tlo Aug 11, 2017 accomplishment of the day: i hacked orgview and now am questioning what i am doing with my life
tlo Jul 30, 2017 i seem to remember someone coding a simplified version of the polar star that did the same thing in less space but cannot find it
i seem to remember someone coding a simplified version of the polar star that did the same thing in less space but cannot find it
tlo Jul 21, 2017 hey, anyone got a link for Lace's IMM hacked .EXE or the hackinator version Hina did?
tlo Jul 21, 2017 one of he best feelings in life is buying a laptop and not having it taken away by your parents
tlo Apr 28, 2017 happy 50th anniversary of muhammad ali being stripped of his boxing title for not participating in the vietnam war
happy 50th anniversary of muhammad ali being stripped of his boxing title for not participating in the vietnam war
tlo Apr 13, 2017 when it's homestuck day and your initial reaction is to make a shitpost on a random-ass indie game forum about it
when it's homestuck day and your initial reaction is to make a shitpost on a random-ass indie game forum about it