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  • You probably already know this, but in case you don't, the sample rate is the number of samples per second (typically 44100), and the bit depth refers to the number of bits needed to encode each sample (typically 8 or 16) and number of channels, except in really odd situations (i.e. surround sound) is either 1 or 2, depending on whether you want separate left and right channels.
    One can simply use the AudioFormat constructor, which takes the sample rate in samples per second, the bit depth, the number of channels, the signed/unsigned nature of the data, and the big/little endianness of the data.
    Mkay. Well I don't have a big problem with it, and sometimes I feel if I'm the only one reminding folks then they are going to think I'm the only one that cares.

    So, as you were.
    And you can bet your ass I'll go into excruciatingly great detail on all 3 of them, and make them consist of really short posts like this that only take a little while to write.
    Between the previous post and this one, I went to a psychiatrist to fix my split personality. Said psychiatrist was also a cunning linguist (which may or may not be my new user title come new year's) and was able to restore my use of pronouns to its former fantabulous glory.

    I think that's enough spammage for now, so on the next episode of "Postathons With Mac and Cheese", we'll find out how I was able to create an AudioFormat object without the use of a corresponding AudioFormatStream object.
    After I expressed I's agreement with myself's pronouncement, me frowned and said:

    me said:
    Do myself know, myself? me've been getting a strange feeling that the three of us are actually the same person, known variously as "JJ Treadway", "double J", "J squared", "John Joseph Treadwayheimer Schmidt", "Wedge of Cheese", "DiamondSoul", and "Prof. Albus Percival Wulfgang Amadeus van Beethoven VII, Esq.".
    Sensing that me was rather put off at having been so rudely interrupted, myself directed myself's comments toward I and continued:

    myself said:
    If me manages to find a way to create a valid AudioFormat object without the use of a corresponding AudioInputStream object, me's goal of severing ties with any external audio file would be complete, which myself think would be quite splendiferous. Don't I agree?
    You can tell them on VMs, but in-thread just sort of compounds the situation.
    And then myself intejected:

    myself said:
    Aha! myself understand the problem! me are referring to the line "AudioFormat audioFormat=stream.getFormat();" which myself was unfortunately unable to copy and paste, as me mentioned earlier, but which myself was fortunately able to view without having to go to the next page, due to the oddity of vBulletin whereby more than the usual 10 posts/page are visible during a postathon.
    And me continued:

    me said:
    Well, I, if me am to take on the challenge proposed by myself, it would be necessary for me to sever all ties with the AudioInputStream, so that me am able to generate all of me's own audio data, without the necessity of an external audio file to open.
    And me proceeded to explain:

    me said:
    Well, I see, I, me can't help but notice that, in addition to the problem of me not being able to copy and paste code from an image, and the problem of me being too lazy to reopen the window from which said image was screencaptured, there is also the issue of the line "nBytesRead =;" not being the only line in which stream is referenced.
    And myself responded:

    myself said:
    Indeed, I, myself would imagine that me could perhaps synthesize me's own audio data and send it to a SourceDataLine, rather than reading the audio data from an AudioInputStream.
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