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  • For those who for some reason want to know but have ceased checking (and check here???), I'm doing Gallery uploads again after a two month """""break"""""! Who am I kidding, I just want to restore some shaky trust because I've been constantly screwing up for the past year or two. I imagine it's a bit exhausting, being my friend, given how exhausting it is to keep renewing. Don't have another path.
    There’s no need to be, I don’t necessarily need a reaction or support! This message is for others, just an acknowledgement of what I’ve been doing.
    I think you're being too hard on yourself. Just because you leave for a bit and come back, doesn't mean that you have to "renew" with anyone. I mean, you are basically the face of the CSTSF after all (according to google); I doubt anyone has forgotten you.
    If anybody is screwing up all the time, it's me.
    You don't need to exhaust yourself by keeping up with everything if you don't want to.
    It's not like someone is assumed dead if they are inactive for a week or whatever.
    Attended the homecoming dance and...actually danced. Oops! I’ve disappointed all my fellow wallflowers :<
    You don't need to be an olympic swimmer to enjoy a pool.

    The secret is that 90% of people at these school dances are TERRIBLE dancers. Who cares. Have fun.
    Well, upon reviewing the tapes 100% of the people were just flailing to the beat. :p Really, it's all about confidence.
    Homecoming... planning on going to the game and the dance.
    I have a great idea! Let's all have a lovely time playing Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby. It's a nice little free flash game where you bat against all of Pooh's friends. Keep it in mind for a rainy day
    Wait, is this seriously a thing?!
    Of course. All of the silly old bears are playing it!
    BOI, I played this a year ago!
    Surprisingly fun game, only takes 20 minutes or less, would recommend.
    That's pretty good!
    I put in 3% effort on cutting out poor Jack's background, but I like it anyway! I simply love his face and figured they'd work well together ^.^

    @Parkraft123 I'd need to have more of the STOP onscreen to drive that point home, but it isn't really my place to pass judgement anyhow!
    Hmm.. if there is a 2 in the file's name, there must be another one!
    (I could be wrong though, but nice photoshop though!)
    I played the first level of Lovely Planet blind on camera! Luckily for you, you're never seeing it because my laptop can't handle even 30 FPS smoothly and for some reason a little bit of the right side of the window was cut off even though the capture was supposed to be my entire screen. At least it wasn't commented on, so you're really not missing much. :o
    All of the text you get from shooting baddies is in Japanese, and not very many of the mechanics are outright told to you, so I don't really understand how some of it works and don't care to waste the blindness by going off to check the inevitable wiki, but it's still very fun in that frustrating Groove Coaster way where you restart levels over and over again until you go through them mostly perfectly. :3
    can't wait to speak with you it's been such a long time. c: hope everything's been great with you!
    Ah, I can't complain! (Except about myself because of the usual connection issues!) How have you been, how was your birthday, what is the secret to hair? :o
    Heehee I've been great, birthday was amazing, and I'd say.. LOTS AND LOTS OF SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER c:
    That's what I thought too! So on Tuesday and throughout the week I used a bit more than my usual plenty and dried my hair in a different way, and it's been working out a lot more somehow. Maybe it's the extra amount, maybe it's the drying method, I'm doing both because okay hair is a rare and precious blessing. :3

    That aside, it always makes me happy when people I haven't seen in a while are doing well. ^.^
    It's official, everyone: everything the McElroy brothers touch turns to solid gold. Even if you're not into the podcast format of My Brother, My Brother and Me, Griffin shows up in the incredible Polygon shows Monster Factory and Car Boys. Go have a look if you're searching for comedy!
    monster factory is my aesthetic
    It's the absolute best. The saga of The Final Pam and the ending of Second Life, Second Chances drew tears, I was laughing so much. ^.^
    Frost on the Walls again. I fear the slight chill in the air, it was never like this and only grows colder. I fear their patience has ended, I fear the coming of Sall and Sinter, I will not repent. Window was too cold for the usual attempts, can't feel inside or out. I can hear my mind's eye burning up, shriveling, swore I saw another blight consuming me embracing me awaiting your return xoxo
    *clap clap clap*
    The eternal question: "Hey, am I /good/?"
    I had to fight with Solaire to beat Gwyn on New Game, while slightly overleveled with a Claymore and miracles, and while I consciously decided not to parry him I still probably have a lot of gooding to get. :<

    That aside, I'm probably okay on average. Morality is difficult to quantify and it fluctuates, so one could argue that the eternal question is meaningless. But I still feel that it's worth questioning, if only to stave off the blindness of pride and assurances.
    Everyone is good in a way!
    Can you not even put just the list together yet/shortly? I'd rather have another sensible vote to balance out these meme ones
    I’m sorry that I couldn’t. I feel awful. Like I just want to talk but I also know that if I talk I’ll just be seeking pity on time management and why I’ve been struggling with it for my conscious life so far. I hope that the votes are mostly sensible and the contest overall fair, and I also hope that someday I’ll be better.
    My apologies. Just when I was starting to get into the swing of social niceness and working on projects, I became rather ill and was incapacitated for a few days. :<
    Sorry to hear that. Are you better now?
    @IdioticBaka1824 I keep waking up at insane times, thinking that I got much more sleep than I actually did, so probably not? At least I'm now terrifically warm rather than terrifically cold, and I think my headache is gone for now. c:

