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  • You're profile is full of paradoxes... On it you see rick astley I think. But everywhere else you see that other guy.
    Pardon my curiosity; would it be possible to have members' signatures visible on their profile pages?
    I believe this question is better suited to Andwhyisit (I think he deals with the site structure itself, whereas DoubleThink is just a Moderator).

    But if you are talking about oneself you could just copy/paste it.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="My own signature"><p>I'm an <strong class='bbc'>admin</strong> c:</p></blockquote>
    There doesn't appear to be any direct option to enable it on AdminCP, however.
    Well, how much access do you have? Just to AdminCP + moderator's options, or capable of modifying the PHP files?
    Out of curiosity, with that dating sim thread lock are you saying that we're not allowed to have "nsfw story" type works or anything like that? I can't really agree with your stance if that's the case, though I won't argue with you. I'm just curious.
    Please excuse my recent comment spam! D: I finished your contest entry and would like to share my thoughts. While the other comment might see a little more depth as I get farther into Mystic Ark, hopefully this one will provide a delightful morsel right off the bat. My earlier thoughts that I wrote while playing are in the spoiler, not that it really matters much. =o.
    <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
    <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
    <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">-Don't Let Go-
    The Doctor sure finds that wall amusing!

    Okay, let's do this.



    ...that was...amazing. I loved it! :3

    I used to play these sorts of "hold one movement key" games when I was younger, mostly levels in Super Mario Flash or whatever it was. But I think this was the best I can remember and probably the sunniest mod I've played so far! ^w^

    It's definitely very creative. I'd love to look at these levels in an editor later to see how everything fits. Being completely finished with no feeling of being rushed is definitely a nice bonus. -w-

    Well done, DT. Let's continue with Terri's Night Out.</div></div>
    Don't Let Go is probably among my top three somewhere. It's simple to actually play, a bit short and there's hardly any actual new content but it made me <em class='bbc'>so happy.</em> Plus, the creative ways in which you used Cave Story's assets and physics more than makes up for everything in my book. Your mod, as I touched on, is the only one that I felt wasn't missing a little something or rushed, you had a goal and you made it in time. That's great. It's great, and the rare sort of mod that I'm going to keep for a rainy day. Thank you. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    <span style='font-size: 10px'><del class='bbc'>Now, if only you could be this punctual about beef jerky. ^_^;</del></span>
    Glad you enjoyed it, I didn't realise it was going to be so popular. I still don't think it deserves as much credit as some of the others from a creativity standpoint due to its lack of art/music/writing/noteworthy ASM.
    We haven't even gotten to figuring out what "creativity" <em class='bbc'>means</em> in the context of these mods, but I would like to point out that a mod where you hold one button to be taken through an elaborate obstacle course automatically is certainly something not seen before in the world of Cave Story modding, and therefore pretty creative in my eyes. ;D
    I finally started playing Mystic Ark now that I have access to a decent emulator! I'm still only in the ship world, but it looks like a really interesting RPG. Thank you for recommending it to me :3
    Thinking of you, I returned to Mystic Ark today and realized why I had stayed away. My own neurosis, that insatiable need to balance my party's experience, sucked my enjoyment from the game until it culminated in going without party members because I was sick of switching, and still finding it less fun.

    Well, today I threw all of that nonsense along with my usual playstyle out the window! I'm permanently sticking with just Meisia and Reeshine because I like them the most - I still find everyone helpful in their own ways, but the experience boost to infused members just makes rotating much less desirable for me. I like the balance of magic and power between Meisia, Ferris and Reeshine, and I already find myself enjoying even random encounters more. :>

    Also, last time I played I couldn't pick up Edison's heart for whatever reason, and after wandering around the world, interacting with everything possible and hearing nothing but repeat dialogue, I found that I could pick up his heart this time. I'm really not sure why, but things have been flowing smoothly since! I also started running from fights since I'm still overlevelled and no longer have to worry about experience for everyone. I'm now in the mysterious, sound free half of the world, and very invested in unraveling the mysteries of this place~

    As always, thank you so much for introducing me to this game. Thank you for generally being funny, wise and a joy to be around. Thanks, and happy birthday! ^.^
    You're a welcome

