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  • Um, you do realise he holds no rights to the resolution, correct? Merely the sprites, not the settings in which they are displayed in.

    I mean, if he did, then that would mean he would hold it for everything else that uses similar resolutions.

    Do you see what I'm saying?
    Well, for one thing, you're not using any of his stuff.

    You just upped the resolution, that's all. It could've been done long before the Wii release.

    I don't see the need to ask, since you haven't used any of his stuff. Resolution is hardly a good enough reason to stop this.
    *smacks you upside the head*

    No Noxid, you are not allowed to be down simply because the possibility of misuse exists. That exists for everything.

    Please don't stop working on your mod. T.T
    Yes, Very much so! There were only a few pieces where I felt the dialogue could be changed up just a bit to be maybe a little more dramatic and unsettling, but the things i REALLY enjoyed was the "the pain... so hot..." usage, and just the all around great tie-ins that MAKE SENSE unlike some mods that I've played that totally ignore the main story that made CS so great. Though the idea of King's house opening up struck me as odd, it's somewhat believable that it could be patched up later on. I'm wondering though, how King's house will wind up looking how it does in the original CS game.

    One more thing that I must tip my hat off to you for. The style of additional music in the game is very fitting and cohesive with the OST, so it doesnt feel like you're stepping out of Cave Story when it comes on. That's what i probably enjoyed most, but then Video Game Music is about 80% of any game to me, because 80% of the game is coming back to it years later and bursting at the seems with nostalgia

    I'm hoping that you'll continue your work on it, it's turning out to be a really promising mod 8D
    Huh, I've seen (heard?) people like Ralren whose music, even though it doesn't follow any set of rules, it still sounds really cool and/or aesthetically pleasing. It's kinda surprising that most of your stuff seems to sort obey the "rules" anyway.

    Just know that the rules aren't really rules per se, they're more like tools for helping you make music. Different tasks call for different tools, and some tasks don't call for tools at all, just your own creativity/imagination.
    I thought you knew that stuff, just from listening to your orgs the notes all fit logically into chords/scales and stuff...
    Just wanted to let you know, I finished up the Demo of your King's Story and it really inspired me to drastically rework my painting ;D thanks
    there are multiple jumps to 805, and this happens to be in the middle of an insruction.
    Well, I already have asked him to make some face pics for me. I guess I'll make them myself.
    Hey, Do you know anyone good at making sprites and is willing to take requests?
    And thus, you know my views on sarcasm on the internet (I'm terrible at it)
    One more question before I shut up: Was it harder than you thought it was going to be?
    Oh, and thanks for putting up with me!
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