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Search results

  1. duncathan

    What is it with this game and Majora's Mask?

    Yeah bitmaps are huge Try comparing the compressed sizes of each to get a better idea of the difference
  2. duncathan

    Program to convert Pttunes to Ptcops?

    Using pxtone for a school project? That's pretty neat.
  3. duncathan


  4. duncathan


    There was no need to post it, and there was also no reason not to post it
  5. duncathan

    Cave Story plushies?

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. duncathan

    Do you think King and Toroko should have died?

    anyone who makes a mod of cave story in the hopes that it may be "made canon" is a fool i know that hayden didn't do that, and in fact relished in the fact that it was non-canon, but i still wanna make that point
  7. duncathan

    Does it bother anyone else that you can get Chaco's lipstick?

    Neither the panties nor the lipstick are especially taboo in Japan You're assuming your own culture applies there which is untrue
  8. duncathan


    Ron Paul seems pretty legit in terms of actually believing in what he does
  9. duncathan

    Shocking: we sort of still live in middle ages

    you know this sounds pretty hypocritical coming from someone who's admitted to dabbling in the occult
  10. duncathan

    go away nerd

    go away nerd
  11. duncathan

    Go away nerd

    Go away nerd
  12. duncathan

    Notable mods thread in showcase?

    nothing sounds less legitimate than "idk"
  13. duncathan

    American Gun Laws

    itt: 2wXnOmXdQvI
  14. duncathan

    Notable mods thread in showcase?

    TNO is one of the worst mods we have that doesn't get into "so bad it's good" territory I would go into detail about why but as a judge for the contest (we're judging! I swear!) it wouldn't be good for me to do all that until after we've released the results
  15. duncathan


    woah hey what's wrong with Francis? He's one of the best popes the church has ever had. While I understand your sentiment, censorship is NOT the answer. I won't argue about that though. I will argue about "bye bye Leviticus." First off, let me tell you that anyone who uses Leviticus to justify...
  16. duncathan

    Vote for Quote in SSB

    It's really easy to tell when someone's spoofing the vote, dude They're not stupid enough to count any but one of those
  17. duncathan


    Jesus Christ man, I'm really fucking pissed if you think that suicide is caused by "society convincing people their life isn't worth living" You obviously haven't the slightest idea of what depression really is if you think that's what it's about Come back to this thread when you actually care...
  18. duncathan

    Putting Real Music in CS

    @q3hardcore The hack isn't mixing formats any more than ORG already does. It just replaces a drum .wav.
  19. duncathan


    >Canada is a socialist monarchy in practice Haha not even close
  20. duncathan


    Get rid of religion? The hell is that supposed to mean? Do you mean separation of church (or any religion) and state (agreeable) or outright censorship (literally evil)? Also, get rid of 4chan? Jesus Christ, this guy doesn't even want net neutrality, I guess. More censorship, woo!
  21. duncathan

    Notable mods thread in showcase?

    And the fact is, there are probably two notable completed mods, and they're both jenka's nightmare
  22. duncathan

    Notable mods thread in showcase?

    KSS and WTF are notable at the very least because of the 2xres hack which they implement well. Schism won a Mod Award. DoR2 had a lot of unique ASM in it and is probably one of the better examples of pushing the executable to its limits there are. JJ, Rave story, and video game aren't super...
  23. duncathan

    Who were you? The ROB?

    Who were you? The ROB?
  24. duncathan

    Notable mods thread in showcase?

    I don't think it's a bad idea to have a list of "these mods do stuff well".
  25. duncathan

    Programming General

    My favorite is XNA is Not an Acronym