• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
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  • Polaris
    To try and help make up for it, I present this amazing thing.

    <iframe id="ytplayer" class="EmbeddedVideo" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://youtube.com/embed/Qe4NYtELlGg?html5=1&fs=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen /></iframe>

    Think of it as a present. :3
    I hope you like it, and sorry again! c:
    Many thanks! Don't worry about the lateness, I'm the king of being late and anyway I only just had my party today.
    This song is pretty jive.
    You're welcome, and thank you. £=
    Happy birthday, Noxid! :3
    Aw, thnx ^u^
    Another year older, another year <del class='bbc'>grumpier</del> uhh, wiser?
    I somehow managed to find THE most fitting avatar ever for Cat Month :3
    Did you seriously let that happen to my topic, including the cursing? Aren't moderators supposed to help? Or is that admins...
    Well, you asked for suggestions and you got some. And I'm sorry if bobbyis' crass humour offended you but "bad words" aren't exactly against the rules here..
    So there has been some recent passionate revolution towards the "Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you" thread which I predict will end in ending it. While I feel Fab could have phrased his post better, I must say I agree with him. Personally, I think it would be hilarious if the thread got moved to the satellite lounge, DT did that thing where the board evaluates all the posts and refreshes the post counts, and the post counts of all the top contributors to that thread dropped significantly.
    It would be interesting to leave the thread open in the satellite lounge and see if anyone will post in there knowing that it won't raise their post counts.
    I think we'll open some kind of discussion about it soon.
    People who make claims that I believe are false or baseless trigger me so bad you don't even know
    no actually that was because of weed propaganda
    unless you're behind that too
    Uhh, no I hate dandelions.

    But on a serious note I can't believe that marijuana becoming legal. -_-
    the last thing we need 'high drivers' instead of 'drunk drivers'.
    Becoming legal doesn't bother me
    but the snake-oil claims that it's not only harmless but good for you make me irate
    Is Mod Story cancelled? I asked Matt is there was another episode on YouTube but he wouldn't reply.
    I think we decided it was in our best interests to move away from that idea...
    I don't know if you ever think about that org => ptcop converter application that you made a while back, but it just helped me IMMENSELY in converting an org into an mp3. It worked great! Thanks a bunch for writing the program!
    You're welcome! I'm glad to hear it's getting some use, it was a fun little project but I don't think anybody other than me had much need of it :b
    I demand artwork of a young Proffesor Booster with stark white hair
    > Is Prof. Booster Hair color when he was young, green?

    It is white since he was born.
    It's canon
    > my profile page
    Noxid, is there any way you could help me figure out how to implement hacks into a virgin exe? I wanted to put the old Infinite Mimiga Mask hack into a mod (after Lace's permission) and screw around with it, but I have tried time and time again to no avail.
    Yep. I'm most likely doing it completely wrong.
    Step 1- <a href='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/3176-infinite-mimiga-mask/' class='bbc_url' title=''>http://www.cavestory...te-mimiga-mask/</a>
    Step 2- Open up Olly and open up my EXE (which has no hacks because I cannot hack)
    Step 3- Go to offset (which happens to be 0x4154b8) using Ctrl+G
    Step 4- Double click instruction, unmark the box that says 'Keep Size' and paste the first instruction in
    Step 5- Click assemble and continue until the first part of the instuctions are in, and go to the next offset
    Step 6- I began putting in instructions, but I ran into a problem with <pre class='prettyprint lang-auto linenums:0'>movsx byte edx,[ecx+1]</pre>. It was telling me 'Don't declare size of register.' I think I just deleted the 'byte' in it and it let me through. When the instruction went through, it changed to <pre class='prettyprint lang-auto linenums:0'>MOVSX EDX,BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+1]</pre>, so I assumed it worked. That might've been my mistake. There were a few commands like that that I changed, unknowingly.
    Step 7- I continued going until I reached <pre class='prettyprint lang-auto linenums:0'>jne short 0x4251fc</pre>. This one said 'Destination out of range.' I just took out the short because when I read that hacking guide it said that it basically the same thing but it just took more space.
    Step 8- I then saved everything to the EXE and opened up Cave Editor. I have no excuse for not using Booster's Lab at this point. I put in <pre class='prettyprint lang-auto linenums:0'>#0090
    <KEY<FAI0001<WAI0050<MIM0001<WAI0050<MIM0000<WAI0050<MIM0001<WAI0050<MIM0000<END</pre> in place of the openning script, and then saving it.
    Step 9- I changed the files to BMPs without the &copy;pixel and put in my friend's sprites that he made into the image, making it 200x128 pixels. I saved it, changed it back to a PBM with the &copy;pixel, and ran the game. It ran fine up until the <MIM0000 command, which made the game completely freeze.
    Sorry if I completely screwed it up.
    You don't need to do it by hand
    Just copy-pased all the hex pairs at the bottom, go to the address, then highlight a large area and right-click and hit "binary paste". Assuming the highlight starts at the address specified, that will patch it. Then save bla bla bla
    Thank you very much.
    I tend to overthink things but whatever.
    Sorry for wasting your time on something as silly as this.
    Hello Noxid, my name is Jonathan and online I'm known as UberDanger. I have been using a picture you drew as my "brand" on Youtube. I have about 16.000 subscribers and I'm growing hugely, so I feel the need to ask for your permission to use the picture. My Youtube channel is www.youtube.com/user/uberdanger, and the picture you drew is in this thread: <a href='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/3422-close-your-eyes-and-draw-quote/page-2' class='bbc_url' title=''><a href="http://www.cavestory...aw-quote/page-2" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://www.cavestory...aw-quote/page-2</a></a>
    Cool. I'm okay with this, although I think it would be swell if you had a note on your profile page mentioning that it was drawn by me and maybe a link to my website, noxid.ca, in case anyone happens to be curious about what other stuff I make.

    Congrats on getting all those youtubes btw.
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