Hey, thanks for your comment on Invisible Hell! I noticed it a little late, but it`s much appreciated.
So yeah, it's currently being used in my mod and therefore I will not give ya that one. I can give you the other three though, if you want.Fixed the organya file that was in the old version of my mod of cavestory, WTF-story.
Something really wierds just happened
I imported the new sonic sprite with out adding the C pixel requirement and the game runs fine
cant be right...
So i go and edit the title scren pbm save it without adding the C pixel requirement
game runs...
the only thing im doing is ive got sues workshop open with the game in it.
So if you edit your sprites while sues workshop is editing your game and then
you run the game, theres no problems
Try it
that.jet: quote my post, plox, and cut out the unneccesary bits, probably including the [ quote] thingers. just for proper formating, ya know.