Download Mod with Bigger Sprite Version 2
Stuff that works:
-The sprite is actually bigger.
-All the regular sprites work now, including the jumping sprite, walking sprites, and so on. No more sliding picture frame.
-The hermit's head is solid now. Also I'm pretty sure he can now be damaged by monsters landing on his taller-than-usual head.
-The increase in height is now 6 pixels instead of 5 pixels.
-When the hermit's head collides with a flat ceiling, he may get slightly bumped either left or right for no particular reason. I'm not sure what's causing this, but it probably has something to do with player & tile collisions not being designed for bigger sprites. But, if you use a curved or angled ceiling, this problem is almost not noticeable.
(If the ceiling is so high that the player cannot hit his head on it, then don't worry about this.)
Keep in mind that since the Hermit is tall now, he can't fit through small tunnels that are 1-tile in height.
Also, there's the issue of the menu cursor. It still looks like the regular-sized quote instead of a taller one.
To make this hack as simple as possible, I suggest that you just draw up a custom menu cursor that takes up a 16x16 sprite.
For example, Noxid uses a knife or blade as the cursor of his mod:
Your cursor can be animated with up to 3 frames, or just a static, non-animated cursor.
Oh yeah, the Hermit might hold his weapons higher than Quote would, because the Hermit's hands are higher. If you want me to move the positions of the guns, I can probably do that.