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Search results

  1. EnlightenedOne


  2. EnlightenedOne

    My mod keeps running some random event.

    In addition to Serri's questions, Also make sure your event numbers are in ascending order.
  3. EnlightenedOne

    Yeah all the hacks (up to about a year ago, I need to push an update) in that channel has been...

    Yeah all the hacks (up to about a year ago, I need to push an update) in that channel has been copied to freewarehacks.doukutsu.club, and there's the in-progress wiki.doukutsu.club, but various things like old assembly documentation hasn't been archived elsewhere. I agree that centralizing...
  4. EnlightenedOne

    BLink's ULTIMATE resource guide to modding (freeware) Cave Story 2025 edition

    There is also @autumn_mnya 's fork of BL which, while most of the changes are to better CSE2/Doukutsu-rs functionality (things like fixed stage.tbl exporting and .png mode), it does have the most up-to-date entityinfo.txt (fixed an error or two and actually labels all those "CRASH" and...
  5. EnlightenedOne

    I lurk these forums somewhat multiple times throughout the week but I only have something to...

    I lurk these forums somewhat multiple times throughout the week but I only have something to post about like twice every year.
  6. EnlightenedOne

    and if there's too many heads in my blunt, I won't spark it

    and if there's too many heads in my blunt, I won't spark it
  7. EnlightenedOne

    You do spam quite a bit.

    You do spam quite a bit.
  8. EnlightenedOne

    The game won't read Prt0 and Npc0

    Two things: 1. What is the exact lines in error.log? If the file ends with "0" it's a missing file or one the game can't access. A "1" is a corrupt file or a file the game can technically access but something is wrong in trying to use it. 2. Since this is occurring in the loading screen, it is...
  9. EnlightenedOne

    New Accounts can't Direct Message (unless this was changed at some point in forum updates). You...

    New Accounts can't Direct Message (unless this was changed at some point in forum updates). You have to have a set number of posts first until the option to DM people becomes available.
  10. EnlightenedOne

    It'll get removed within a day.

    It'll get removed within a day.
  11. EnlightenedOne

    Please take care of yourself. You are loved. There is greener pastures over the hill. You got...

    Please take care of yourself. You are loved. There is greener pastures over the hill. You got this. It will get better. Also something Metal Gear solid and Homestuck or something idk.
  12. EnlightenedOne

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate: https://fxtwitter.com/Jerma985/status/1332194806701858816

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate: https://fxtwitter.com/Jerma985/status/1332194806701858816
  13. EnlightenedOne

    Cave Story Myths?

    There was a myth floating around about how the mechanic of Jenka giving your Life Pot refills worked, like you had to ignore giving her the 5th puppy or some other requirement existing. No there's no requirement or mechanics behind it she just gives you a refill if it's not in your inventory...
  14. EnlightenedOne

    How many mods will I (re)release before the end of the year? I'm currently at one for 2024, but...

    How many mods will I (re)release before the end of the year? I'm currently at one for 2024, but what will it be in 2 months? Six? Nine? Take a guess because I don't know myself. It's definitely at least 6 though... probably.
  15. EnlightenedOne


  16. EnlightenedOne

    Roses are red. Violets are blue.

    Roses are red. Violets are blue.
  17. EnlightenedOne

    I'm late oh no. Hope it was a good one.

    I'm late oh no. Hope it was a good one.
  18. EnlightenedOne

    The Eaglebones Falconhawk arc has concluded.

    The Eaglebones Falconhawk arc has concluded.
  19. EnlightenedOne


  20. EnlightenedOne

    Ame Manga

    This spiel again. He didn't stop interacting with people "because of his audience", he just put Twitter on hold. - People are still interacting with him elsewhere. - Twitter starting going to shit a year ago, which may be a factor but I'm not certain. The timing is right though. - He started...
  21. EnlightenedOne

    Title music will NOT change. I'm stumped.

    Yeah in vanilla it's zero. I am assuming this is freeware 2004 version Cave Story you're editing (otherwise I'm surprised you got this far without things breaking sooner). There's absolutely patch collisions happening. I don't mean a "bad patch" that's written wrong but patches that...
  22. EnlightenedOne

    Title music will NOT change. I'm stumped.

    The reason the song number would now be showing up as negative in 1_titlescreen.xml is because something patched over that offset, and so it's no longer pointing to a constant that can be edited. Look at the hack with an unmodified exe and you'll see it's supposed to be a normal positive ID...
  23. EnlightenedOne

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    I don't think it will be very noticeable. It's mostly security stuff like kicking players if they idle for a long time, and respawning the shield at its origin if nobody picks it up from a dropped position in a very long time (in the November map there's a place one can softlock from room...
  24. EnlightenedOne

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    Brayconn made an update and is updating the server(s) right now. Is this referring to the Soaprun endings? It's a lot easier on the November map. The May map has more draw rooms but is significantly harder to reach the goal. This is 2010-2011. This was while CS WiiWare was coming out. It's his...
  25. EnlightenedOne

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    With the last version of the client (v432), the ending number depends on the number of items, with bullet points detailing which items were obtained. For example it doesn't matter which two items you have, reaching the goal with any two will net you ending three. I don't know about earlier...