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  • Lace;140093 said:
    Well that's good -- I'm mandated to argue by my Meyers-Briggs personality type. :[
    It's a tough life, but it just got a lot better!

    I'm guessing either INTP or ENTP? The I/E dimension is so hard to tell over the Internet (and it's usually the easiest to tell IRL).
    Sorry, I've been busy, but here it is.
    CPU Disasm
    Address   Hex dump          Command                                  Comments
    004239F5  |.  8B15 E05A4A00 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[4A5AE0]
    004239FB  |.  83C2 04       ADD EDX,4
    004239FE  |.  52            PUSH EDX                                 ; /Arg1
    004239FF  |.  E8 FCDEFFFF   CALL 00421900                            ; \Doukutsu2.00421900
    00423A04  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
    00423A07  |.  8945 F4       MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0C],EAX
    00423A0A  |.  A1 E05A4A00   MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[4A5AE0]
    00423A0F  |.  83C0 09       ADD EAX,9
    00423A12  |.  50            PUSH EAX                                 ; /Arg1
    00423A13  |.  E8 E8DEFFFF   CALL 00421900                            ; \Doukutsu2.00421900
    00423A18  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
    00423A1B  |.  8945 DC       MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-24],EAX
    00423A1E  |.  8B4D F4       MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0C]
    00423A21  |.  51            PUSH ECX
    00423A22  |.  E8 F9E4FDFF   CALL 00401F20
    00423A27  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
    00423A2A  |.  85C0          TEST EAX,EAX
    00423A2C  |.  74 0E         JE SHORT 00423A3C
    00423A2E  |.  8B55 DC       MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-24]
    00423A31  |.  52            PUSH EDX                                 ; /Arg1
    00423A32  |.  E8 B9E0FFFF   CALL 00421AF0                            ; \Doukutsu2.00421AF0
    00423A37  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
    00423A3A  |.^ EB 0D         JMP SHORT 00423A49
    00423A3C  |>  A1 E05A4A00   MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[4A5AE0]
    00423A41  |.  83C0 0D       ADD EAX,0D
    00423A44  |.  A3 E05A4A00   MOV DWORD PTR DS:[4A5AE0],EAX
    00423A49  |>^ E9 59180000   JMP 004252A7
    I think that might be a very distinct possibility
    what about 2969 and 2696? Those seem like good digits
    So, to summarize, a sample is a sequence of sample frames, and a sample frame, for our purposes, consists of one or two 8-bit or 16-bit signed integers.
    Alright I changed my mind about the terminology.

    A single point of audio data, which before I said we'd call "sample", we are now going to call "sample frame".

    A sequence of multiple points of audio data, which before I said we'd call "clip", we are now going to call "sample".

    This is the terminology used by the Java API docs, so I figure we should use it.
    I apologize, I did not see this post.
    My you mean the 419910 stuff? Not yet. I'm still not positive on how to use the info in the compendium to check if the player has a certain item.
    "00499b40 Inventory[0x00] 0x04 x 0x20 in size"
    This is complete moonspeak to me. I've been trying to make it work with TSC events and hacked TSC commands.
    Uh nevermind >w> I tried to meant the posting rules. Language barrier, I'm not from USA etc.
    Any particular reason for that? I get a laugh. It keeps the thread at the top of the list for someone other than myself to delete. It's better than posting spam in threads of non-spam like the minority of other members.
    Oh nice, well, I'm done now, 'cuz I'm super hungry and need food, and then I gotta go meet some people, and then I gotta clean up my notation for Lokvor, 'cuz my composition prof. is ocd about notation.
    class AudioThread extends Thread{
    	private SourceDataLine line;
    	private AudioThread(String filename) throws LineUnavailableException{
    		AudioFormat audioFormat=new AudioFormat(44100,16,2,true,false); //44100 Hz, 16-bit depth, stereo, signed, little endian
    		DataLine.Info info=new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,audioFormat);
    	public void run(){
    			int nBytesRead = 0;
    			byte[] abData = new byte[4]; //we only need 4 bytes, 2 for the left channel, and 2 for the right
    			while (true){
    				//insert some code here to put stuff in the buffer
    		catch(IOException e){}
    Now that Noxid has informed me that you have informed him that the lack of code tags in vms is highly annoying, I can post a modified version of the AudioThread class which uses a custom AudioFormat rather than one derived from an AudioInputStream.
    Note that it is highly likely that, at some point, I will slip up and refer to a clip as sample (since I'm used to referring to them both as samples). Feel free to call me out on this if you have reason to believe I have done it.
    To avoid confusion, for the remainder of this postathon, I'll use the word "sample" to refer to the former sort, and the word "clip" to refer to the latter sort.
    The use of the word "sample" can be somewhat confusing, since it can refer either to a single point of data in the waveform (this is how I'm currently using it) or to an entire waveform (such as one would use it when talking about "importing samples" as one would do in pxtone or a similar sequencing software).
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