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  • I realized some time ago exactly why I’ve steadily become less active here: I didn’t come for the forum itself.
    Thanks for being here. Your presence and support on the forum is appreciated by many.
    I should probably say hi more often... My opinion of you hasn't changed; it's always a pleasure to read your thoughtfully crafted posts and you have left a lasting impression to the character of these forums. I've probably become more antisocial than ever these days, but I can't shake this place myself ;) Good people, good games, good times
    @IdioticBaka1824 You deserve higher praise than I for your consistent kindness and positivity. Thank *you*. c:

    @X-Calibar No worries, X, you’re one of the premier examples of excellent people I stop by for! I’m in the same boat - I could copypaste your comment and have it be true of you. It’s a pleasure to have you on Steam and more so whenever I get to read literally anything you write~
    Error: a required file is missing or corrupted. Please reinstall “north.dll” and try again. Deleting installation...
    It’s been a second. It’ll be a second yet, I reckon, with the ravages of no Wi-Fi upon us. Things I’ve discovered...
    ★Reading is still wonderful and I still don’t partake in enough of it, though a generous gift of a Nook and my own resolve may turn that around. The Secret Garden was wonderfully spirit-lifting, Rosamond: Traces of Ink...less so, but interesting.
    ★One’s 18th birthday is apparently a big deal. I’ve never enjoyed such a lavish and warm celebration before, and likely never will again. All told, I’m alright with that. :> I got to enjoy one of the best burgers in Chicago from Kuma's Corner, the presence of pleasant family members, and a number of useful things I won’t bore you with!
    ★It’s April and still cold. I’m very much in a Spring mood, especially after The Secret Garden and a pleasantly successful, cute haircut.
    ★No, seriously, why doesn’t One Way Heroics tell you that critical hits bypass barriers? :o
    Oh, your birthday passed recently? Late happy birthday, then!
    Happy belated birthday from here as well!
    As far as reading goes, I'd like to recommend The Little Prince.
    And really, won't you share these useful things with us? Nothing is boring unless you want it to be!
    Ah, and congratulations on the haircut. A pleasant feeling indeed it is.
    I’m celebrating it a little late, but Gardevoir Day is today! I’m celebrating by not going to sleep until I have 15 uploads done because I’m dumb. ^_^
    I regret this bad life decision! I ought to be all-nightering anyway, though, so...no rest for the wicked on a week so critical.
    It's still an amazing job you've done,
    Congrats on making it so far!
    We do more as a whole, but we’re better individually.
    I think I see where you're getting at;
    Working together requires organization, so you can easily start doing something on your own faster.
    Man, this poor avatar is much in need of rest. I actively tried to depart from being formulaic with my end of year activities, but I did neglect a few things...
    Updating now. Getting rid of my compulsion to document everything should help a lot - I'll only record avatar changes now, which is quite the step up in convenience for me. ^_^

    Also, has anyone else tried using the "set picture as avatar" option in Media? I never realized what an excellent feature that can be! :D
    A change every once in a while is refreshing.
    More than 3 years since X & Y, and my first time with a Psychic/ Fairy member of the Ralts family is a GBC game. How about that! :o
    He’s also the first male I’ve caught, incidentally, both my original champion Ash (now renamed Ardor) and the Gardevoir I randomly have in Throwback Red (Nemesis) are female. Thinking this feisty fellow may possibly end up a Gallade if Dawn Stones are lurking about, but Basil fits him either way. ^.^
    I have no idea what Nintendo's legal team is truly thinking, but it does seem in today's age that releasing things once they're finished with no build up may be the best way to go about it. If it's of good quality and derivative of a popular series, news will spread.

