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  1. Eli

    Top 10 booster versions ranked (you will NOT believe #8!)

    this is simultaneously the best and worst mod i have ever played 8.0/10
  2. Eli

    Is the Cave Story world flat?

    actually it's strongly implied in canon that the surface is, in fact, australian - aka the cooler bri'ish - due to jenka hinting that rabid mimiga made it down to the surface. there are three total depictions of rabid mimiga in-game: igor, toroko+ and the generic ravil enemies, and only one of...
  3. Eli

    Cave Story FanArt

    ohh these are super cute, i love your use of colours! my fav is definitely sandaime up in the top right corner lmao, the flowers are pretty and i just woke up so i can relate to his expression
  4. Eli

    Help with the Kero Blaster page on TCRF

    oh hey, i'm the one who's been touching up cave story's page on TCRF recently, and i've pretty much added everything i found/noticed was missing, so i wouldn't mind helping with this... i have a windows laptop & a steam copy of the game - i haven't looked into it much, mostly due to a lack of...
  5. Eli

    AGTP+ modpack for CaveStory+ & classic CaveStory (v1.02) [2022/07/24]

    oh woah, this is a cool project! as someone endlessly fascinated by translation differences, would you be willing to divulge at least any big/interesting things you've noticed regarding the various translations (or just yours) compared to the original JP script?
  6. Eli

    There may have been a english translation of the Cave Story beta!

    no no, i'm sure they're telling the truth, one of my dogs works for studio pixel and she remembers playing the cave story beta around that time...
  7. Eli

    easy solution just use BEANS

    easy solution just use BEANS
  8. Eli

    Cave Story is just a hallucination

    the events of cave story are all quote's hallucination after his abusive dad puts him in a coma, that's why all the fathers/father figures in cave story either die (king, ballos) or are absent from their families for no good reason (mr little), the red flowers represent his father's alcholism...
  9. Eli

    Cave Story Dreams

    strangely enough i don't often get dreams involving media i'm interested in - online friends or people i know/knew irl will show up, but almost never fictional characters or locations, which is odd given how much time i spend thinking about my interests :V that being said according to a pinned...
  10. Eli

    my current pet project has been cleaning up cave story's article on TCRF, which has been fun...

    my current pet project has been cleaning up cave story's article on TCRF, which has been fun, there's a surprising amount of content left undocumented... so far i've: - added subpages for the PC version of CS+, eshop, and dsiware & filled them out - documented unused stuff for challenges...
  11. Eli

    been working on the final boss for this update and it's almost finished! sprites are pretty much...

    been working on the final boss for this update and it's almost finished! sprites are pretty much done, scripting to actually start the fight is done, i just need to script the boss defeat/following cutscene + implement skipflags, and then i can start on the demo end stuff and move onto...
  12. Eli

    Quote is Curly Brace, question mark?

    alternatively: quote trans canon
  13. Eli

    i'm sure you've seen me ramble on about it on discord more than once but tdlr i think it's...

    i'm sure you've seen me ramble on about it on discord more than once but tdlr i think it's (specifically the ZarroTsu version) a mod with some incredibly high highs (the attention to detail with things like mr little/NG+/level decoration/etc, the way it writes the characters - specifically their...
  14. Eli


    thank you! i'm hoping that'll be sooner rather than later given i'm close to finishing the new area, but we'll see... as for the other stuff:
  15. Eli


    here you are - if it doesn't work, for the sake of not spamming this thread, just DM me here or on discord (i'm in the forums server) as for the robots in the grasstown base - the two who talk about ballos are from a (as of yet unprogressed beyond the ideas stage) prequel fangame idea, the...
  16. Eli


    that's really weird, sounds like the flag didn't set right or something? i think i've added a failsafe, but i'll have to double check that... if you want, i can upload a profile with it set, since there's a decent chunk left after that point
  17. Eli


    thank you for the feedback! still appreciated, even if it's late!
  18. Eli

    i have eaten the mousetrap

    i have eaten the mousetrap
  19. Eli

    absolutely not

    absolutely not
  20. Eli

    What if Sue died instead of Toroko?

    then she'd be dead and momorin/kaz would be very upset about it, probably :V
  21. Eli

    What if Sue died instead of Toroko?

    i don't think sue would've been brought to the warehouse or 'thrown away' just to test the potency of the red flowers - toroko was probably chosen because she wasn't of any further use to the doctor (or misery wanted to get rid of her to cover her previous mistake) - if anything, the doctor'd...
  22. Eli

    evergreen update, wrapping up development on the next update's maps - at the moment i think...

    evergreen update, wrapping up development on the next update's maps - at the moment i think they're all mostly done in terms of layout, i just need to finish scripting stuff and dialogue will be a while longer till it's released, i have... a lot of small things to finish and polish lol, but...
  23. Eli

    Cave Story FanArt

    i think i've already commented on zacc and aqua's art elsewhere, so i'll comment on orbit's - i really like your doodles, people's interpretations of the sprites themselves/characters without official art are always really fascinating to me... (also the silly king one got a giggle out of me) as...
  24. Eli

    Evergreen... 2!

    correct, thank you <3 hmm, well if it's similar to something that's not consciously intentional - the bartender is based off of one of my sonas (aka '''myself''') and i'm often listening to music through my headphones irl, so it was mostly just me poking fun at myself haha glad you enjoyed it...
  25. Eli

    Evergreen... 2!

    greetings, cave story fans, i'm pleased to announce the release of a small demo for evergreen 2! while my full statement on the matter is readable on doukutsu club, here is a quick tdlr: the old version of evergreen sucked ass and was boring, i've decided to scrap development and completely...