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  • I propose that you put the "Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you" thread to rest. After 160 pages we've probably gone through every Cave Story character at least three times.
    I propose that the entire thread and everyone that posts in it die in a fire
    but maybe we can reach a compromise
    You're just mad because you want to join in on the fun! Rate characters with us, do it!
    am I winning
    Deleting accounts isn't a feature offered by the board software. But you can make a new one, or I can look into seeing if you got sniped by the anti-spam software
    which it doesn't look like to me atm but I'll keep checking
    Someone asked me to ask you this.
    Okay, apparently IP Board cuts off parts of comments. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/redface2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />
    Anyway, a friend asked me to ask you if she could use the Crystal Cave tileset from King's Story (that greenish one) and also modify it where needed (example, recolouring it purple for an area in her mod).
    She'd ask herself, but unfortunately, "403 Forbidden" errors prevent her from even accessing the forums.
    Yeah sure, as long as they mention me somewhere, the usual. Enjoy!
    I remember watching the video for the original box race
    are they really that desperate for games
    Oh remember when someone asked Pixel on his BBS to if he could port Cave Story to Ouya?
    I'm getting this feeling that the person that asked Pixel on his BBS is the same person who added PE's game to the list. (or someone very similar, at least)

    Also a comment on his video that was made just about the same time as the forum post: "This game looks great! You should definitely post about this in our OUYAForum in the 'Upcoming OUYA Games/Apps' folder! Everyone would love to see this!"
    Can i put your edited version of DoConfig (The one with new fonts in the CS mod version of KSS) in the download of my mod?
    yeah sure go ahead
    I need your voice for the thing.
    Oh right
    send me the lines in a PM or something and I'll record it, I'm probably going to be scarce this week because I've got something different due every single day
    The Youtube and the Spoiler button don't work when I compose a message. I need to type manually "IyoutubeI...I/youtubeI" or "IspoilerI....IspoilerI, etc.... Is there a fix to this? I am using Firefox under Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
    Whoa, The Core's ban isn't permanent, it it? I understand and agree with giving him a suspension in light of the copying he's been doing, and apparently making some porn-related thread that I just now noticed by looking at Randolf's message below, but given the civility The Core has shown before all this, and contribution to the community with his impressive engine, does this small amount of weirdness really warrant a permanent ban? The reason I think this is a permanent ban is because I am able to view the profiles of Carrotlord and DualHack who are currently suffering temporary bans, but I cannot view the profiles of members who have notably suffered permanent bans that haven't been enabled for viewing by andwhy. And given that I can't view The Core's profile, I'm wanting to say you've given him a permanent ban. He's shown to be a cool, level-headed guy that somehow spun into a spree of weirdness. I think he should be given a chance to contribute the fullness of what he was working on to this community, because what he was working on and showing to us really was worth something. I say he should be given a month or so to sort out what ever on earth was going on, and come back and be given a chance to improve. If his ban wasn't actually meant to be permanent, then sorry for suddenly coming upon you with this wall of text, but the fact that I can't view his profile is a sign, and I really don't think he deserves to be perma-banned after what little has happened.
    You didn't see the actual threads that he made, but I've been suspicious of him ever since his copypastes and his little performance on IRC. This just pushed my opinion over the edge, and I'm pretty sure they are just another troll at this point.
    Furthermore, if they want to appeal it themselves and can come up with a reasonable explaination for what they did then that's fine with me (although they'll be on hecka probation), but I seriously doubt to hear from them again unless they get bored and decide to make an alt to spam the forums some more.
    Very well.
    Any reason why the "Bahamut information" thread is still in General Discussion?
    Sometimes I don't pay attention to where the threads get made
    Yeah, I know. I haven't really had much to contribute to it lately and I didn't really think there was anybody even paying attention anyway. Most of my time's been put into either my classes which I'm taking way too many of this semester, or BL which I really wish was finished already.

    So rather than force empty or unrelated posts I'm just letting it idle for a bit.
    Noticed your avatar. (I assume it's someone from Ginga Densetu Weed) Like it anyway.
    GNG is better IMO, but I couldn't pass up this mandog face
    Out of curiosity, is it automatic these days that members' avatars get removed when they're banned due to something IP Board does? Or is this optional and you (and GIR? [and DT?]) just do it because you can/so that people can recognize them better? If I recall correctly, I started seeing newly banned members' avatars getting removed soon after <a href='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1042-warnings-bans-etc/?p=145661' class='bbc_url' title=''>you made that funny avatar that you made with intentions of giving to other banned members but instead gave to yourself</a>.
    There's an option to remove someone's avatar but not to replace it, so I remove avatars after banning people to make it more obvious and to reduce the chance of people trying to respond to them.

    While we're on the subject, I guess I'll ask another thing that I've been meaning to for a while: Is brycenstory99's ban permanent?
    depends if they want their account back
    Hey Nox, what should I do? I'd like to post something in the Little Fighter NTF 4 Turbo thread, but it's veeeeery old.
    I'd like to post my music for LF which I made recently... But aren't double post 'removed' in some way?
    They get merged with the older post and the thread gets bumped
    Oh yes, thanks.
    I'll go for it.
    Hey Noxid, if you want me to stop being a total dick, I will stop being a total dick on the CSTSF.
    (however, you can't stop me from being a douche in real life. But I don't see you in real life, so you're okay with that, right?)
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