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Wedge of Cheese

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  • So for ten, since it was M7, I counted seven white keys back for my answer.
    For eleven, since it was m3, I counted 3 back and then added a half step.
    er, is their something drastically bad with this approach?
    1: M3
    2: P4
    3: m3
    4: A6
    5: P15
    6: B3
    7: D3
    8: Gb3
    9: F#3
    10: D3 (you said this was wrong last time, but I've gotten it twice...?)
    11: A#2
    12: Bb3
    13: B2
    14: D3
    15: F

    You know, it gave me a really nice (and misplaced) feeling of superiority when I looked at a piano today and was able to find c3.
    Sub Conscious -> Conscious -> Group Conscious
    Nature -> individual -> society
    that sorta thing
    Coz you're part of twats too.
    Tell me when you download it so I can remove the link.

    Oh, looking at your philosophy spiel, I noticed that the gods are in teirs sorta. Cool.
    weel, it outputs a negative area, which can just be taken as impossible, right?
    Oh, I missed your post cuz I was being bored, I concede your point about the dual respectivity, and sure, quizzy. After Luncheon.

    tually, I may do some stuff for boots.
    He looks desperate.
    and on another pointless little tangent, if you make a rectangle out of the places where the derivative of a quadratic and the quadratic hit eachother, the are of said rectangle will be -2b/4a + 2c/a +1.

    Lace bored. :P
    (x-i)(x+i) = xx-ii = xx+1
    (i-i)(i+i) = 0*2i
    (i-i)(i+i) = ii - ii = -1+1 = 0
    0*2i = -1+1 = 0

    oh, I also woulda done your quiz, but no hazzy word7.
    alsoaslo, in the airport today I saw a sign that said Bb, and I wal all like "B flat!" nerdy?
    It was my plan from the beginning to increase what is known as more progress is made.
    And by all means - It is your music, after all.
    -Hopes to hell Lace pulls through- x.x
    Wedgie, can you do-eth me a favor?
    Can you zip all the ORGs?
    Downloading them all indavidually is taking forever.
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