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  • Alright, because otherwise it won't work or crash or something. Also, this may be complicated, how would I make fans, save points and refill stations?
    Hi again. For doors leading to other maps, do I need to change the event number, or does it stay the same, i.e.
    (entry script)
    Then should I make an exit script with event #101 instead?
    Not to sound angry or anything, I did say I found one online that has it all:) <SOU for sound effects and <FAC for face boxes, but I'll probably ask how to use them anyway :)
    Sorry for late reply you posted on your profile :) I'll get on what you said.
    Is the script set up correctly? As in, the small numbers are at the top, descending into the largest at the bottom?
    What, do you mean #0100 should come before #200?
    Text sound is a bad sign, it typically means it played a bad event, not the one you were going for.
    Is the script set up correctly? As in, the small numbers are at the top, descending into the largest at the bottom?
    If it's not in that exact order, Cave Story freaks and starts running events in the wrong way, and you'll usually hear that text bleep sound as it runs empty events.
    Since you said the screen faded, and I don't see a <FAO in the door script, I'm assuming that's exactly what's happening, the game's running through several 'null' events, and before reaching one with a <END in it, which apparently has a <FAO or <FAI, too.
    <KEY<CNP0100:0000:0000<SOU0011<HMC<TRA0097:0100:00 02:0003

    And at the other map its


    The door is set to
    I walk up to the door, press down and then it plays the text type sound(for messages) then the screen fades,and clears and I'm in the same place. Also, the music doesn't stop, if that helps.
    How does one set a bit flag?
    All I have is:
    Entitiy type: (SCROLLBOX)
    Entity ID: 101-----Flags:2000
    Event #: 0100-----Flag Details

    Do I set the bit number in the script?

    EDIT: I tried again, this time it played the noise and faded, but thats it.
    The door script isn't working, I'm following DragonBoots's thread and I've done everyting right, ( I hope), but when I playtest, the door doesen't work, you're supposed to press down, but when I do nothing happens.

    The code is


    And at the other map its


    The door is set to

    What am I doing wrong?
    Well, I got Night Watch to play, but the downside is, now I cant use access but that doesen't really matter.
    WAAHOOO! Now all I need to do is work out the correct track and continue building on that.
    No I'm using the built in one.
    Well all I put in was

    Do I need to put something in front of that?
    As in
    <SOMETHING<FAI0002 etc.
    Aw :( here it is:

