/ like is for you to think critically about why this is happening and why people are reacting the way they are to the things you are saying.
Consider things from /all/ points of view, not just the one you've been told is right.
Read the goddamn wikipedia or something and use the gift of the internet to expand your awareness and your horizons instead of watching sonic videos on youtube.
I don't want you to leave.
I want you to become a better person.
It's your choice whether to do that or to run away.
(I'm just gonna try and figure this out as I type)
Why is this happening?
Well first of all it's because I've decided to verbalize my personal opinions about life.
People have been criticizing me for blindly believing in the bible.
I honestly thought that God (making the entire universe) knows what is best for me.
I follow his plan for life, (the bible) and try to become a better person.
He says that He is not of the world, and that the world will not like you for following his plan.
but life, he says, will be better if you KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.
I just don't think being around cussing, and talk about gays and stuff is helping me keep his commandments....
Consider from all points of view.
I've been trying and trying, and trying to understand why Dunc is so different, because it hurts me that I have an enemy on the forums.
I know that I can't please everyone, but it's like every time I let my butt slip, I get slammed for it, apologize and then do it again.
Expand my horizons...
I think you have a very valid point here.
I use the computer to only look up sonic and stuff, but not any history or really learn anything about anything.
I feel like I'm wasting my time making Sue's Story because what is the point anymore.
what is the point?
I...Honestly think highly of you Taeler, and I really like you, but I just can't keep on doing this any longer....
I want to stay really badly, and I'm being perfectly honest, if I leave, I will lose Sue's Story and most of my friends I have made here.
But I just can't
I just can't
unless something changes around here to make more friendly, I have to leave.
Staying around this cussing doesn't help and It's only made my language worse, and also is bringing me back a haunting of my old habits.
I'm sorry....
I really am Taeler.
E: and bombchu, just stop you're not tearing up.
Sorry, didn't see your post.Captain Fabulous said:Bombchu, it's not that we don't like that you're different from us. We're not upset that you think differently than us, disagree with us, and were brought up differently than us. We're reacting this way because your lifestyle enforces a lot of ideas that have been proven to not work out in reality, and we're sad that your parents have basically brainwashed you into thinking there is no other way. Not that your parents are bad people, because after all, they grew up the same way you did. But you're different, because you have access to many, many times more information than they did (or do now, since they're computer-illiterate). You can go on the internet and learn about so many different kinds of people, lifestyles, cultures, religions, and philosophies. It's greatly enlightening and objectively good for you as a person. Don't let anybody tell you that learning is bad, regardless of the subject matter. Well, ok, you're 16, so don't go learning about guro sites, but you know what I mean.
I'll phrase this as a question, since that's the point of the thread: can you tell me why we'd have such a forceful reaction to your beliefs? Can you see it from our point of view?
Because I look so weird mixed in with you guys.
I'm trying, but you can't see it my way because you can't understand what It's like to be christian.
I would go to the ends of the earth to keep God's word if I have to.
I'm trying to see...
and I see that I'm a weirdo for being against gays and eating pork.
And I want everyone to know that.