So basically, the 2x Res hack requires changing all of the sprites framerects to what ever they'd be with a (32x or 64x, I don't remember) sprite sheet? I thought of this and wanted to ask, but I've probably have no idea what I'm saying.
I just wanted to inform ya that several spambots joined this past week. They haven't posted or anything, but they have urls in their information and about me's. Just thought I'd give you a heads up
Is there some fad going on right now with avatars and making your own Megaman character? Or are you, TPcool, Nova and SEBTi just having avatars of a similar nature by coincidence?
Hey. I tried 'King- Strive and sacrifice'. I did the chores and I then thought "holy S***! this is some F***ed up S***!". two other things: 1. when and where is CaveCon? 2. since you're a good modder, could you download my Cave Story: Uber Hell Mode (Broken), try it, and tell me how I can fix the problems? it's hard to explains. Thanks!
I mean uh
[smooth]yeah, I totally planned that.[/smooth]