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  • Goodness, I've had this avatar, signature AND member title on for way too long. They need a good wash. I meant to change my avatar sometime near the beginning of September and totally forgot to with the site downtime and general inactivity. I'll take care of that now ^_^;
    5 little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell down and smashed his head. Mama sought the doctor and the doctor said: "Ma'am, I'm afraid your son has fallen into a coma..."
    That was beautiful, sir.
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    "Also I recommend seeing a specialist veterinarian in the future, since I'm a medical doctor. For humans."
    I was hoping someone would catch that :3
    ~40F weather and common colds really sneak up on you, huh?...
    I worry for your health, X.

    Still, thank you :3
    I already don't feel as bad as I did a few days ago, so I think it's alright.
    That's lame. I was sick about a week ago, but I drank a whole container of OJ in a day and I felt reasonably better the next day. Good luck with the cold weather, though.
    It's going to get warmer later today and stay that way for the rest of the week, which is lovely! It was just a cold spell, thankfully.

    I don't have any orange juice, but there <strong class='bbc'>is</strong> lots of delicious soup. :3
    Melancholy of Mechagirl is an awesome book and people should read it. :3
    Seriously, you don't have to respond to this status update or tell me what you thought of it or anything like that. All I ask is if you happen to be in a library or a book store or something and remember this, try hunting down a copy and reading a few pages at whatever point you like previewing books at. You might really like it.

    I get that like, two people max will actually decide to take a chance, remember the title, obtain one, find it interesting, and read it. But those two people are going to have a lovely time. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
    If I happen to go to a bookstore any time soon, I'll make sure to look for that.
    Because, apparently, everyone here on the Forums is a god/goddess, what type of god are you?
    I am a sableye. Not a god/goddess but if we're talking about us being strange creatures
    I don't think I've been here long enough to be a god/goddess
    The god of horrifically bad puns.
    How are you, Polaris?
    Well, sillier discussion is fun. It'd be kind of odd if all of your interactions with a person were serious discussions, I think. Still, a bit of balance is a good thing. Considering these things are best left unspoken and two people may have different ideas of what they want at the moment or in general...well, I guess that's what makes relationships tricky at times. Then again, that's vastly overthinking it. =o

    Anyway, weird non-trick question: is there a thing you're passionate about?
    You have a very interesting mind-set, Polaris. Noted.

    <del class='bbc'>well see i have my hand here</del>
    Yeah! In fact there's like two things I'm super passionate about: Cryaotic and The Walking Dead game. Those two things give me life (metaphorically)
    Now, what is the thing you're passionate about? (besides gardevoirs owo)
    I don't know what Cryaotic is, I'll look that up sometime =o

    Excuse my lateness. Besides #282, I'm pretty hard on myself to improve in general. It only rarely has an effect, but when it does it's usually dramatic. I'm also very much into thinking, which goes well with an interest or two that I don't like to share often. There's also the obvious answers of reading and video games...but I'm not sure that counts as a passion. More like an obsession? An addiction? A harmless but overused hobby? I'm not sure where that lies.

    Considering I spend a lot of time wondering about these things, I don't have many answers about myself. Or maybe I don't want to admit things. ^.^;
    I recruit you, Polaris, to bring an end to Überkat's reign of terror! We need all the help we can get, because this won't be an easy battle for the rebellion...
    I don't like rebellion. I don't like obeying orders, either. I will kindly help neither side.
    I hope you realize that I'm not happy with that. It's supposed to be a simple testing mod, but I couldn't even finish that because I lost access to computers a year ago, only a few months after I started it...

    There were many things I would have liked to streamline, alter, improve or add. You clearly weren't too impressed in the video, so just know that it isn't a thing to take seriously. √.~
    On a side note, though, your videos are kinda nice to watch. c:
    Gamecube Geek
    Gamecube Geek
    Those videos weren't really serious either, so don't worry, I wasn't really reviewing those mods or anything. And thanks!
    <iframe id="ytplayer" class="EmbeddedVideo" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://youtube.com/embed/ZIgI8C2Eypc?html5=1&fs=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen /></iframe>

    It's the most amazing thing I've ever watched. The sad part, though, is that no one in this whole forum will know what makes this so wonderful. ;_;
    It was glorious indeed.
    Thank you :'>
    I should probably do a little more to facilitate discussion...since, like, that's the main point of forums. :/
    Are you the official "welcome to the forums" greeter?
    You seem pretty good at it.
    I don't get everyone and I wasn't appointed, so no. I just do what I can. =o
    Hm, I just noticed...have you been making an effort to talk to more people recently? Seems it's been paying off. c:
    I try to, but then before I even say something, my mind plays the worst case scenario in my head. Kinda gets annoying...
    Whoops. This was supposed to go to Rebelle...~'o'~

