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  • Haha, Giving the bird. I understand.
    I'm in NZ.
    It's funny how many games look innocent and childish, and then you play them and they are violent and the characters swear.
    Seriously? By the way, what country do you live in?
    Team Buddies has so much swearing in it. Have you played Conker: Live and Reloaded?
    Similar concept.
    Hahahah, you won't believe what our censors will do.
    They censored some things right out of Super Mario RPG.... {Back on the SNES}
    No, there is a story, it's interesting and slightly funny.
    Also, the games R16...

    Hard to believe, right?
    No prob. I'm planning on getting a PS3 soon so I'll tell you when I've got one and you can friend me or vice versa. I'm selling my PS2 for some extra money.
    Your mario Assembly is quite the thing. It looks to me like it's an intermediate language that I'd put just barely above assembly, and the insertion tool is like a compiler that adjusts the rom size (I doubt it shifts everything, that would ruin the long jumps, so maybe it appends it and jumps to that? Although, it might autocorrect any long jumps, that could probably be done as well). X, A, and Y look like the registers EAX, EDX and ECX.

    Well, as far as thinking in Assembly, here are my thoughts.

    LDA #$10
    STA $AA,x
    STA $157C,x
    So, function here grabs player position, runs a comparison, and assigns A a value of 0 or !0 based upon where we are.

    CMP #$00

    If we are != 0, we're facing right so let's go to that code.

    LDA $B6
    CMP #$E0
    STA $B6,x

    Mov register A to the entity's velocity?
    Is velocity E0? if ==, jump to the end
    Decrease register A by 1
    This command I don't really get the mnemonics of, looks like Store A in register B6, but what's the x for?
    last line is an unconditional jump command?

    And then the right side is basically the same thing. Well, it seems solid, as long as my assumption was right and B6 is the velocity.

    EDIT: You're welcome? :P
    I had fun hypothesizing at least.
    These mnemonics are so silly! However, I don't see an INCrement or DECrement command in there; did you perhaps forget that, or is it somewhere else? I can sorta see how the jumps and checks work (You have to name them instead of just referring to the address? strange.) and they look fine.

    Also, I guess butes they be.
    You can get an object online that goes from the camera to the end of the background. It doesn't cause issues and it's widely used. Try "Swinging Silhouettes" or just search it.
    I've been looking into the 50 layer glitch, and it looks like it would really give the feel of Cave Story if I use it in some places.
    Cant find you... but I remember the levels name. We updated it,and its finished.
    its called Crystal Cove.
    Can I have an expected finish date? D: I think this show needs to get on the road before people forget about it.
    Hi, catching up on the Hell Mod Contest, do you think Super Luigi Hell is going to be finished any time soon or not? </copypasta>
    Ah, but I like a challenge. Apparently, I'm good at making difficult levels, based on the feedback of what I've made so far, people commented that its too hard(or maybe they're not trying?)
    I could have guessed :D I'll see if he can friend you or something, and if your online anytime soon, I might be playing, so I'll see you on there:)
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