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  • So I was looking for this mod I remember getting off this site one time.
    If I am correct, @EnlightenedOne made that.
    I'm not sure where the link was, however.
    Oh hey that was my very unfinished Carnage Clash mod, which I still haven't gotten around to finishing despite all these years.

    I just finished my other major hack a couple of weeks ago so it's now at the top of my to-do list, but if you want that really buggy version from 2 years ago you can hit me up.

    (It was buggy has hell so you're better off waiting if possible)
    @Miccs thanks
    @EnlightenedOne no, that's fine. I just remember really enjoying it. I wanted to look at it from a more technical standpoint, but I don't even have my laptop so a copy of it wouldn't help me xD
    I forgot about this site
    That was nice while it lasted.
    Good. Keep forgetting.
    sooooooo there isn't a tool for mass- <CMPs is there? I know booster's lab has a nice one for single blocks, but yeah I don't wanna have to do this whole thing block by block
    could someone make me a pxt of just... A single 'clack'? For the life of me I cannot figure this out. like, the noise a skeletal foot would make walking lightly on stone. If that makes any sense
    damn straight
    no but tbh it is just that huh I suppose I am just gonna fuck around with this til I get what I want and/or a feel for it xPP
    yeah I mean. pretty much??
    my strategy is use seatone and mash the random button until I hear a noise I like
    that is exactly what I have been doing xDD
    nobut4serious I learned about waves and shit in physics, I can use my brain for this
    I feel as though if I were to post my unfinished mod, I would immediately stop production of it
    the bugs things is the only reason I would
    not to sound conceited, but my mod is actually pretty damn good and I don't feel like I need compliments. (yeah that was basically totally to sound conceited)
    design advice i am also confident on. like 90%

    yes tear-stained pillows...
    With all that confidence, I don't see why you would stop as soon you released it.
    which is why you probably are not a psychiatrist
    I don't have a laptop anymore.
    Good thing I never posted that mod. I wouldn't be able to update it. Then people would be worrying for me. And asking when the next update is. It would be terribly sad. But this is not the case. Because that case is fictional. Because I never posted the mod. Luckily. I could pull it. From the wreckage of my computer. Woohoo. Laptop dead. Now. No productivity. I am. Immensely bored. I may. Melt.
    This message brought to you by: An obscure sense of humor-- 'Now with 10% more yes!'
    I decided to be a sort of contributing member of societynowait this is a forum, society is an abstraction.
    Change Fireball lv.3's allowable max bullets to ~nine or ten > Change lv.3 damage to 2 > Change lv.3 max hits to ~10 > Change lv.3 bullet life to around 2000 frames; Scale for levels one and two. This is surprisingly balanced.
    also probably set the level 3 energy cap to 1. And make the bullets black and red/orange.
    because colours are important too
    I found a mod I made half a year ago... I can't temember how I made it that well. possibly post it
    If you're gonna dig through old profile posts, at least keep up with the continuity. If you read the profile post from me on April 4th, you'll see that I don't have a laptop anymore. My lovely and over-reaching parents took it from me because the internet is full of sin and everyone there wants to rape you (that is actually a quote, you're welcome), so that stopped me from continuing the development. I have the hard drive, but until they let me move out in a couple months I can't do anything about that. It will likely be what I do in my spare time past that, although moving is a hectic time and it might get pushed back to a 2018 or late 2017 alpha release date. So yeah, regardless of weather your comment was a joke or not, that's my situation. I really enjoy the process of modding and screwing around with assembly, so it'll likely see the light of day eventually.
    Oh, yes indeed. Some may empathize when I say I come from a baptist Quiverfull family, a social construct directed towards the thought that if you have many children you will further your religion, effectively filling your 'quiver' (family) with 'arrows' (properly-reared and biblically disciplined children) to shoot at unsuspecting people who may not wish to be drawn into your religion, especially if they are in a country where it is illegal. Needless to say, it hardly ever works as indented, generally resulting in multiple black sheep. My particular family currently has a 2/5 success rate for people who have or are currently attempting to leave the house, that being that only two in five have adhered to a religious lifestyle.
    The atmosphere is generally oppressive, although this being the societal norm, child protective services don't exactly have grounds on which to exact legal action. It is technically not illegal to be extremely protective and sheltering to your children as long as it does not bridge into outright abuse, although isolated incidences of that have also been known to occur in this particular case. I haven't been struck in a long time, not since I was about ten years old, and since then it has stopped being an issue. However, this isn't to say I am not denied things that most people would think of as a natural thing for a child to a family of monetary security such as mine. I do not possess a phone, and only had a laptop because it was gifted to me by a friend. There are two computers in this house, one an outdated macbook and the other a rusting PC situated in the dining room, so as to survey the goings-on thereupon. A strict internet filter is applied, something I can get around easily, but the fact still has its sting.
    Short made long, it is indeed both over-reaching and over-protective, and I thank you for understanding.
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