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  • So I finally found a copy of Puzzles and Dragons for a platform I actually own, but it's a Japan exclusive. Curse you region lock!
    Um...you're talking about Puzzle and Dragons Z, the console spinoff/adaptation that is way different from the original game. Great in its own right, but it hasn't been made in English yet. P&D is available for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire, so unless you have one of those you'll have to wait until you get one or P&DZ is released for the US.
    I'm not about to get an iPhone or iPod anytime soon...much less a Kindle Fire...ehh I guess I will wait until the time comes, unfortunately.
    Ah, okay then. Sorry about that D:
    It's a little awkward when you're trying to join a new whatever and there's already an active member named Polaris there. o.o
    You're talking about Quotev?
    No, I was actually talking about Puzzle and Dragons forums. (I eventually decided on Nemesis, by the way, since a reference to Cave Story via Polar Star would be out of place and Nemesis sounds similar enough). Polaris is available just fine on Quotev, though I haven't really gotten started there yet.

    I'm joining all these things and haven't recorded them, now that I think about it. I should find a way to get them on my profile. =o
    By the way...where do you go in Quotev? How do people talk there? D:

    I'm kind of milling around the front page doing quizzes at the moment. (Did you know my element is Water and I have a heart of glass? I didn't.)
    Okay! Finally added everyone's birthdays to a reminder app. Only took me half a year! >_> Hopefully now I'll be less terrible with birthdays!
    Good thing I don't mind making things awkward!

    <span style='font-size: 8px'>Yes I do but I put it out of my mind for the greater good</span>
    I guess I should do that also....
    Not necessarily. o.o

    Just do what you're comfortable with.
    Woah spoiler you're a dog?????
    <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
    <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
    <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">Uh, clearly. Don't know what else I'd be. Woof woof and all that.

    Really, though, both dogs and dog owners should watch out this time of year. Lot of fanatics. It can get pretty unsafe.</div></div>
    Ohmygod I'm not the only one here who's played Off. Awesome! (I thought it wasn't too well known, hence the surprise)
    I didn't like the boss music that much except for the Queen's, but Pepper Steak is wonderful and I have a lot of other music saved on my phone. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
    Particular favorites are Empty Warehouse, Dramatic Crescendo and Rainy Day - In.
    I actually kind of like Endless Hallway for being so horrifying, Silencio tickles my ears, and Not Safe is also lurking in my music list just to tempt fate as a 1 in 700 chance of ohgod. :3

    Really, I loved OFF's story. If you look at it a certain way, it's actually sort of nice. I hang on to the personal theory that the Batter was saving the world by ending it.
    I like OFF's story as well, though the 2nd to last fight in the game (not saying against what to avoid spoiling it for those who read this, but when I got there I was legitimately stunned) kind of convinced me that the Batter was a sort of anti-hero all along. Sure, stuff is pretty messed up in most of the zones, but look what ends up happening to them when they're purified. It's like trying to fight something bad with another bad thing, only to have it result in something worse.
    Well, while he does make it worse...there's really little way to make anything better. Purifying and therefore ruining all of the zones was just a stepping stone to erasing them all completely. I think killing a suffering world is better than leaving it be. Even if you temporarily make it worse, it doesn't really matter. And while he's definitely an antihero, didn't the Judge condemn the world to emptiness forever by not letting him end it? =o
    Looking through my oldest status updates is kind of fun. And I don't freak out upon seeing how things have changed, either. At my core I haven't changed <em class='bbc'>too</em> much. In fact, there was a lot of change for the better. I haven't referenced Youtube Poop in quite a while, for one! I still leik swords and emoticons and greeting new members every now and then and other things. I just don't mention them all the time. Getting sad about it will change nothing and will bring unpleasant future change, so let's just keep going and see how it plays out. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
    Give it a few years; over the 2 and 3/4 years I've been here I've changed radically.
    Do you regret it?
    Hey there Polaris, comment here... I was uh... wondering where spoiler is? NOT THAT I CARE THAT MUCH OR ANYTHING UH he just wasn't there when I saw signature last and those two are usually together which is why I was asking because I just didn't see him and wasn't looking for him or anything what that'd be silly I was just confused to not see him with signature and he didn't even tell meUS that he was leaving and yeah that's all mhm.
    Ey signature, it's reply. He stammered for a bit and then kinda walked away. I'm gonna take that as a yes he wants you to tell him he says hi. Jeez, my brother is crazy sometimes. Tell polaris I said hi.
    <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
    <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
    <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">Sorry about the wait. Hi. I haven't seen you in a while, Comment.</div></div>
    You and Chaco should throw a party.
    We've been out to lunch a few times. ;3

