Andronya (best Cave Story music player for android)

Jul 16, 2016 at 4:25 PM
World's #1 Laharl Kinnie
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If you can, add a feature that toggles the drum set between the default set(bass1,snare1,hiclose,hiopen,ect) and the beta set (bass4,snare3,hiclose2,hiopen2, ect) and maybe even allow the user to replace the drum samples with custom ones if possible. This'd help prove that this program's actually playing the org files and not just playing a recording of the orgs.

This app looks like it could work out, now all we need is an Android org editor that looks nice.
Jul 24, 2016 at 4:45 AM
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Creating a org player is a much more complex affair than it is to play back ogg files. If you really want the original cave story music on android then do the following:

Download this:
Download Xmp Mod Player from the Google Play store.
Connect the usb cable from your android to your pc.
Unzip and upload xm files to a folder called "mod" on the android device (create it if it doesn't exist).

The remastered music has leading and looping sections, so you do need a dedicated player to play them as they were meant to be played, so there is merit in doing this for the remastered music over the original, since the original is effectively catered for anyway. Org2xm and Xmp Mod Player are good enough for the original music, and custom orgs work fine as well.

Or why not have the soundtrack as .mp3s, like I do?
Jul 24, 2016 at 8:17 AM
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Or why not have the soundtrack as .mp3s, like I do?
Because its a cave story music player, cave story's music files aren't mp3s, and because mp3s can already be played on default apps on nearly any android device
Sep 24, 2017 at 8:59 AM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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R u done. If not r u at the testing phase cuz i wana test it already.