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Search results

  1. Brite

    It makes NO story

    https://mega.nz/folder/P5Q2GZxT#sw7BkAlQeAKf_b-iEsoZfQ Here is another mod. You can play as curly or quote. Quote is equipped with a spur and booster 2.0 (And a blade) in which curly is not. However, Curly has her machine gun and a nemesis, AND an air tank AND a heart from the creepy old little...
  2. Brite

    Rivers Story

    Yeah so, I made the Balcony sound really bad, because it's part of the joke.
  3. Brite

    Rivers Story

    I know. I wanted it to be a joke. It's retarded.
  4. Brite

    Rivers Story

    Well here's the demo of the game. It's not even close to being done however. https://mega.nz/folder/S0wCCCLI#6Prx21OIYo_e8FuePaZs8Q I'[m probably not gonna continue this mod.
  5. Brite

    3 years. then I decided to make mods myself.

    3 years. then I decided to make mods myself.
  6. Brite

    I get your picture now. It stands for "Quote And Curly Brace Love/Heart/together forever." I...

    I get your picture now. It stands for "Quote And Curly Brace Love/Heart/together forever." I can't believe I missed that this whole time.
  7. Brite

    It's something you know is there, just can't sense it.

    It's something you know is there, just can't sense it.
  8. Brite

    Cave Story Detail

    I'm not gonna lie, this mod is kind of like.... First if you need to know how to script doors, then search cave editor guide or something on YouTube. It should be compatible with boosters lab. Also what's up with those chains with no ends? At least make them have an end or don't make them at...
  9. Brite

    So, what's next for the CSMC?

    I'm wondering what should we all do next? This place isn't really booming anymore. I'm gonna Create the 2021 Cave story modding festival. We really need it. 2020 has been a tough year, and we need to get our mind off things for awhile. anyways... It starts March 1st until April 2. If your...
  10. Brite

    I'm leaving

    I'm thinking about leaving, it's best for all of us, you don't need my shit or annoying crap. I've seen the way you comment. I want you all to know, I will never be truly gone from the forums, as i will check in to see all the wonderful new mods you all make. Please Work Hard And keeping making...
  11. Brite

    Cave Story Sequel

    Time for the full https://mega.nz/fm/mZ9ihI6Z Sadly there's not 32 quotes.
  12. Brite

    Cave Story Sequel

    Eh, Well here's your sequel mod, of course, it's only a demo But it's great. Here's the link to download: https://mega.nz/folder/PYtUxayT#4HjcOVZOAdLbW3R1pbWtYQ I've hidden 6 quotes around the maps so find them all then talk to me, if you do, then I will put you in the credits for the real deal...
  13. Brite

    Cave Story Hard Mode And Other Changes...

    I hope this holds you off until cs3, plus, Sorry @HaydenStudios For using Cave Story Four endings as a base plate. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhFwTosNzVLlkBTlOKMkJTFFSucg?e=ggfHQl DONT GET THIS ONE! Get This one the other ones broken https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhFwTosNzVLlkS3pSXLeMxqrdedH?e=PbJWKx
  14. Brite

    Cave Story 3

    Sure, but its still ONLY a demo https://discord.gg/4WGM25uSEW
  15. Brite

    Cave Story Discord Servers and MORE!

    Oh come on, I dont troll, Im actually making a mod
  16. Brite

    Cave Story Discord Servers and MORE!

    Join these servers https://discord.gg/5h7aB536p3 https://discord.gg/4WGM25uSEW https://discord.gg/ZFrEMTcbVG https://discord.gg/zqueCgtwq4 https://discord.gg/bYQpHfyb5t
  17. Brite

    yo noxid, i can't use boosters lab, its being dumb

    yo noxid, i can't use boosters lab, its being dumb
  18. Brite

    Official Cave Story Discord.

    TELL YOUR FRIENDS, SPREAD THE WORD, ITS FINALLY HERE, THE OFFICAL CAVE STORY DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://discord.gg/XJmyYYFGem And Heres Cave Talk https://discord.gg/k3Cygstsea
  19. Brite

    Official Cave Story Discord.

    This is the Official Discord.
  20. Brite

    Cave Story 3

    Actually, You're right, im making cave story 3, but with haydens mod, i really like his mod, and i will use it to create the game, however this does delay the game for like a week.
  21. Brite

    Cave Story 3

    Also, Rysoriginal hasn't been on for almost to years, Idk If I missed a post, but I'm kinda worried about Rysoriginal But he did rip of the stupid XD cave story fourth ending but funnier mod, I have to say, IT WAS CRAP, I bet he was like three years old or something, because I could look at...
  22. Brite

    Cave Story 3

    Pretty much i know, but this is cave story three and I need to have the map from cs 2, because i Remember all those map changes, plus i have to add on and re-design Oblivion and Genesis, so yeah IM NOT DONE LIKE I SAID Ok Listen, one if you go on top of the pot and press down on the pot, you...
  23. Brite

    Cave Story 3

    Im saying, Its has a lot of work to be done, but thats a demo and just the beginning of the game
  24. Brite

    Cave Story 3

    Cave Story Three Demo Is Out! Here Is the Link to Download https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhFwTosNzVLliy5P0FQdRUZafvDs?e=py16qy I Still Have to Change the Name to Cave Story 3 And watch the tutorial.
  25. Brite

    Cave Story 3

    Cave story 3 demo is out