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  • Oh, well, I always think "exploitable" as in, usually gonna be exploited for something more crude. I think I'd refer to faces like you were referring to as... well, just something dumb like "a face that's gonna be used as reaction faces and avatars and gifs and etc by a ton of people". "Exploitable" probably makes more sense, I just associate it with *that* kind of thing.

    In particular, I think the single most "I know this is going to be all over the internet tomorrow" face in the episode was Twilight popping out of the bush with the bird's nest on her head. And I was right!

    I apologize if the contents of the last message were creepy or anything, too, as as I've said I don't want to come off like that. But be a part of this community for nearly a year as I have and... things happen to you. Wonderful and horrible things.
    well it's the thought that counts :333
    i look forward to it tomorrow! I know what you mean about losing tons of text, that's why I will end up copy/pasting it into a notepad file every once in awhile if i type something especially long.

    also, a point i forgot to address in your previous message.
    exploitable shots?

    what, you don't mean; twilight on the bed, rainbow dash on the bench, rarity ALL OVER that couch (even in that same pose I drew her in a few months ago), twilight upside-down in front of big mac, derpy and mayor mare rasslin', and that shot of a well-written plot involving princess celestia at the end?

    i'm absolutely terrible
    ....oh my god, i wrote you a book. I'm so sorry, stuff like that just kinda... happens sometimes ;_;
    Yeah, like, it's so hard to even explain. With furries, it was easy. I liked (and still like) cartoon animals a hell of a lot, think they're cool, have even been SICK N TWIZTID enough to find them attractive, though I keep feeling like as I finally start to 'grow up' I feel myself being into that kind of stuff less and less, and just being hugely, honestly into cartoons and animation more and more. I definitely was in the thick of it a few years ago, though, but even then, I felt uncomfortable, even though I wanted furry friends. But it was easy to define the difference between myself and the rest of them; I liked cartoon animals in much the same way and to the same degree as them, but to me it was more like just 'something I liked a lot' and 'maybe something I wanted to be involved with the community surrounding', not something that I considered a 'lifestyle' or something REALLY IMPORTANT. Just like how you said about the bronies that 'come out' or w/e, it just seemed really weird and taking-it-way-too-far to me, even when I was neck deep in the stuff regularly. I guess I just had a 'thing' for cartoon characters in the same way some people have a 'thing' for balloons or whatever else you may see on some fetish show on A&E, and also underneath that childish (though still faintly existing) mind-quirk I really, truly loved, and even more now love, cartoons and animation in a very real and professional way. And then, 99.99% of other furrries just wanted to fap to artwork of buff human bodies with cartoon heads unfittingly plastered to the top while wearing collars and ears irl and swearing it's a 'lifestyle' while being into all kinds of gross sub-fetishes. It was a huge, stark difference.

    But with bronies, it's... a little murkier. By all intents, I'm just exactly the same as the broniest of bronies. I'm really, REALLY into the show, I have had my hoof in the community since near the beginning (and I even like to use those cute little metaphors like hoof there, everypony, things like that), I've been following EqD since it was new, I've actually participated in creating artwork and will continue to for the forseeable future, I've even written a little, I've made great friends in it, and I even very ashamedly enjoy some of the more 'questionable' fanworks (I didn't at all for a few months when I first was into ponies and wanted to keep them pure, but then some things happened, that I could get into some other time if you were actually curious -- but it's not 'important' to me even if I enjoy it sometimes, if I had a good reason to, I'd drop it like a bad habit, I mean, the 'bad stuff' within ponies, not pony itself). The only thing I DON'T do is collect merchandise irl, but I've thought of getting one of those welovefine shirts and I honestly would love to have those wonderfully on-model McDonald's toys.
    And yet... I don't know. I don't want to seem to the average joe like a generic 'brony' even if I kinda am in a lot of ways. I have some friends who have no interest whatsoever in it and that's perfectly fine (though when it gets to the point at which they blatantly hate and try to make me feel bad for liking it, that's too far imo). I may like some of the 'weirder' stuff but at the same time I can't stand it usually when people openly flaunt how into that kind of stuff they are, or creepiishly roleplay as the ponies in comments sections and whatnot (I mean CREEPISHLY roleplay, not normal rolepaly, which I frankly think I'd be really into to be honest). I do agree that it feels uncomfortable when hardcore bronies start treating it like something more than it is, just like with furries, when imo no matter HOW obsessed you are in it you should realize it's just an interest, and there are other cool things in the world besides just ponies. I swear, some people seem to feel like they could not exist in a world without ponies, when the world up to a year ago was just that. As much as I love ponies and always will, though, I know there are other fantastic cartoons on right now as well, and plenty of other stuff I like just as much, or nearly so, at least, so...