    Out-of-party members still get nearly as much experience so I really wouldn't worry about it too much. They'll get some new abilities worth checking out as you go along too. Maybe try one or two parties per world?
    I do enjoy trying out new spells like Hurricane just for their flashy animations...and I might be less terrible about keeping balance once that balance is irreversibly forsaken. I guess I'll see how I feel after the fourth world is over! It /would/ be kind of a shame to never use the other members given that I'll probably only play through this game once or twice.
    do you have a list of all the CSTSF memes
    I have to grudgingly admit that "polris is a girl, 1000% canon" was a thing until I made it not a thing. =o
    it's okay polaris, that meme is not funny and is terrible and as such shouldn't be ever used in any meme mod
    you're in the clear, polaris
    we are all memes deep inside
    I've been meaning to ask, do you have a set schedule for how often you do that post count refresh thing? Or do you just do it arbitrarily?
    Usually once every few months when I feel it's starting to become necessary
    Its me jj4226 on a different account. My parents found out and comprimised my old account. Now I can't use it anymore. Can you please shut it down for me. I would really appreciate it.
    hey, you should probably create an email they can't access, then take some more measures to protect yourself. I'm sorry to hear about the shutdown of your old account, welcome back.
    They couldn't access my email, I was just being careless and went on the site while they were around. But yeah, I created a new secret email just for this account and for other secret things...
    I made a download to the mod!
    Can you or some other admin reopen my forum and maybe even move it to the modding section?
    It's already been moved, I'll unlock it so that you can change it as you see fit.
    Sorry for the long time to respond. Kinda lost myself in a manga and couldn't stop reading... Thanks DoubleThink!
    What do you think of the recent increase in modding activity overall? :>
    Not really? I think?
    Yeah, probably not. I'm just being overly dramatic. -w-
    Well,although there's the complaining,it makes the forums more active.
    That's bad for moderators in the sense that they now have more to do,and some of the mods made can be bad *cough*

    Quute's Pignon...thing-I could barely the mod running,and that was with knowledge of how to get NXEngine(I was using latest version,so if it fails for you,ask and I'll try to build it for your platform.Although WHY you would want to...) to run it,
    which involves:Running NXengine on Pignon mod,then running NXengine on a unmodded cavestory,to get wavetables, fix music,then copying said wavetables and org files to Pignon mod directory.
    But,ignoring that fatal error,it was okay,considering the premise(yay,you're a mushroom.not a good idea for a mod.)

    *cough* But basically,in the end,eventually good CS(and maybe even Ikachan) mods will come of it.I hope.

    (TL;DR:A good mod might come of this-maybe even one for Ikachan! I hope. And the bad news: it's going to be work for the moderators. Oh,and BTW,Quute's mod CAN be run,but only if you're willing to expend effort,and it's probably not worth it.)
    Say, how come some members (such as yourself and Randolf) have two different avatars on their profile pages? =o
    I have no idea, I blame whatever Noxid was doing to them
    hey DT I saw <a href='' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>this</a> and I was wondering . . . was it possible to change your name in some point in time?
    Oh great, now I'm stuck with name.
    Oh well...
    We can still change your username if you want
    if I were to ever ask to change my username I'd probably ask to just be "Spirit" or "Drifter" but we all know that won't happen

    <del class='bbc'>winkwink</del>
    I see @ " Mini-STGT majigger" thread that you are into gaming competitions. If that also applies for the freeware FPS genre I hope you'll have a ton of fun with this. The main prize is always the fun, however sometimes there are real life and online events so you can win R.A.T. mice and some awesome stuff. <iframe id="ytplayer" class="EmbeddedVideo" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen /></iframe>
    Unfortunately I'm not nearly as well-versed in FPS, or especially interested in public events. Takes a lot of time investment into singular games when I could be catching up on my youth instead. While I was playing GG2 I got involved in some community matches as a result of putting that time in incidentally; if I were to ever do so again in a fast-paced game it would have to be at better hours with minimal latency, for a start. And maybe get a fancier control setup :v
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