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Noxid"><p>clearly it was directed at polaris</p></blockquote>Good guess! But when I'm talking about myself I generally write 3 page essays. :<

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Thatnamelessguy"><p>Well um, that's good for you I suppose! I really wish I could do that kind of thing, I try to talk to more people but I'm just generally really bad at trying to make conversation with people I don't know very well. Also I should stop talking about my personal problems here. Also I don't know how to end this.</p></blockquote>No need to be so flustered, I'm not going to bite. c:

    And that's fine, really. Not everyone is good at that sort of thing, I don't think I really am either. From what I've seen you're fairly social, so it's not like it's crippling you or anything. Talking to new people is hard! =o

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="jj4226"><p>I try to, but then before I even say something, my mind plays the worst case scenario in my head. Kinda gets annoying...</p></blockquote>The human brain is basically That Guy, except you have to live with it all the time. :/

    Learning how to be social/overcome boundaries is essentially "Let's Tell Our Brain To Shut Up in 70 Different Ways: The Game", at least in my experience.
    Now this makes more sense!
    Back from Florida! I also took the time to clean up the about me section and other things on my profile page, now that the internet's better. I added a bunch of links to other places I frequent, if you care for some reason! You probably don't, and that's perfectly okay. Enjoy the rest of your summer - I'd like to get back to posting more regularly and uploading gallery images now. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
    -claps- how are you!? Did you have fun! You have to tell me all about it. I missed you sooooo much. No one else really talks to me ;-; (except Tpcool.) :3
    I was only gone for roughly a week, though. o.o

    But anyway, yes, I thoroughly enjoyed Orlando despite the horrible 90 degree temperatures. :3
    We went to Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Universal Studios, and each one was pretty great. I think I liked Universal Studios the most, though Hollywood Studios had its neat parts and Magic Kingdom was frankly pretty amazing. Apparently we're going next year and bringing more people along. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    I still don't know how we're paying for it, but hey! I'm looking forward to next year. This is the first time in my life where I've really gone on a fancy vacation, and it's pretty awesome. ^.^
    Have fun, Polaris! I hope you enjoy your vacation ~
    We're at this really gigantic fancy hotel. I've stood next to the White House and I don't think I've ever been anywhere this swanky. :3

    I have no idea how long we've been saving for this or otherwise paying for it, but I'll enjoy it while we're here ~

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Tpcool"><p>Sounds awesome, you going to a theme park? I forget how privileged I am to live so close to all of them that I forget that most people typically don't have the opportunity to. Even if you don't, there are still plenty of things to do.</p></blockquote>Apparently so. I think staying at this hotel means it costs less to go to Disney World and Seawhatever and stuff? We're staying for less than a week so we'll definitely be going to the amusement things. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="BhadRebelle"><p>Have lots of fun Polaris! I hope you enjoy yourself :3 and be safe! Send postcards! ♥️</p></blockquote>Thanks. I will! Somehow!

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Randolf"><p>Have fun, Polaris! I hope you enjoy your vacation ~</p></blockquote>Oh, thank you. I'll be sure to. £:

    The regular internet is surprisingly feeble here, but I'll get by somehow. I mean, it's not like I need it TOO much.
    10/10 joke. Sleep well, sounds like you need it. o.o

    (At first I thought that was supposed to be a jab implying that the single bad grade somehow landed me a yucky job, because I think Trader Joe's is a restaurant somewhere...)

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Dunc"><p>Hey, C+ isn't bad at all for a complete lack of interest. Good work!</p></blockquote>Thanks, I take pride in my mediocrity. :>

    Well, no... I did pretty well on all of the tests, but along with my usual lack of homework I also didn't turn in a project or two...that's why it was as low as it was.
    Gratz on completing this summer's classes! BREAK TIME <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
    ...Though I reccommend in the future trying to avoid the lack of homework and projects... <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' /> It can possibly lead to trouble down the road if you let yourself slip with a class or obligation by playing the boring/more interesting things to do cards too often. And it's a good habit to monitor your grades, so you can plan ahead of time, what grade you want to get in the end and what needs to be done to keep it. (That's one thing I like about online grade tracking...)

    ...After saying that, I think I'll make a status update for my foolishness and current predicament... x[
    *rumbling thunder*
    That's true. I'll try to monitor my grades more actively in the future, and that card will not be played too often. I need to do at least pretty well (all Bs is my minimum) to keep my options open for the future, so I assure you I'll be the most hardworking lazy person you'll ever meet. :3
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