It makes resource hacker not work on the executable. Olly can sort-of work, but you have to let the program extract itself before you can analyze it
Well, it seems to pack it fine, and it looks like it's able to unpack itself, but any attempt to run the application self-terminates and I can't tell / haven't bothered to find out why.
Oh, I just think it's a really cool program. Play with it a bit maybe, compress a few things and see how it works. For some reason it doesn't play nice with Cave Story but everything else seems to fare just fine.
Is it even possible to do a double dereference?
Either way, I'd assume the latter because of the not needing to dereference twice, and on the assumption that a byte sized multiplication has the same cost as a dword sized multiplication.
I do like Bach, though he doesn't quite make my list. His music is very intellectually interesting, but I don't find it to have the same emotional depth as some of the ones I've listed as my favorites.
I don't know
This person started of patronizing GIR's blog under the alias cavefan101 and now has taken to bugging me
They can't seem to take a hint so I guess I'll have to be blunt if this keeps up.