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  • Oh, I'm failing hard today. Thank you again² for your explanations. I hope I'm not so much of a burden.
    Hmm, if it does, then I can't see it anywhere. I have a stage list, a TSC command list, but no flag list.
    Also, how do "Defines" work?
    One last thing I've thought of - does editing the tileset data count as a map change or an exe change (i.e. are we stuck with the tilesets the way they are)?
    Aha. So if I write something here, the conversation ends up in the right place?
    Sorry about that.
    I really don't like how Windows uses two characters for newlines, so everything is converted to \n in the Assembler's IDE.

    I don't remember if there's \n-specific logic in the StrTools or if it's just a quirk of JTextPane.
    It seems that whenever I see Boosters face, I think, "Oh, his name is Noxid, not Booster!"

    Should I be worried?
    Why do you 'mod' Booster?
    He already has got a crrreeepy face.
    (it's about Booster face(s))
    Oh my, thank you so much! I'm sorry for not having visited the forums for a while, but I was quite busy.
    And you know what? An early demo of my mod has been released a few days ago!!
    But before I post it on this forum, I want to make sure there aren't any bugs nor glitches in it.
    Your and Noxid's names have become instinctively nterchangeable in my head, I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE ANYMORE
    that's really incredibly badass
    isn't ferenheight like actually japanese like the stuff of legend
    Yeah but I really should do it every day! Sometimes the pony drawing event thing shifts to once a day for a week, and I do very well and love it, but when it's once a week sometimes I wait till closer to the deadline and... aslfjdsakfj. But I'm getting more and more to the point at which I do it sooner and do it better and have more fun with it. I've definitely improved a bit, though, I mean;

    Day 3 of the beginning of the artist training ground, at which point I really had absolutely no skill other than on and off doodling once every few months, and using a tablet for the very first time: http://hip-indeed.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/&offset=48#/d3if67m

    three weeks later, them was to dredraw any previous theme, for the last day of the original event before it shifted to a weekly deviantart thing: http://hip-indeed.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/&offset=24#/d3jzyt0

    and I've only gone up from there, as you can see if you look around my dA. I've been drawing non-pony stuff and started going through one of the many drawing/cartooning books I have, too, but not... nearly enough,and it's on real paper, which I'm awful lazy to scan! I really do intend to fill that dA with all kinds of stuff beyond just the pony weeklies, though...

    You really have gotten good, though. I love every one of your little arts I see around the board, and in your art thread. It's ridiculous. I'd love to get good enough to just draw out silly ideas like that really well, and I'm gonna be working really hard to do so, as I hope you continue to!
    Me and Dunc have been cancering-up the wish granting thread Noxid.
    I await your response!
    hahaha oh my god amazing

    do you have any idea how amazing that is

    that is /amazing/

    now if only i'd focus on learning to draw cartoons as hard as you've focussed on mastering pixel art

    i've actually been drawing a bunch for this ongoing even thing but it's like once a week, and i should be drawing a picture for every day really, even if it's small and simple

    stuff like that, knowing you did that all by yourself and so recently, so many different little pictures that look like any given of them might have taken hours, that inspires me

    (also draw more Ame)
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