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  • Well, I've been quite a while now. Wonder what's everyone been up to recently?
    I've been better at checking up on the Forums recently. I'm glad to see that there's still activity here. Mostly, I've just been doing work.

    Also, I hope you are doing better Full-length_Olivie! I absolutely misread your name as "full length olive". It looks like you joined less than a month ago, so welcome to the CSTSF!
    Thanks! I'm fine now :toroko2: Thanks for the welcome too <3
    That's good to hear Olivie!
    Yesterday was great. I had a fun time with my family playing the game and I was having laughing really hard.
    We've got a bot
    I'm not joking, it's a bot. file:///C:/Users/Sonul/OneDrive/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot%20(442).png
    Yep, they come a couple times a week. Just report them using the link on the bottom of their posts and DoubleThink/Andwhyisit will get to removing them.

    Also you posted a local file path, as in the location of an image only on your computer. Have to upload an image somewhere else in order to link it.
    Thanks for the advice though
    It's been a week since I've been out of school. And I'm glad that I got a month break meaning that I can do whatever I want.
    If you guys, pretty much know about this, I went to a barbecue that time.
    Man is it hot outside. I ain't gonna deal with the heat. I'm better off having a colder room.
    It's been while since my last day school. I'm so excited that the next school year is gonna be my last year!
    I'm getting harassed by beatriz and her white knights.
    Yup. It's not good at all. They send NSFW pictures saying that I'm a pedophile without any specific evidence.
    Oh, I see. But who tf is Beatriz and why does it matter?
    Okay, if you don't who beatriz koretkii is, She's a racist homophobic attention seeking troll feeding pedophile who drag one of my friends into a pointless drama and harass them so they can defend her from her haters.
    I was making some Drew Pickles goes to videos recently and I'm gonna say that these videos are great and it's creative. Hopefully, I will do a drew pickles goes to video on Cave Story!
    I've been playing Chrono Trigger on my 3ds snes emulator recently, and what I'm gonna say is that this game is amazing. Hopefully I will finish the game soon.
    It's a classic!
    Yeah, that game is a classic and the snes and ds copy of chrono trigger is really expensive. Earthbound, Pocky and Rocky, and Super Mario RPG are also Expensive and I think the reason why these games are getting expensive is because they're in high demand. I recommend that you get an emulator and emulate the games for free.
    Yeah when it comes to rpgs on the snes they seem generally very expensive and the only one I could find that wouldn't cost me a rib was Lufia 2.
    I only really looked for EU cartridges though, I should give SFamicom a shot though I'd feel like that'd be harder.
    Would kill for an affordable copy of Terranigma.
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