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Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

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Dec 22, 2011 at 1:06 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Hmmm, well the MI probully has started. I happens Once every 1000 years and last about 100 years. The power of magic in the land weakens largely. This is a problem for sorceres and magic beings. The person who casted it must had felt the effects, and over time, it must have drain him of most of his power. I don't know how long the effect will linger, but I say now is the time to strike back at him.I say to DUNC while all these posts came and interupted me.
Dec 22, 2011 at 1:07 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

#2403 spots a cinema, and due to having recently awakwned from a deep sleep and being a little dull, decides to blow the rest of rhe tean's cash to watch a movie.
(I. E. I'm gone for a bit.)
Dec 22, 2011 at 1:09 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Great, for I am ready to fight! And my last post was for Dunc.Can we start NOW! Don't close us!
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:21 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

I'm back and raring to go!:p
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:22 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Finaly, another player is back. With me, tpcool and you, we can finally start!
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:26 AM
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Addendum: why does this game cause people's sig to inflate to 3x-8x the length of their posts
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:30 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

I don't know. Me think it is crazy, but not thread-locking crazy.
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:33 AM
In my body, in my head
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Of course, that's no reason to lock the thread at all
12. Locations shouldn't be obscenely long (they stretch out the edge of the page), and signatures must not be greater than 500 pixels in length and/or 200 pixels in height.
But it is a reason for me to give you a nice new sig.

e: that is a hint that if your sig is excessively long I am going to give you a new one.
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:35 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Looks like we can start now.

TPCool awakens with a start, and finds himself laying next to a lake. He has no recollection of the past events.
Come to think of it, he can't remember anything.
He gets up, and decides to look for someone that can tell him who he is.

CommanderJersey jumps a foot in the air, then falls back down. He just awoke from a vicious nightmare, that may have emotionally scarred him more than a bit. He tries to remember what he was doing in this large fish before he fell asleep, but to no avail. He steps carefully out of the fish so as to be courteous. Upon closer inspection, the fish is dead; it wouldn't appreciate any courtesy given.
Jersey gets up and stretches his legs, because he needs those things. He spots a person over by a large body of water (a lake of some sort) and jogs over to say hi.

Dunc contemplates his situation. He remembers fighting HayateDoors, and then he and his partners were flung in different directions. He probably needs to find them.
He realizes they never had a chance against Doors. If they were a few levels higher...
Wait...something feels wrong. He ponders for moment.
"Level one..."
"Level one?"
He can't be level one! He trained for years! Besides HayateDoors, no one could best him!
He stopped for a moment and regained his composure. This must have happened over the century that passed him by. He decides he should find his partners and see if something similar happened to them.

Cool sees someone running toward him. As they meet up, the stranger greets him and asks his name.
"My...my name? It's, uh...I...I don't...
...I don't remember!"

The stranger blinks. "Well, that's odd. Hopefully you remember it, my name's...
Wha...I can't remember mine either!"

The two men are frightened, and huddle next to each other, trying to recall their names.

Another man runs over. "Hey, there! I thought I'd never find you two!"
The two men stare at him blankly. "We have no idea who you are."
The man standing beside the first man says, "Oh! Did you forget your name too?"
The man gives him a look. "What are you talking about? I'm Dunc!"
'Dunc' seems shocked. "You guys...you guys don't remember anything, do you?"
The two men shake their heads. "Not...really."
"Well, I'm Dunc! You're TPCool, and you're CommanderJersey!"
'TPCool' considers this. "Nope, doesn't ring a bell."
'CommanderJersey' speaks up. "I don't think that should be my name, it doesn't seem to fit me."
Dunc says, "Well, if you guys really don't remember, I guess you could just give yourselves names."

This is your chance to give yourselves IGNs!
Oh BTW, I'm sorry you guys don't have much user input right now, I have to get through some story for you guys.
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:39 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

JERSE. Is and always will be my name.
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:40 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Gust was wardering around when he spot the warriors. It been 100 yeays! How are they still alive! It reasonable for you to be alive, given that your a kitsune, but they don't have a reason. You rush over to speak with them.
I have been traveling the world for about 100 years, so I was awake the whole time.
And I am now invisable, guys, because I think you want to start the game when I leave.
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:19 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

And so they continue.
Or rather, an odd fox-eared guy and his companion continue towards them.
They introduce themselves as Gust and Link. Gust explains that he is an apprentice alchemist from Herb Village, a village populated by fox spirits, and noticed that the three of them seem to be a group of adventurers. He and Link want to join.
Link introduces himself as a wanderer with no skills whatsoever. He wants to become a warrior and be known across the land.
He just hasn't found anyone to train him yet.
The three note that they don't really have any skills yet either.
Will you let them join?
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:27 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Unless they prove they're worthy.
(I think only me and linkruler are online to play >_>"
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:30 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

I think that they can join... IF they can beat us in a battle!
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:34 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

You...you guys realize that you're not...
0 ATK - 0 DEF = 0 damage
You won't be doing much...
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:38 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

...Challenge them to Rock-Paper-Scissors!
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:48 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

This is a FORU-

COOL faces Link in rock-scissors-paper, best to one.
Rock, paper, scissors!
Rock, paper, scissors!
Rock, paper, scissors!

This isn't working. COOL devises some complicated version to settle things.
Rock, paper, golem, potion, lizard, alcohol, potatoes, dragon, scissors, wizard!
Gust throws a potion at COOL's head, and it splits into like a bajillion pieces. Instead of COOL's head being split open, it feels better than it did before. That was awesome.
Consider letting them join?
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:51 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

AAAH! The potion got all over my hat... ;_;
Whatever, they will be good bait :p
Let them join!
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:58 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

And things were happy.

The next task might be to find a dojo to help you develop some skills. You're pretty much useless without them.
Useless, whiny brats.

But you know, you're grown men, you can do what you want. You could go to the Herb Village to learn more about alchemy, and maybe buy some alchemic herbs for Gust. I'd say you each have about 50 G on you, regular herbs cost about 10 G apiece.
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