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  • Humble Bundle has some neat $1 tier bundles: one has Pony Island (worth it by itself!), and the other bundle has Evoland 2 and Else heart.break().
    Free Humble Bundle game, DiRT 3: Complete Edition for Steam~ You have a day or so to get it~ And 8 days to redeem it.
    It's a bright beautiful sunny day... who could guess there's a hurricane visiting tomorrow ><
    Tropico 4 is free for the next 1 day and 23 hours on Humble Bundle...!! (for steam)
    whoa correction: 1 day 19 hours lol (previously I wrote 1 hour 23 mins)
    ... started the day off by pouring orange juice into a full glass of water ...

    One of those days X_x
    hey thanks
    ...and Windows 10 randomly decided to refuse to boot anymore with error code 0x000000e, detailed info: unexpected error
    The future is now, my friends.
    Ergh... at least I kept my data separate from the Windows drive. Seems like my new SSD drive went bad somehow... ;-;

    This seems like a good reminder,
    Don't forget to backup stuff everyone!!!
    This is really a tough one to troubleshoot... I *Think* it's not the SSD... but either a faulty SATA port or cable... *probably*

    It has been locking up when attempting to read files kind of randomly...
    I switched the cables to the SSD and everything was working for a while... until I fell asleep. Then woke up and it had frozen again!
    Unplugged that cable from the other drive, and now gotta play the waiting game to see if it will mess up again...
    @SeasonsOfDestiny Humble Bundle 1001 Spikes for Steam... 1.00 USD! (I said I would give you a heads up next time I spotted a deal :])
    Oh wow, I completely forgot that I asked. Thanks for remembering!
    I played that game before. It's very difficult, so I practiced like a madman, and I eventually got through it and unlocked everything minus something that'll spoil the story.
    Tried Cave Story in 4K the other day... somehow it ran smoother than normal 1080p... Anyone interested in making a UHD graphics pack? x_X
    Hey so I'm just a wee bit late but I'm sure it's still alright to say: Grats on ten years of mostly active membership + discussion contributions \o/ Thanks for sticking around, there's a certain flavour that only early veterans can bring to a community and there usually aren't many of them that stay the course.
    Thank you for being here so long and being so consistently entertaining, thoughtful and helpful, X. c:
    Thanks Polaris ;) I appreciate it! I could say the same about you :3
    Well, you gotta still work on the being here forever part though :P xD

    btw I'm still playing PaD... Slowly, slowly building up rank. (Playing a few minutes a day lol)
    That's a goal that I'll never reach @.@ I'll certainly try, though!

    Poor dear. I hope it isn't taking up too much of your time, minutes a day isn't too damaging if you're consistent about it. At least you can content yourself with the dozens of gods and exclusives you've no doubt pulled since I last talked to you about it! :o
    Consortium, that game I mentioned under indie games is free to grab on GOG until February 13, 1:59 PM GMT!
    Luckily, I managed to get the free copy in time, but as usual I can't support the sequel with all of this useless paper that I can't thrust into the screen. D:
    I hope you enjoy it :D The story is really wild... I just wish the sequel would get funded though... Need a miracle donation of 200k $$$ ! ><
    Taller orders have been carried out in less time. Consortium II has a chance. ;>

    I just greedily lapped up the first one without checking the requirements, so I'm not sure that I can actually play the thing right now! I'll try it out sometime soon.
    I really enjoyed playing Life is Strange after Undertale... But now it's over too... -___-
    I still need to play the rest of episode 2. I got bored quickly even though it was pretty intriguing.
    time for some cave story mods
    @mckgamer Aw, keep going! It gets more intense each episode. I ended up playing each episode in one sitting and thought of it as an epic movie :] Though if you click on everything or get stuck on something I feel your pain...

    Compulsion: Must inspect ALL POSTERS on campus!

    @Hina I think you might be right!
    Wow, I really underestimated Undertale. I know everybody said it was good. But who can trust everybody??
    May I ask a question? I am new to using Plus Porter.^^; I tried to use it an it worked I thought. I went to the Fourth Ending in the Title Screen and it worked for the most part. When i got the the opening to the Hermit Gunsmith it shows the end with the Island falling and Kezuma catching Quote and already has Sue. What did I do wrong? I am sorry to bother you with this. I also think because of this my saved data got deleted. I am lost now and am not sure if I should try anymore.
    It was right at the beginning. It got me confused on how to use the Plus Porter. I don't think i did it right?^^; I just used it when I saw alot of things on the left of the program. I then did apply port and it showed up on my game afterword. I think I did it wrong. Any ideas on how to use Plus Porter then?^^;
    All you should have to do, once it's running properly... Download the CS+ version of 4endings, click open CS+ directory and locate your unmodded CS+ folder, click open port, choose the 4endings directory you extracted, and then click apply port.

    Put it in any order and it should still work. Once it's in the game, delete an existing save if you don't have a blank save. Then start new!
    I did that and the whole island falling thing happens after I get to the Hermit Gunsmith. As soon as I enter the area.
    Does anyone have something they want to see on Crunchyroll? I have a 48 hour HD/no ads Guest Pass...
    Out of curiosity... What sprite editing program does everyone prefer? I just started using aesprite...
    I'm so used to Photoshop that I never considered "the right tool for the right job". Looks like I should do some hands-on research :]

    @andwhyisit ... That takes me back lol
    There is one feature I'd really like to see in future art programs in general... Rewinding.

    I love undo. But, I really hate that it eliminates the entire previous action. If I could rewind to exactly where things went wrong... That would be FANtastic!
    Rewinding would be a very heavy hit on the RAM, so it isn't very feasible.

    But yeah, it'd be really helpful! ^o^
    I want virtual reality so bad... but I don't know why... I guess I haven't lived until I've played Cave Story in 3D VR at 90+ Hz in 2d
    I don't think VR will be really worth buying until untethered and inexpensive sets are released (which is why I'm anticipating the Vive, but given all that it has, it'll probably be pretty expensive). I played MC with an Oculus - nothing to die for IMO. Hopefully the Vive will be really nice though.
    minecraft? You tried a dev model of the oculus? Or was it the prototype consumer version?? I hope it's really life-like and sharp by release. As for cables Vive is supposed to be free roaming. That HAS to have wireless! Oculus maybe not? Price, shouldn't be bad. But, then you need a high performance video card, and a PC and now the refrig is empty .... I just want to play a cool game called Sword Art Online..
    dev kit, it was back in may; and if you wanted real SAO, then you would just lay in bed and have it hooked up to your nerves
    Did a bit of modding this week. Wish I was better at it >< Art, music, mapping, sound effects, story, dialogue, technical edits, GRAH!
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