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  • Froth?!
    That's like my third favorite word!

    But seriously music=good and fresh.
    Interface=crisp and shiny.
    keep up=the good work.
    Yes that one with the walking guy ("mute" if I recall).
    It was premium, as well as the current one.

    I was listen to some of your music, and you're really good at warping the cavestory instruments to give a different feel. It is excellent.
    similar thoughts then.
    just have fun making your mod. Dunt understand why you'd do it, otherwise.
    I can help you with modding if you need anything, but personally, I think it's more fun just to make it all myself (minus stuff I'm awful at, like music and pixel art)
    well, I'd expect you to be good at spriting, but sounds coolio so far.
    shame bout the pic, tho I don't doubt you'll finish it eventually.
    Thank you.

    It took me forever to finish. What I mean by that is I worked on it for a while, then got stuck at like bar 52, but then a few months or so later I came back to it and finished it. I was in a rut, or I just wasn't feeling "inspired", I don't know it's hard to say with composing.
    The best thing I can recommend to you is to simply practice emulation for awhile.

    That is, remaking pieces and songs (by ear is the best), so that you get a feel for a bunch of different styles, and expose yourself to melodies. It's probably because of all the songs I've tried to remake that I can compose what I can. (perfecta and wtf-story main theme are the 2 songs I've released on these forums)
    Title Loop sounds pretty awesome.

    Melodic Tech is okay. The main problem with it is that the parts are all about the same volume and at similar frequencies, so it's hard to know which melody to follow, or rather it's hard to pick them out and seperate them from each other. Plus the variation in measures is also hard to pick out, so the song sounds more loopy than it actually is.
    Thanks! I'm glad to have been able to contribute something useful to the community. I'd certainly love to provide any help you might need.
    Say, yeah, I remember downloading that a while back, but never got around to listening to it yet. Thank you very much though, in case I hadn't heard of it.
    How about that eh

    Boots is like a month older than me, and I think there's someone else a few days off mine, I can't remember though.
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