Feb 23, 2009 at 1:08 AM
Join Date: Oct 22, 2007
Location: At the table you ate at as a child, drinking tea w
Posts: 242
Age: 30
Have some advice.
Kageryushin said:Enjoy your zombies, Touko being hot,Willy WonkaCornelius Alba and SOUREN MOTHERFUCKING ARAYA.
BTW, which one would you fuck?
JacobX891 said:Can I have a threesome with #2 & #3?
Number three would twist your manhood off with her mind powers.They all are obviously underage, furries, and have sharp, metal objects with them.
jcys810 said:I'm only familiar with 1 and 3.
1 kills.
3 can twist your limbs off with her mind.