• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
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  • what!?
    the particles system WORKS!?
    this changes everything!

    also speaking of 1800, let's talk about 2000
    green critters, the bleeding mom face and more...
    just tell me what to do i might just do them all..
    ive noticed in king's story that there are still bmp's that are just enlarged but not truly 2x resed..
    i can do that for you if you want. i tried to do it in my mod and it came out great. (i dont have support on 2x res so i use them as 4 tiles in a block... this was the idea)
    sorry for that outburst on your joke topic
    seeing your comment made me so mad...
    On the off chance that this is the last public message, I'm gonna give you a neutral sendoff.

    Until next time!
    I figured it was a bit of a pain. The truth is is that I haven't had much to do with the mod. I figured some better sprites and increasing the music would at least keep me working. I actually found someone to enhance some of my songs. He joined recently so I could get his info but probably won't post. His user name is justsometoast. Nice guy, did a good job. Now with this 2x haxk (thanks again) whatever I felt was just lacking will finally be there.
    I happily await a response. I think it's overall quality should increase by 300% even though the increase is by 2. I gotta completley revamp alot of the tiles (my earlier sprites were crap).
    Nice job.
    I tried removing blatantly biased things and also split the main part into two sections (the format and the program) which you should totally add upon because I know next to nothing about it. The reason i went to wikipedia in the first place was to learn. :P
    Maybe they can handle triple? I wanted to improve CS overall simply because WiiWare graphics were too cartoonish and had lost their rustic look. Bitmap format, triple resolutiongraphic and maybe even applying that one hack you did to allow Pxtone would be pretty good as far as I can tell. It doesn't use anything Nicalis may have made either. Perhaps a few hacks to the physics or the title screen. What do you think about it?
    ive just tried to import some hungarian characters into the game using CE.
    when i clicked save they reverted to question marks. is that a problem with CE?
    do you know how to fix?
    do you know how the game was translated to german etc? because they have "special" characters too
    can you hack the game into supporting hungarian characters? does it need to be hacked?
    or hack CE into understanding hungarian characters?

    im trying to translate cave story to hungarian.
    Has anyone applied for your double res hack at all. I just learned some spriting techniques and am now seriously considering it. Also, could you get sued by Nicalis if you made a quadruple res version of Cave Story?
    I was thinking of like a kitty just floating around in space in an astronaut suit, Kinda like this...

    (Find it easier to come up with a mock up for you then trying to explain art in words)
    Just thought you didn't have much space stuff in your collection so it might be nice :)
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