    NPC AI Pointer Table
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    00 0x0026530 0x00265B0 0x0026AF0 0x0026FD0 0x0027040 0x0027480 0x0027820 0x0027C60 0x0027F00 0x0028260
    01 0x0028540 0x00289B0 0x0028B10 0x0029940 0x0029A30 0x0029BF0 0x0029E00 0x002A0B0 0x002A360 0x002A490
    02 0x002A830 0x002A940 0x002A9C0 0x002AA70 0x002ABD0 0x002B280 0x002B5E0 0x002BA90 0x002BAE0 0x002C1A0
    03 0x002C320 0x002C4C0 0x002CA10 0x002CAC0 0x002CC20 0x002CCB0 0x002D010 0x002D760 0x002D810 0x002D960
    04 0x002D9F0 0x002DE00 0x002DE70 0x002E9F0 0x002EAB0 0x002F060 0x002F320 0x002F3F0 0x002F780 0x002F9E0
    05 0x002FEC0 0x00301B0 0x0030780 0x00307D0 0x0030B00 0x0030EB0 0x00311D0 0x00315E0 0x0031C20 0x00321F0
    06 0x0032460 0x0032B50 0x00334C0 0x00336C0 0x0033C00 0x0033FC0 0x00342B0 0x00345E0 0x0034D10 0x00355F0
    07 0x0035AB0 0x0035BA0 0x0035DE0 0x0035FC0 0x0036180 0x0036540 0x0036650 0x0036690 0x00367E0 0x0036870
    08 0x0036AE0 0x00370F0 0x00375E0 0x0037D90 0x0038250 0x00383D0 0x0038590 0x0038850 0x0038B10 0x0039580
    09 0x0039B00 0x0039B50 0x0039BC0 0x0039DC0 0x003A220 0x003A680 0x003AAF0 0x003AD10 0x003AF20 0x003B140
    10 0x003B350 0x003B410 0x003B4E0 0x003B5F0 0x003B7F0 0x003BD00 0x003BDB0 0x003BE00 0x003C4B0 0x003C610
    11 0x003C8E0 0x003CDE0 0x003D0A0 0x003D320 0x003D860 0x003DAE0 0x003E190 0x003E1E0 0x003E9B0 0x003F230
    12 0x003F280 0x003F310 0x003F4A0 0x003FC70 0x003FEF0 0x00400D0 0x00401F0 0x0040760 0x00408B0 0x0040CF0
    13 0x0041000 0x0041360 0x0041440 0x00419B0 0x0041B20 0x0041EC0 0x0042340 0x0042540 0x0042590 0x0042790
    14 0x0042BF0 0x0043AC0 0x0043EC0 0x0044190 0x0044230 0x0044620 0x0044780 0x0044930 0x0045050 0x0045170
    15 0x0045660 0x0045E30 0x0045FA0 0x0046020 0x0046500 0x0046710 0x0046B60 0x0046CA0 0x0047180 0x00474C0
    16 0x0047700 0x0047CB0 0x0047E90 0x00482A0 0x0048410 0x0048580 0x00486E0 0x00487F0 0x0048A10 0x0048BE0
    17 0x00495A0 0x00498C0 0x0049C10 0x0049D70 0x004A3C0 0x004A610 0x004A7D0 0x004ABB0 0x004AEE0 0x004B080
    18 0x004B210 0x004BE10 0x004C220 0x004C630 0x004C7A0 0x004CA60 0x004CBE0 0x004CDB0 0x004D070 0x004D3A0
    19 0x004D5E0 0x004D740 0x004DA00 0x004DE20 0x004DEA0 0x004DF10 0x004DF60 0x004E020 0x004E260 0x004E400
    20 0x004E5F0 0x004EC40 0x004ECE0 0x004EE40 0x004F1F0 0x004F3E0 0x004F6D0 0x004FB40 0x004FCB0 0x0050280
    21 0x0050400 0x0050760 0x0050810 0x0050BF0 0x00512A0 0x0051430 0x00517F0 0x0051840 0x0051CA0 0x0051DA0
    22 0x0051E90 0x0052000 0x0052470 0x00524E0 0x0052700 0x00528D0 0x0052A50 0x0052D10 0x0052D60 0x00530D0
    23 0x0053190 0x0053260 0x00536F0 0x00539B0 0x0053E60 0x0053F20 0x0054310 0x00548B0 0x0054A00 0x0054DF0
    24 0x0054F00 0x0055370 0x0055710 0x0055A10 0x0055AB0 0x0055C10 0x0055E00 0x0056110 0x0056F50 0x00570B0
    25 0x0057180 0x0057470 0x0057570 0x00579D0 0x0057B00 0x0057D70 0x0058010 0x0058360 0x00585A0 0x00585F0
    26 0x0058810 0x0058A70 0x0058C30 0x0058DF0 0x0059950 0x0059B30 0x0059C00 0x0059D80 0x005B3D0 0x005BCB0
    27 0x005BF10 0x005C230 0x005C500 0x005C5A0 0x005C750 0x005CC80 0x005CEA0 0x005D780 0x005D930 0x005DCF0
    28 0x005E110 0x005E360 0x005E4C0 0x005E950 0x005F910 0x0060910 0x0060AE0 0x0060BB0 0x0060D70 0x00610D0
    29 0x00614A0 0x0061800 0x00618B0 0x00618C0 0x00619E0 0x0061B90 0x0061E40 0x0061FD0 0x0062050 0x00623D0
    30 0x00624E0 0x00625A0 0x0062890 0x0062AF0 0x0062C80 0x0062E00 0x0062F60 0x00630F0 0x00632B0 0x0063710
    31 0x0063AC0 0x0064090 0x0064740 0x0064BB0 0x0065CC0 0x0065F60 0x00664B0 0x0066790 0x0066B80 0x0066E50
    32 0x00670C0 0x00673F0 0x00676D0 0x0067C60 0x0067F40 0x0067FE0 0x0068230 0x0068830 0x0068990 0x00689E0
    33 0x0068A90 0x0068D70 0x0068F50 0x0069140 0x0069290 0x0069430 0x0069610 0x00696B0 0x0069800 0x0069AA0
    34 0x0069B40 0x006B240 0x006B340 0x006BD80 0x006BE10 0x006BF00 0x006C1D0 0x006C710 0x006C9B0 0x006CAC0
    35 0x006CB50 0x006D340 0x006D5D0 0x006DBE0 0x006E110 0x006E280 0x006E480 0x006E730 0x006E870 0x006E9E0
    36 0x006EA90

    BOSS AI Pointer Table
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    00 0x0072FF0 0x007B6F0 0x0079030 0x007E6F0 0x0074400 0x007A8A0 0x007D170 0x00753D0 0x007C820 0x00772F0
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