    I actually didn't mean to sound like I was using 'convert' seriously. I was joking around. I think it's fine to use words like that IF you're being silly, like when the community was newer and nothing like that was ever meant seriously. Even the most hardcore of us were just guys who liked the show a lot, I don't think anyone by that point was quite so absorbed to think it's like a lifestyle or movement or whatever. But, yeah.... Well, gosh, I guess in a way it IS a little bit of a 'movement', in that it's really surged through the most caustic, twisted, depressing and apathetic parts of the internet and left a really happy rainbow-colored streak in them, and it's seemed to spread a whole hell of a lot of honest happiness, feel-goodness and open-mindedness all around. And that's wonderful, so wonderful, and I love that, and I hope it keeps growing and growing for those reasons. But still, y'know... it's not the end-all-be-all *thing*, it's just a thing, a really good thing.

    And as far as meetups, you're like, 17, right? That's not that young, I keep meeting people online who're like 12-14 lately, it's freaky. Some pony fans, too. I think once you're around 18 it's pretty much like age starts mattering a lot less. I actually feel like I should be about 15 or 16 for a lot of reasons so knowing I'm 24 is just so weird, I don't understand how fast time passed for me -- but yeah, back when the community was newer I felt like one of the *younger* ones, it was crazy... but by now, I'm pretty old, like I am most places online. I have such crippling social anxiety though, I'd have a hard time making myself go to something like that, and if I did I'd want to be totally better so I seemed really confident and not awkward at all and 'represented fans of the show' in a better light than people always worry it's going to be represented. But I probably just shouldn't care and should just chill, but then again, if I did that, then I'd achieve exactly what I've just outlined. I wish it were easy.

    Haha, look at our increasingly larger and larger back-and-forths. I kinda hope at least one stranger happerns upon them and becomes enlightened in the ways of the pony.
    Ahaha, yeah, it's a really, really hard sale to people still, even as it becomes more popular -- the thing is, at first, it was just nothing but hardcore cartoon geeks watching it, even by the time I got into it months after it came on it seemed like the ONLY other fans were about my age OR OLDER, and loved and respected the show for all the right reasons -- its quality as a cartoon. Of course, as time's gone on and it's gotten bigger, we've gotten more and more people who are are just along for the ride, and don't feel like true "fans of the show", more annoying kids, and more people who emphasize the things people find "creepier" about the fandom like roleplaying and sexualization (not that I mind roleplaying in general at all nor do I care if you're "that into" cartoons though I find it strange when people tout and shout that all over the place like the worst furries do... and many of them ARE furries, haha) so not only has that kinda made the community more wonky and Sonic-fandom-like (although it's still a wonderful, wonderful community overall), it has given people in the know even more reasons to think twice about becoming a fan themselves. It's a little sad in a way, but also very, very inevitable. If you look at it one way, it's a good thing, as it proves how popular the series has already become to have such a huge and varied community, and is already considered by some to be becoming a subculture all its own ... though, again, that kind of talk makes me wanna shy away from the "brony" term. I used to call myself a brony proudly, back when the community was truly as I described, but in a few short months it's become like "brony" and "fan of the show" are two different things... and even though I'm a massive fan of the show and may or may not secretly be into a lot, lot more than that, and thus probably deserve to be branded a "brony" more than most people, I still find it weird to refer to myself as such! I guess it's like how I went through a phase where I felt like I belong in the furry community but even in the thick of it I never felt comfortable being called a "furry", and now feel like I'm not one at all, even though I still have a lot of the same ways of thinking as I did back then. I don't know!

    Oh, and about 'converting' people -- the only friend I have irl right now (sad, I know) who's also really, really into animation and loves watching Adventure Time/ Regular Show with me, really isn't into ponies... and doesn't seem like he ever will be. But he's totally cool with ME being into them. Most my old better friends online were the same way, and some of them even outright hated ponies and still do, but as I've gone into the pony community I've kinda found a whole slew of new, way better online friends (most my old ones were kinda assholes!). Man, there're so many great people I've met through ponies, like, really great people. It's nice. But seriously, grats on getting your two BEST friends in REAL LIFE into the show, that's amazing. Must be sooooo fun to get to talk about it irl, I wish I could ;_; It almost, /almost/ makes me wanna go to one of those hangouts or something sometime

    But yeah, ponies. Luna in 2 days. So much luna's gonna be all over the internet. Are you prepared?
    haha, that was such a weird signature too! I just got super into MLP in January and then I think around March decided to watch some anime, went with GaoGaiGar which I always heard was one of the best mecha series, and got really into it too. I was so split; cute stuff or big action robots? western or eastern animation?

    Really, I love animation in general a lot, but by and large I'm more of a huge "geek" over Western animation ('saturday morning cartoons' and the like) then anime, even though I do like anime. And aside from that I plan to watch Wakfu soon, which looks incredible, and is French animation, so...

