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  • I don't know how much this matters, but there's a weird typo in the "New Forum Rules" thread.
    andwhyisit said:
    Random bumps or 'continuations' of two-year-old conversations are frowned up.
    I normally don't care, but this one could be potentially confusing to non-native Enlish speakers, which we seem to have a lot of.
    So, from what I recall of past events, our official stance towards mods of mods is "Only with express permission of the original mod creator", right?

    I was thinking something to this effect should be included in the sticky "Before posting a hack/mod...", so we have something to reference should such a situation arise in future.
    Yeah I had that thought too, but it should be trivial to do during the combination stage.
    The main reason I wished to do it was so there could be more continuity and stuff.
    DoubleThink;142128 said:
    I guess I could designate a universal starting event as well but the person still have to provide their coordinates so eh.
    Just have them post their whole mod folder as a zip file. Then they don't have to post any starting co-ords, maps, or events. That way I can be sure that I have everything I need to merge the maps. Plus it also means that I don't have to recreate the mapdata.
    can any map be replaced with any other map
    Yes. But <TRAs also need to be changed in the tsc to accommodate changes in map number.

    is it possible to have multiple versions of boss-specific maps
    A value within the mapdata for each map specifies the boss behaviour of that map with 0 meaning no special boss. So the answer would be yes in that regard. Although if you are unsure of this then I can always test it myself tonight.

    does it matter what map numbers I allocate to people, or can they use whichever they want?
    Since I would only have to rewrite <TRAs for around 4 maps per person it hardly makes it an issue either way. Just let them use whichever they want.
    I gave mixer an infraction for being spammy, letting you know so you don't see his uh, contributions, and give him DoublePunishment unknowingly.
    Hopefully he responds, or we won't have very much for the first release >.>
    It's also pretty much the sole reason CE-modified executables are incompatible with Sue's Workshop
    I would like to notify readers of Cave Story 2: Rise of the First Son, that I am starting it up again, and I have told my family to remind me of it everyday whenever they get a chance. I have even made an outline, and would like to say sorry for acting the way I did.
    Awesome pun. By the way, can you hold two contradictory ideas to be true?
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