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  • Mkay, cool.
    And I saw his 'comment'. lunarsold really needs to lurk more and stop picking fights.
    I also did see MS' latest creation, right when she first posted it. Quite silly.
    You said:
    I greeted him by code words only he would know,
    I'm curious, was this one of the truths?
    If so, is this where conquistador comes from? Or had you figured out I wasn't the other guy before I'd made my first post?

    I still think the whole mistaken identity thing is pretty awesome.

    Something I stumbledupon. Very fascinating; I always wondered how the ghosts worked. This article explained that, and revealed that the inventor of Pacman was a tad sexist. Incidentally, I think the name "bashful" would describe the orange ghost better than the cyan ghost. In fact, I probably would have named the red, pink, cyan, and orange ghosts "tracker", "prophet", "sidekick", and "bashful" rather than "shadow", "speedy", "bashful", and "pokey" (the original Japanese names translate roughly to "chaser", "ambusher", "whimsical", and "feigning ignorance").

    That site in general seems a very good idea to me, but I was disappointed to find that there are only two articles, and I didn't find the other one quite as interesting as the pacman one (but it was still pretty interesting). Nevertheless, judging by the very long interval of time between the two current articles, the site may not be dead, but just growing very slowly.
    And i think that just might be enough. Also, notice how, for once, I didn't capitalize "I" but DID capitalize the first word of the sentence. Normalerweise ist es the other way around.
    askdjfasdfkjxncvkfjvnask;fjsdnfvksjdfnakdfjadnfklajdsfnakldsfjnasdkjaDSNFKLASJDFNASKLDFJNASDFKLAJSFNALSKDFJDSNKVJXVNKAJVNKjnKASJDNDFKVJNDSKVJnkljnadfkvsjsndfklvjndfxkcjnk.v,mn s,m.dfh,.gvmns.,dmdgfdfjvsnrkejnkd.fjn,.srjng;e5rktnosn;oe58thnhjdkjfsnk.dfnhdknhjksh5korunhktjnhsktr6nht,.mgdfsnnu e5,.g s5.,m dt,mny,rmy ,emse 5,m gs,5jg 5kj5kgjk5jgk5jgk5jgk5jgk5jgsdrjtsklgjsdfgkjdflgksjdfglksdjgsdfg=-dsgs[rg=p-fog=ds-foh=sd-fhodsfkjsdnfjgndfjgnfjgnfjgnffffdsjkljflsdjfgsldfjgs.dfjgskldfjgna,d;fmn/ad.jgjdnfgkjf,nsdncxkubg,kjdcxmfkfsjgrjanrjesgedfg;slfgsdfjgdfskjgdfskngx,.cmgsnefkvjnmfskbdfjnadfk.gjadfng,.dsjfn,.smfvna,s.rjvnas.df,vjnADSF,.VJDFSN,V.AJVRNA,.ERJBVABFG,AM.BFMDHF.
    So I think I'll just keep going, to give myself a good buffer in case people other than you decide to start posting on my profile (the very idea).
    'tually it would be more than that if I want our conversation to exceed my wall and not just equal it.

    and you never wrote the next chapter of the Book of Cheese :(
    After this, I need only think of 2 more random useless things to say to you. Hmmm.... I wonder what those things might be.
    Only 5 more (4 more after this).

    B'aww it seems like so much longer than 25 seconds since I posted the last one...
    Yeah, that gif has always bugged me. Although I never noticed the "Dont", it's just so arrogant/elitist.

    On a loosely related note, wtf does "Lawl (h)" mean?
    I really had nothing interesting other than some little tech news article I could've linked, which would have been not very awesome at all.
    Too much pressure for me to not have something big.
    The small letters are sent out by the big enemies. You have to kill the big ones fast before they send out all the small letters.
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