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Search results

  1. Eli


    oh!!! this is super cool, ty!! i scrubbed through it quickly cause i gotta go to bed soon (will definitely watch properly tomorrow after work!) but what i saw had some pretty funky results, especially in the intro section! also, regarding alternate routes -
  2. Eli

    Cave Story FanArt

    welp, time for my non-regular art dump... the orange-shirt mimiga is my go at an arthur design - i already have one for evergreen, but this is more of a take on what he'd look like once he'd fully settled into the hero role... so shortly before he died :[
  3. Eli

    every placed pixel represents a cockroach eaten

    every placed pixel represents a cockroach eaten
  4. Eli


  5. Eli

    gonna be not lazy [ATTACH] misery stylin'

    gonna be not lazy misery stylin'
  6. Eli

    gonna be lazy again and just link the twitter post i made, but here's some more screenshots of...

    gonna be lazy again and just link the twitter post i made, but here's some more screenshots of an upcoming area; https://twitter.com/uselesscalcium/status/1597171577799335936
  7. Eli

    CS3D Easter Eggs

    making this thread in part because i'm hoping it'll inspire me to get back into documenting this kinda stuff, but CS3D has some cool little environmental easter eggs that my friend Daedliy and i found (or at least were the first to publicly document afaik), most of which you won't really notice...
  8. Eli


    DEBUG POT STRIKES AGAIN, GOD FUCKING DAMNIT (this is what i get for posting a joke update without double triple checking i'd removed all debug stuff) ...anyway, sorry to hear about your PC :[ glad you enjoyed the rest though
  9. Eli

    give me any song and i'll try to tell how hard the theme will be to combo if it was in mother 3

    obligatory cave story track suggestion: wind fortress
  10. Eli

    gonna be lazy and just link the twitter post i made, but here's some screenshots of an upcoming...

    gonna be lazy and just link the twitter post i made, but here's some screenshots of an upcoming area: https://twitter.com/uselesscalcium/status/1594651556284178432
  11. Eli


    regarding this; i believe i've found the issue and fixed it, so an update's just been released (0.4.8) also in this update i've redrawn the mossy caves tileset to be more unique, i think i'll work on it more - at the very least add alt slopes - but for now i'm happy with it update: i've worked...
  12. Eli


    thank you!! i'm glad you like my mod(s)! :] the life capsule just before the abandoned village is technically obtainable with a perfect jump, but the intent is that you will eventually return to that area and be able to get it (and the chest) as for the missile launcher, it should be...
  13. Eli


    thanks for playing through again! edit: i can't seem to recreate the potential sequence break you mentioned, it works fine for me...?
  14. Eli

    i don't know what stars aligned for my brain to let me focus on evergreen again but i'm glad...

    i don't know what stars aligned for my brain to let me focus on evergreen again but i'm glad it's lasted long enough to finally finish that major update AND keep bugfixing/polishing... riding this motivation wave for as long as i can lmao
  15. Eli


    wow! it's been [checks date of last post] HOW LONG??? anyway i recently released the latest demo! contains a LOT of graphical polish, bugfixes, story tweaks, etc as well as a whole new area to explore; the Pignon Cliffs! total current playtime is estimated at about ~2hrs, possibly more if you...
  16. Eli

    IMPORTANT EVERGREEN NEWS: i have reached 420 flags. nice. oh yeah and here's some teaser...

    IMPORTANT EVERGREEN NEWS: i have reached 420 flags. nice. oh yeah and here's some teaser screenshots or whatever
  17. Eli

    'hm i wonder how long it's been since the last major evergreen update' > december last year...

    'hm i wonder how long it's been since the last major evergreen update' > december last year 'ah fuck' ...yeah, all i really have is the usual excuses - work's been taking up a lot of my energy and i can't wrangle my brain into being interested in modding at the moment, so even though i'm...
  18. Eli

    Curly's face

    i like to draw the face/joint lines for both quote and curly, mostly because of the robot aesthetic, somewhat because of a drawing of quote pixel did once and also with the joint lines it gives me an excuse to cheat a little at anatomy
  19. Eli

    extremely brief progress update for evergreen: finally finished the graphic for an optional...

    extremely brief progress update for evergreen: finally finished the graphic for an optional cutscene... and promptly realised that it being the only one of its kind makes it stick out, so i'm thinking of having an optional CG cutscene in each area - 4 in total (beginning area (though maybe...
  20. Eli

    finished silent hill origins last night 10/10 game you can beat up horrible flesh monsters with...

    finished silent hill origins last night 10/10 game you can beat up horrible flesh monsters with your bare fists
  21. Eli

    Pixel Q&A Session Discussion

    i called both too, i've had more than my fair share of debates with people about the normal ending specifically (the credit cutscenes should've made it so obvious and yet), so i was feeling very smug that i was right about that lmao
  22. Eli

    aight, i'll leave you to your pity party then

    aight, i'll leave you to your pity party then
  23. Eli

    Pixel Q&A Session Discussion

    Recently a Q&A session was hosted with Pixel, organised by dawnDus, who runs the main Cave Story discord - the results were professionally translated (both the questions to EN > JP and then the answers back to EN), and there's some pretty interesting stuff, including a few long-running Cave...
  24. Eli

    questions were crossed out by him for a variety of reasons - all the ones related to the ame...

    questions were crossed out by him for a variety of reasons - all the ones related to the ame manga, for example, as well as questions he simply couldn't remember the answer to, i don't know why you're immediately assuming you're 'horrible' for 'making pixel uncomfortable'
  25. Eli

    Cave Story FanArt

    that's nice, i like the sketchy vibe and the clouds are pretty!