    Like, I was seeing little images and stuff of ponies around the 'net back late last year and kept thinking it was just some stylized fanart that got popular or something. But then in January I found out it was a real show and decided to give it a shot, I IMMEDIATELY fell in love. I loved the adorable character design, the smoothness of the animation, the level of quality of the music and voice acting -- I didn't care if the writing was even going to be good or not, I was a decided fan. But then I started seeing eps like Bridle Gossip and Dragonshy and realized the writing could be surprisingly great, too, and it could be actually laugh-out-loud funny and have little sugarcoated touches of drama and action, which has only grown since then, and.... man, I dunno, so good, man, so good. There was never a second I didn't think I'd love this show.

    But then again, I'm the sensitive type, I'm the kind of guy that'd like something like this if it had good elements to it even if it wasn't popular at all. Like, just cute ponies with designs that good and nothing else, I'd enjoy, it was just very nice that it ended up being an excellent overall cartoon. Sure, the community is weird and keeps getting weirder as it gets bigger, sure a lot of people hate the fans of the show for various reasons, but even if I don't know about labelling myself a word like "brony", I will absolutely, beyond any doubt always be a huge fan of this cartoon. It's right up there with stuff like Animaniacs and Freakazoid to me.

    Anyway, glad i played some part in bringing you into the herd 8)
    Well, y'see, the discord eps aren't even really part of season 2 -- they're sorta in the limbo between seasons 1 and 2. It's very obvious that they were meant to be the wrap-up to season 1, what with the whole point of the eps being the ponies needing to remember all the adventures they've gone through in season 1 to be able to beat discord, and just how it was all put together -- especially with the New Hope ending, like it's the ending of the first "part of the saga"; and then there's the fact that they're the final two episodes that Lauren herself directly worked on, like, in-studio and everything, and they were made at the same time as Season 1 was, so... yeah. Then Lesson Zero's like the "real" Season 2, Episode 1. It also came on almost exactly the same day of the year that pony season 1 started last year, too, so.

    And now we're getting new episodes two weeks in a row, though I think it's a two-week wait between the Luna one in a few days (SQUEE ETC) and episode 3 (5) of the new season. If you were around during season 1 when it was new like I was, you'd know that regularly there'd be weeklong breaks in between eps, even two-week-long breaks every once in awhile, which could be for any number of reasons -- maybe the HUB wants you to focus on something else this week, maybe to elongate the season so it covers a nice solid half-year, maybe because of actual delays for whatever reason in the newer episodes being fully ready to show, who knows. All I know is, this season is shaping up to already be something amazing (all three eps, if you count the Discord ones, have been up to par with the best Season 1 eps, I see no way that the long-awaited Luna one could possibly be disappointing, and you can tell they've upped the ante as far as the already-massive amount of TLC put into the show now) so I'm just very hyped for the next 6 months or so's worth of pony.
    yeah, but I figured the further art comment fit better on the picture at least at the time being, but profile comments are much easier

    i knowwww, the discord eps should've been stretched out for sure. It was way obvious that they were CRAMMED full and even the scene changes were super fast, everything seemed to be done to save time and get as much into two eps as possible, and discord's defeat itself seemed so very rushed and even faster and less consequential than Nightmare Moon's. It feels like he was supposed to have more to do, too, and I wanted to see way more of just him doing stuff and his "wackyland", but they had to spend so much time focussing on the ponies and their whole dealing with reverse-personality syndrome (which itself was awesome and could've lasted longer, too, but y'know...) Overall I just hope they never have to cram so hard again, and if they have another epic storyline like that they get the leeway to at least make it 3 or 4 eps or so.

    All that aside, though, the return to slice-of-life with Lesson Zero was way more than welcome. It had a little bit of everything -- comedy, action, pity, and of course adorableness -- that makes the show so great, it was very obvious that the animation is a whole step above what it was last season (which was already several steps above every other Flash cartoon I've seen or pretty much any modern 2d American cartoon besides stuff like Thundercats which is animated in Japan anyway), the ponies were in so many different unique poses and were so expressive, all six mane ponies got some screentime and dialogue and even a slew of minor characters had moments or at least showed up, Spike was great, basically you couldn't ask for a better pony episode. So so satisfying!

    ...and now, look what you've done. You got me started on ponies, and now you're receiving massive rambles, it's all your fault :C
    haha, i wanna blow people's minds, not summon earthquakes and give them seizures. i'm totally saving that for future use, though

    seriously, rainbow, how'd you get so damn strong? the rainboom was cool, but here you're using something about a million times cooler outta nowhere for a mundane task in the middle of an episode that barely even has anything to do with you. i hope applejack does something this season to make her seem even in the same league of awesome, or something.

    also more pinkie world-distorting since she's my favorite pony and all, though after discord that whole area's kinda been neatly covered for the next million years or so. i'll miss discord forever.
    about 75% of today's episode left me speechless
    oh, i know what my signature should be now!~
    oh my god, when i saw your sig in the show this morning i almost died
    really genius, i adore this cartoon
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