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Sep 27, 2015 at 10:19 AM
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Thanks for the clarification all. And I know that's not exactly the right word...
Sep 27, 2015 at 1:02 PM
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I bumped into someone I went to high school with the other day and it reminded me that basically everyone I went to school with probably thought I had depression and self-confidence issues when really I was just really lacking in sleep and focus (and still am, for that matter) and how that was kind of annoying to deal with

More on-topic: The real kicker is that there don't seem to be any reliable solutions (talking point maybe?). Meds are inconsistent and can cause more harm than good, while 'generic positivity' ain't gonna cut it for everybody, although one thing I have repeatedly seen mentioned is learning some method of being properly aware of when one is having a depressive episode, so as to avoid harming oneself further... which in turn is made harder by the fact that the person is depressed. It's a truly viscious cycle, I still struggle to rationalise how the brain lets itself get that imbalanced in the first place.
Sep 27, 2015 at 1:21 PM
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I bumped into someone I went to high school with the other day and it reminded me that basically everyone I went to school with probably thought I had depression and self-confidence issues when really I was just really lacking in sleep and focus (and still am, for that matter) and how that was kind of annoying to deal with

More on-topic: The real kicker is that there don't seem to be any reliable solutions (talking point maybe?). Meds are inconsistent and can cause more harm than good, while 'generic positivity' ain't gonna cut it for everybody, although one thing I have repeatedly seen mentioned is learning some method of being properly aware of when one is having a depressive episode, so as to avoid harming oneself further... which in turn is made harder by the fact that the person is depressed. It's a truly viscious cycle, I still struggle to rationalise how the brain lets itself get that imbalanced in the first place.

Lack of sleep and focus are warnings signs for depression...

I think part of the problem is that people feel ashamed to have depression. It does impact on one's life, but it's hardly the end of the world.
Sep 27, 2015 at 1:50 PM
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They're also wonderful causers of run-of-the-mill stress and fatigue :awesomeface: I've had more than enough years now to have something manifest itself, and knowing how depressed people think I can safely say I hit basically none of the requisite cues relating to feelings of inadequacy and such. Stresses in general often have a habit of resulting in similar effects, even when the root causes can be totally different. Our bodies can recover from all sorts of horrific things but by golly gee if something is out of balance they'll let you know about it.
Sep 27, 2015 at 4:29 PM
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I was just really lacking in sleep and focus (and still am, for that matter) and how that was kind of annoying to deal with

Have you gotten yourself checked for sleep apnea?
Sep 28, 2015 at 1:55 AM
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I am on Wednesday wouldn't you know it

Stay tuned for the thrilling results
Sep 28, 2015 at 3:27 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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I'm a little late on this. Not sure how I missed this thread.

First off, there are two types of depression. There is the type caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which can be treated with meds, and there is the type caused by life repeatedly and incessantly slapping you in the face and making you feel worthless.

I think everyone has times when they suffer from the latter, but you do not truly suffer from depression unless you feel like that all the time. Personally I know how the latter type feels. I have issues with feeling depressed all too often. But thankfully, I haven't slipped completely into depression. What I find helps is surrounding myself with people who actually care about me. I try to hang out with friends as often as possible. I had a boyfriend for a while, and being in a relationship helped, because it's like having a rock that's anchoring you there telling you, "Hey, look at me. Somebody loves you. You're not worthless." But he dumped me, which was a bit of an emotional blow, but I try my best to make do with what I have. I still wake up often feeling like I'm doing nothing with my life, and sometimes I even get the feeling that my death would go unnoticed by most people. But I push those thoughts aside and face the day head on.

You have to remember- you can either let things get worse or make things better. And trust me, things can always get worse, and things can always get better, no matter what you think. The only rock-bottom you can hit is death. And I can assure you, with the long life you have ahead of you, you'll regret your death if you take your own life, or at least, you won't have a thought process to think about it.

Your life is only worthless if you don't do something with it. If you can make the life of just one person better, if you can make just one single person believe that their life is better because of you... it's the best feeling in the world. And it's all that you need to make your life worth something. Having someone tell you that, (even after said person dumped you) they couldn't live without you... that's powerful.

You can't lose hope, bionic. Stay determined!
Oct 3, 2015 at 8:17 PM
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It is maybe weird to hear this from a doctor, but I do not see better aid against depression than books of Dr. Joseph Murphy. My colleges would probably disagree, but this is my honest opinion.
Oct 3, 2015 at 9:49 PM
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It is maybe weird to hear this from a doctor, but I do not see better aid against depression than books of Dr. Joseph Murphy. My colleges would probably disagree, but this is my honest opinion.
For a laugh, perhaps. I think actually reading non-biased material about depression helps a lot more.
Oct 4, 2015 at 11:27 AM
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For a laugh, perhaps. I think actually reading non-biased material about depression helps a lot more.
Whatever is sold for money cannot be unbiased. Drugs are certainly not unbiased. * There were several instances companies bought the most elite academic opinion. Besides drugs are - speaking on a non-medical level- usually provide symptomatic and NOT CAUSAL therapy. I have learned their composition and details at the uni, yet they did not convince me much. Many psychiatric drugs (not talking now about depression, but in general) work like an invisible hammer. You hit the patient on the head with it, and he sits down and keeps quiet. Not my idea of a therapy. Psychotherapy (done right) is imperative, and it's importance was emphasized by my psychiatry professors commenting that it is often lamentably neglected. You mustn't forget about psychoterapy - causal treatment.

