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  • Dude, you're like five years late for bed. You're gonna be working for like five years if you don't get to bed in like the next five years, and you'll have to wait like five years before you can bust out another five years of modding. To that effect, I won't see you for like five years, and I'll cry for like five years. Other than that, you'll miss like five years of posts on the forums and you'll be like five years out of the loop. For like five years.

    Man, this post took me like five years.
    Hey man ryuuton can be annoying but shes a nice person, And talented so dont be happy shes banned 4 life. (its only a week isnt it) Thanks mate
    Ha, way better than the silly droplet!
    Thanks again!
    Though, these probably won't be in the publicly available version right away, people wouldn't really care for just new portraits, no matter how awesome they are, so I'll have to hurry up and finish the next part >=D
    Heheh, now to see if GIR will make another .GIF for me...
    No credit? Areyoucrazy? Of course you're getting credit =|
    And yeah, I've had several people tell me about how hard eyes are to draw. They took forever for me to do, too, and I still don't like them 100%
    Though, would you mind doing the last face, the O.o; one? {I'm not sure what emotion that'd be called, besides "Oh Jeeze!"}
    You don't have to, I could probably copy the first one and change it a bit, but I don't think I'd be able to do it the same way you would. :D; {That and it probably wouldn't look as nice}
    Thanks for all this, even if you don't want to do the last face, and yes you are getting credit.
    Your boredom scares me {Face 5}...

    In a good way, of course.{Face 1}
    These are really interesting, much better then what I did {Of course, I'm not surprised, Face 3}
    Would you mind if I used these? They're pretty awesome.
    The eyes in Face 1 bug me a bit, but I didn't do so well with them myself.
    Though I'd probably make the V band on the head just a tad lighter.

    Really like the last two, heheh...
    No,it dosent,and Ralren,your pic reminds me of that one guy that would try and kill himself in youtube,reviewing crappy movies
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