    I've been tempted to get into Pokémon hacking myself, but I already have enough on my plate without that kind of dabbling @.@
    Y'know, I knew the game would leak eventually, but I certainly wasn't expecting it to be the day after it was taken down. It actually got released sooner than the original release date!
    True enough, and while it’s not the /final/ final it’s final enough to be superior to any other GBC hack! I simply hope that no suspicion or legal trouble falls on the mod creator, since he legitimately doesn’t seem like the sort of person who could stomach or want to orchestrate a leak.
    I’ve spent years waiting for Pokémon Prism. Nintendo waited until 4 days before its release to issue a C&D, and this has never happened to a romhack before. good great excellent
    Somehow I know it’s going to leak anyway, so I at least get to play it at some point in the same way that I have AM2R on my computer right now, but this sort of thing gets my blood boiling more than most. >.>
    Nintendo certainly has been issuing a lot of takedown notices and C&D's this year… over 560 works now…
    Hopefully most of them made it to freedom.
    I’m suddenly reminded of how much people on this forum have done to cheer me up or lift me from depression over the years. I know that some of those directly responsible will be on Skype or Discord, or otherwise not see this, but regardless. Thank you all, again. c:
    Yeah, things are looking well! I guess I do have a lot of work to take care of for this upcoming Finals Week (whereeverythingsmadeupandthepointsdontmatter) but it definitely beats worrying about them all break. -w-
    I'm glad to hear you're doing a lot better, I hope our stupid memes and joking arguments (actual or not) keep you smiling until the heat death of the universe!
    Raw kindness and humanity makes me smile more than stupid memes, but occasionally those help, I suppose. :>
    500 uploads. :>
    If you're one of the 1.98% of people who like reading what I write and also avoid the gallery, I'd recommend at least reading the one of a Kirlia holding hands to a Gallade and the humanish one after that since the descriptions of those are Serious Limit-Busting Semi-Relevant Moderately Heavy Nonsense! Everyone likes that, right...? ^_^;
    It's amazing to see someone spend so much time on something like a gallery. Congrats!
    Maybe not a point of congratulations :v But, thank you~
    I fret far too much about how people see me, and one particular aspect is the things that I say I want to do/am doing with no tangible results. With that in mind, and purely to abate my neurosis a bit (some of these I’ve never mentioned here)...
    ★Kero Blaster information thread
    ★Mod - extended ending ([not a] MOD)
    ★Mod - side stories
    ★Modding contest 2016 reviews
    ★Community pixel art
    ★Birthday gift pixel art
    ★Background practice for DeviantArt
    ★Final Fantasy VI BNW dialogue edit
    ★Proof of concept Game Maker platformer (featuring special guest Copyrighted Character)
    ★Proof of concept Visual Basic(?!?) Dragon Questish RPG (move elsewhere? Synthesize?)
    ★Special Album descriptions + ”significant game” tributes
    ★Contribution to UOSSMUD
    ★Cooking pierogies
    ★Possible others which I’ll add once they start to worry me

    I really am bad with this sort of thing, but I also can’t help the way my interests rotate. I need to choose and fight my battles more carefully in the future...
    It's midnight again in America.
    Very rarely are promises followed through with, in my experience. I guess that's a good thing for once?
    It is, yes.

    I just noticed that timestamps don’t seem to be included on these, at least on the mobile version, so it’s worth noting that these were written at 5 in the morning following the candidacy announcement. I’m not happy about the President-elect, but I don’t believe that the apocalypse is upon us or that we can’t get through this - and maybe even come out better in ways - as a country. And hey, even if we are deported? Mexico is a beautiful place with a future, too.
    Hardship helps us learn, you mean? Yeah, that's a nice way to look at things and be positive.
    The whole world, or at least our area, is going crazy over the Cubs winning the world series for the first time in a century. I'm not really a sports fan, but it's still quite invigorating to feel so much common interest in it - someone in every classroom was discussing it, half the students were late due to staying up for the final game, and there's even a dedicated parade. It's nice. c:
    I have now breached the 500 upload mark! God save the forums, what have I done D:
    I basically owned the place two years ago today, so nonsensical has my output been. :<
    It's kinda inspiring to see someone being so dedicated on something like this, good job!
    Well, I've had on and off periods, like anything else...it's usually not too hard to continue since writing is fun, though. :>
    I spent a little time helping with the ongoing Twitch Plays Pokémon Prism and giving some encouragement to the Legion (they're actually helping to find bugs the way only a few hundred players can). There's some surprisingly nice people there, I'm usually quite wary of Twitch chats. c:
    That's good to hear that there's still decent people around online with all the commotion lately.
    Understandable honestly, I agree. And thats really good to hear, I'm glad you're doing well! And yeah appreciate it now, I can say from experience that thats true, enjoy it.

    Im in a interesting place again. I'm in the process of recovering from other events, non-catastrophic to my social life this time but more to my own health. I'm getting by at least.
    I hope you'll recover soon, then! Health issues can be the worst. :o
    Thank you, it's appreciated, and yeah, they can be the worst. Sleep deprivation is terrible, working 30 and a half hours messed up my sleeping schedule badly and led to other things.
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