    Am I missing a reference or something here? =o
    No, it's just a completely random thought that popped into my head as I was eating lunch. Generally I keep my completely random thoughts to myself, but this one...
    Ah, well. Maybe we'll work something out and host a little event, who knows. -w-
    Ooh! Sounds like the kind of games I like. Maybe I'll watch the trailer too, hmm? :>

    Speaking of relativity, you watch Game Grumps?
    I'm kind of subscribed, so yes. They're not my favorites, and I don't watch the playthroughs I'm not enthused for. It's a very hit or miss show, but I do enjoy it.
    Ah, yeah, I think the same thing. Personally I don't watch them as much as I did anymore, but that may be because I'm a lazy nerd who doesn't want to do anything unless it's Five Nights at Freddy's related.

    ...say, do you happen to know what a Chatango is?
    Listening to birds in the morning while playing video games is the best way to wake up, I think. More because of the birds than the video games, but if I wasn't playing any I'd nod off... ^.~
    I feel a little better and more social now...not sure if that's temporary, but it doesn't really matter, right?
    For some reason, all my best memories are of me playing video games in a calm environment.
    All of my best times are usually when I'm talking, writing or just thinking with someone. But calm moments in general make me happy. :3
    So yesterday I finally cracked under the stress and depression my mother's antics tend to evoke and started crying in the middle of a laundromat. I don't cry very often. It was <em class='bbc'>fantastic</em>.
    argh! Hang in there! And, rollercoaster time? nice. Never been to a six flags, wonder how it is...
    <em class='bbc'>Fantastic</em>

    Haha, I can actually say "I know how you feel" without any doubt for once.

    And yeah, have fun, just make sure to ride all the coasters and have plenty of cotton candy.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="X-Calibar"><p>argh! Hang in there! And, rollercoaster time? nice. Never been to a six flags, wonder how it is...</p></blockquote>Six Flags is pretty nice. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Lotsa stuff to do...I kind of wonder what it'd be like to go on my own someday, so I could go wherever I'd like and see all those little cafés and stores and things we usually skip over. But it's very nice to go with friends. ^.^

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Bombchu-Link"><p><em class='bbc'>Fantastic</em>

    Haha, I can actually say "I know how you feel" without any doubt for once.

    And yeah, have fun, just make sure to ride all the coasters and have plenty of cotton candy.</p></blockquote>Mm. I hate cotton candy, though...we are not the best of buddies. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' />

    Anyway, I didn't go on all the attractions since we arrived fairly late, but it doesn't matter since we'll be returning a few times. :>
    Okay, I officially probably have a problem. This is the fourth day in a row that I end up falling asleep by accident in the afternoon. I think today I'm actually going to get all my affairs out of the way early and then responsibly go to sleep at 10 something. o.o
    I think that's a good idea, I go to bed by 9:30 usually.

    But then again, I have to be up by 6:45 to go to work.

    But yeah, it's good to get at least 9@1/4 hours of sleep for your age group.
    ...or I could just...sleep at 12:00. That, uh, that works too...

    <span style='font-size: 10px'>Gosh I'm pathetic ._.</span>
    I wonder if anyone here plays Puzzle and Dragons...
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    I play those two things separately
    Most people do, I'd think. ^_^
    I saw it today in the appstore, and remembered you mentioned it...
    Been playing it for several? hours now... I'm bad at combos... but I'm rank 10!
    Was at the Snake lady level in the vulcan volcano before battery got low.

    PS I got a Thanatos lvl 30 at the end of the beginning tutorial area, from the rare egg machine??? I think that helped me stay alive, and made me feel lucky, so I kept forging on xD

    And on another note, I get the vague feeling there was something else I was supposed to be doing... D: lol
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="MetaSeraphim"><p>-throws ramen on the floor and storms out of room tossing stuff into walls and kicking kittens and puppies and baby rabbits-</p></blockquote> <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Polaris"><p>What a waste of ramen and small animals. >:</p></blockquote>
    No, you will never get context from me.
    If I'm not active in trying to improve myself, I will degrade. I know this for a fact now. I'm not sure of how successful I'll be at times, like recently, but I should never stop trying.
    These are certainly words of truth.
    Yo I remember that you said that you planned on getting Kero Blaster for iOS
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