Aug 19, 2009 at 9:57 PM
Join Date: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 148
Pronouns: he/him
Since this is already here, shouldn't I keep using it?
2 issues:
1. When I edit scripts, I get the Erorr writing to file! error. Cave Editor is in a folder RIGHT next to the data folder.
2. The Facepics (<FAC0031 for Chie, <FAC0032 for Kanpachi) show up as blank spaces using this
Yes, I know the doctor has a pencil thin mustache.
2 issues:
1. When I edit scripts, I get the Erorr writing to file! error. Cave Editor is in a folder RIGHT next to the data folder.
2. The Facepics (<FAC0031 for Chie, <FAC0032 for Kanpachi) show up as blank spaces using this

Yes, I know the doctor has a pencil thin mustache.