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Wedge of Cheese

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  • E3 to C4
    E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, B#, C
    I count 10, what I do wrong?
    first five questions, numbers are how many steps.
    Also, happy april. Haven't seen you in a while.

    More forum drama, case you hadn'y noticed.
    4 M2
    10 M5
    12 M6
    4 M2
    11 m10, d12 a10

    That's what I think the first four are. Am I insane or should I keep going?
    I think i failed you, as I don't know the difference between diminished and minor, or even what the poop perfect does.

    Then again, my sound system is finally back up.
    Hm, so a major second is going up one note (c to d) but a minor second would only go from c to c#? why not just call it a major halfth?

    If yes, than I get the lesson, if not, :(.
    I still don't get what perfect or the other qualities do though.

    Thanky again.
    Been at march madness since I posted that, so not so good.
    Just got back, so pretty good now.
    Oh, also the download is broken. Mediafire says there aren't any servers up that can provide the file, which is completely ridiculous, since it's 60 kb.
    I use an outdated Mac (OS 10.4.11), but I hope that doesn't affect the outcome.
    FYI I hate using this Mac and I hate that some people refuse to upgrade it.
    you lost a lot of posts too....

    still reading over the lesson, but my brain is particularly feeble today.
    yo, saw your postzies yesterday, but had massive headache and couldn't respond, do mah bad.
    tried making a level, but aforementioned headache/white screen that travels across made me need to stop.
    and I knew the sharps/flats/their symbols, and I understand everything else you're sayin except I dunt really get what the different qualities of notes mean/do.

    I knew the note names but not the octave numbers, so yeah.
    Would the black keys be sharps/flats?

    Also, the only glitch-esque thing I've found is that the game jumps sometimes, but I also haven't tried to put any stitches or anything in.
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