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  • Noxid
    that sounds like it is the opposite of makesense but whatever
    just go ask him if he'll change it, I'm sure he will oblige
    I won't force him to change it. However I am going to Ad-block the image so I can't see it anymore.
    whatever floots your boots
    Hi. What's up with inserting Youtube videos? Even those videos that were properly embedded are not showing (see for e.g. Rate the music...thread) but their address is shown instead...
    We just recently had a version upgrade, so some things may have broken in the process.
    So one of my friends who commented on my comic on deviantart is having trouble with the Doctor's final form. Think you can give her some advice? I can't really give any
    Assuming you mean Muscle Doc, what I usually do at that point is just switch to Blade Lv2 and get close then start hammering the attack button. If you're low on health might also consider charging Spur to level 2 or 3 and waiting for a good shot while keeping lots of distance, since Muscle Doc is mostly up-close attacks.

    If she's talking about the core then lv2 blade to get rid of Sue ASAP, and farm the critters and stuff that Misery makes for extra health. Also don't forget the hearts you get from talking to the migmas in the doctor fight room.
    Sue Sockymodo
    Sue Sockymodo
    I'm hoping she has the spur. It sounds like this might be her first time playing. I'll paste your advice for her, thankies
    Help me do math?
    I'm pretty sure you are a lot better at math than I am, currently.
    Looking at his "About me," El Quote ~ looks like a promising new member.
    Oh boy. I can't wait.
    Okay boi. I was able to buckle down and do A, C, and D, so now we just need to do B, E, D', C' B', and A'. If you could do B and E, as well as fixing characterizations and adding dialogue, we could move on to working out D'.
    I roughed out some B, I may need to watch some more dog anime to get a better feel of the Voice of John - as far as I can remember, he didn't really say much at all in the first one, being more partial to action. My batteries are about kaput so that's all i'll be able to contribute till weekend's over
    Hey, do you live in canada? 'cause I just realized that your site is noxid.CA, just wondering, 'cause I'm canadian too, just a random question.
    Yes, I in fact am from Canada. New Brunswick, specifically. This forum seems to have a large number of canadians.
    I drew you a cat
    (1) Is it already known that entity 252 is those bat egg-things that Misery has during the boss fight with her? <br/> (2) Is my signature too large at the moment?
    1) Nope, added to entitylist.txt for BL
    2) It's passable, but I'd be wary of making it any taller. text-only sigs generally get a bit more slack than image-y ones
    Hey man. How do you make a DLL with C or C++ and use it? You know, like pxtone.dll, except not that one? I don't care about ASM hacking - just C/C++ support of DLLs.
    It's actually quite simple. To make the DLL, just write a CPP file with your functions in it, and include the BOOL WINAPI DLLMain() function. how to make your IDE output it as a DLL is obviously specific to that, but I assume you'd just select "DLL" as your project type when you start, or it'd be in project options somewhere. The important thing is to have all the functions you want to be visible in your header file, with certain function signatures.

    To use them is even easier, as all you have to do there is include the .h file you made the DLL with in the target application, and add the .a file that should have been produced with your DLL to your project linker

    here's some simple example projects that show the basic code.
    <a href='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/DLLDemo.7z' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>https://dl.dropbox.c...Temp/DLLDemo.7z</a>
    So obviously it's faux pas on these forums to mod another person's mod unless you're reviving it or something. But isn't it rather hypocritical to say it's your right to place that kind of protection over your mod seeing as how Pixel put more work into the original Cave Story than any modder has into any of their mods, yet people are modding Cave Story without Pixel's permission? The reason I'm bringing this topic up is because <a href='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4451-hell-freezes-over-first-ending-dragon/#entry156123' class='bbc_url' title=''>SirGuy is modding my fourth ending mod to make his own mod</a>, <a href='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4326-hell-freezes-over/#entry153740' class='bbc_url' title=''>and according to the description, includes a considerable amount of content from it</a>. Now considering that I only recently discovered this, I could probably put a huge hiccup in the development of his mod by telling him off for modding my mod, but not only would that likely be hypocritical for the aforementioned reason, but he quite obviously has no ill intentions, so I wouldn't want to harass him like that. Of course, I could just simply say it's okay that he's modding my mod, and everything will be okay in that area, but I thought while I'm at it I'd ask how this illegal to mod other mods rule isn't hypocritical. Has anyone ever really asked this question before?
    I have a question. <br/> May I join the Cave Story Tribute Site Steam Group?
    Go for it, but fair warning, I don't think anyone actually uses it.
    That makes it the third group that I'm aware of.
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