    I would try to take advantage of my wake-up, but I get the feeling that I should probably go to sleep again. Oh, well.
    I feel ya, being sick and unable to do anything even when you want to do something isn't fun, hope you feel better soon!
    There's a cry being heard 'round the world today: the cry of students in certain jurisdictions finishing their respective school years! Next week I'll be starting Driver's Ed, of course, which is unmistakably critical but still brings certain implications I'd prefer to avoid. Nevertheless, I'm very pleased. ^_^
    Good luck on the test!
    Oh, for Driver's Ed? Thanks! Hopefully everything will go well.
    After several months - nearly a year - of not listening seriously to Last Battle, this arrangement hit me like a Big Rigs truck in reverse.
    I've got sunshine on a cloudy day, because technically speaking the clouds don't fully block the sun's rays!
    I have learned wonderful things. c:
    How to warm tortillas
    -heat stovetop to 5 with black metal thingy on top
    -put the thicker side of the tortilla (there's a difference!) down first
    -wait until steam has been escaping for a short while to flip
    -once you flip, wait until the top starts to bubble to take off tortilla
    -be quick and matter of fact when removing tortillas, hesitating or gingerly pinching at it only heightens the heat and pain
    -alternatively, be a Thoroughly Modern Millennial and use a spatula

    How to cook beans
    -take out black frying pan, set stove to high, lavish with corn oil
    - take out 1-2 hefty cans of beans, open them with willpower, drain
    -pour beans
    -subjugate beans with the power of friendship (and yellow smashy thing)
    -regain trust with more oil
    -massage beans until silky smooth

    This is only the beginning of my apprenticeship! I'll likely never be as effortless a cook as my mother, but hopefully I'll make for a decent knock-off someday. ~w~
    ☆ Stay tuned folks for another episode of Polaris' Mexican Cooking! What will he cook next time? Will it be chilaquiles, the perfect snack for any occasion? Or maybe it'll be chorizo con huevos, a classic Mexican breakfast! Either way, just wait until he teases you folks with some sweet sweet churros! (My, even my mouth is watering, and I'm just an omnipresent narrator!) ☆
    "Come on and slam!" brings up unrelatably related memories of a round in Trouble in Terrorst Town. One of the players (Mesp) asks the rest "Fill in the sentence: "Come on and...!"", and another player (Joe) responds unsure "...Slam?". In that moment, Mesp (Who was the traitor!) triggers the S.L.A.M he placed blowing up Joe! It was priceless! XD
    That sounds like something I would do if I were to be playing the game as a non-traitor, to be honest. Excellent tale. -w-
    It's strange to be genuinely happy, bordering on bubbly, doing well enough in school, not having any particular difficulties with my family or anything else in the immediate surroundings, and yet be acutely aware that a most recent crisis of lethargy and withdrawal is occurring. There are many other problems that one could have, though, many of them worse, so I'm still feeling very grateful!
    Can't say I don't procrastinate myself either, the comfort of dropping things for 'later' is very effective.
    Especially considering it very often occurs that I feel like doing something that day, and then drop it anyway.
    @Polaris: I would try and prove you wrong, but I can't be bothered.
    @andwhyisit If you are ever in the mood, I will listen. I get a lot of silly ideas in my head, going on the way that I do, and outside input helps - though I will note that I wasn’t trying to state an absolute, just what’s happened to work in my limited experience.
    "which still possesses some of the best cheeseburgers I’ve ever eaten"
    Ugh.. American cheese...

    The best burgers place I have ever experienced is Fergburger in Queenstown, New Zealand. Seriously man, part of me wants to buy a plane ticket just to eat there again. The burgers are that good.
    I'm well aware of the stigmas surrounding American cheese, and I generally replace it with cheddar when given the option, as I was. (Your renaming of the two as plastic cheese and tasty cheese made it clear that I was on the wrong side of the Force.) My pronouncing of Red Robin's as the best I've had thus far may be dubious to the well-traveled, but I simply haven't gotten around much. There's apparently a restaurant in Schaumburg named Au Cheval that's one of the best anywhere, so hopefully I get to eat there one day.

    Go for it, Andwhy! Follow your dreams next time you've got space for a vacation! New Zealand seems like a lovely place, anyway, it would definitely be worth the time and expenses. :D
    It was a very satisfying read in a long while--but back to the point, I knew there was something strongly amiss; with little chance for contact (alright, there were other ways), I temporarily gave up and focused on other things. I'm torn between feeling torn or not. *Sigh*, emotions can be funky. I just can't think about this for now.

    All I can say for now is that the silence will be accepted and I have hopes for your recuperation.
    I amassed the willpower to at last upload the Polish-style chorizos I made some time ago. The mashed avocado isn't going to be accepted by my mouth anytime soon, but I went and made some anyways! http://i.imgur.com/l9lvCL3.jpg
    I may never understand the appeal of uploading one's food the way you do, but it's at least a little neat to compare. My mother's chorizo is a whole lot more orange, for one!

    Avocado takes lots of acquirement to gain a taste, though turning it into guacamole and/or using it as an addition to other foods and/or using lesser portions could help with the occasionally nauseating blandness. (At least, that's the only way I can enjoy it right now. ^_^; )
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