*If you read just a couple of "unbiased" scientific studies you will see that if there are two drugs, drug A and drug B, studies of drug A will emphasize their superiority over drug B, and the other way around. Sometimes it reaches the level of comedy. Once I was attending a scientific meeting (with many doc specialists there) which was saying how a certain drug is superior compared to another. THE NEXT DAY I have attended another meeting where now it was about how the other drug is far more better then the previous one. The audience started to laugh loud :)
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Oct 4, 2015 at 2:28 PM
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The thing about psychotherapy is that big company pharmacists don't make money off of it - they would rather push drugs that they make, bonus points if it causes side-effects to make more money off of selling drugs to help with that. In fact, some forms of practice of psychotherapy can be self-administered - less profit for the pharmacists.

That's why it is lamentably neglected, and also why we have people like q3hardcore. (Nothing personal)

An interesting thing to mention is that the word "pharmacist" roughly means "poison giver".
Oct 4, 2015 at 5:17 PM
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Oct 4, 2015 at 6:33 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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The thing about psychotherapy is that big company pharmacists don't make money off of it - they would rather push drugs that they make, bonus points if it causes side-effects to make more money off of selling drugs to help with that. In fact, some forms of practice of psychotherapy can be self-administered - less profit for the pharmacists.

That's why it is lamentably neglected, and also why we have people like q3hardcore. (Nothing personal)

An interesting thing to mention is that the word "pharmacist" roughly means "poison giver".

Welcome to capitalism, the worst idea the human race ever came up with. Then again, it truly embodies the human way of thinking. Profit is the motive in capitalism. For many people, if they don't profit from a venture they won't undertake it. It means that our society would rather make a profit off of the continued suffering (and depression) of others rather than genuinely help people and fix the problem all together.

But as it would seem, the newer generations are beginning to become more socialist-minded, which is a good thing. A socialist-democracy is the best option out of all the different types of government in my opinion. What businesses can't provide, or won't provide, the government does. Meaning the government institutes "artificial competition" that forces companies to meet and exceed a certain standard. Canada, in practice, is a socialist democracy, and they're the 5th happiest country in the world. The United States is only 15th in the world, behind countries such as MEXICO (with the DRUG CARTELS running around shooting people) and ICELAND (where the stock market plunged by 90% during the recession and people were even happier than before).

So, my legitimate and honest suggestion- move to Canada if you don't already live there. Life itself is easier, so you have less to worry about economically and can focus on fixing your social/emotional life.
Oct 4, 2015 at 7:01 PM
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So, my legitimate and honest suggestion- move to Canada if you don't already live there. Life itself is easier, so you have less to worry about economically and can focus on fixing your social/emotional life.
are you kidding lmao my entire province is propped up by welfare and owned by an oil corporation
voters are apathetic and The Harper Government(tm) is selling the country to china
natives and immigrants are second-class citizens
gays and trans people get beaten up for fun

I'm not saying Canada is MORE fucked up but this is not a utopia
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Oct 4, 2015 at 7:14 PM
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So, my legitimate and honest suggestion- move to Canada if you don't already live there. Life itself is easier, so you have less to worry about economically and can focus on fixing your social/emotional life.
Spoken like a true American teenager
Oct 4, 2015 at 8:12 PM
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Whatever is sold for money cannot be unbiased.
That's not even remotely true. I meant actually reading about what causes depression, and what kind of behaviors people tend to exhibit.
I think drugs and psychotherapy should be seen as a last resort, because these are difficult to access and costly for many people.

why we have people like q3hardcore
Yeah, too bad society couldn't convince me my life wasn't worth living.
Oct 5, 2015 at 2:18 AM
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Jesus Christ man, I'm really fucking pissed if you think that suicide is caused by "society convincing people their life isn't worth living"
You obviously haven't the slightest idea of what depression really is if you think that's what it's about
Come back to this thread when you actually care about people instead of just trying to prove how horrible society is
Oct 5, 2015 at 2:52 AM
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Jesus Christ man, I'm really fucking pissed if you think that suicide is caused by "society convincing people their life isn't worth living"
You obviously haven't the slightest idea of what depression really is if you think that's what it's about
Come back to this thread when you actually care about people instead of just trying to prove how horrible society is
I'm actually not sure what @Raus meant. Anyway, depression and suicide are very different things.
There are many factors that can contribute to someone committing suicide, I was saying one of the reasons I considered it.