Haha, oh man. Lots of more interesting stuff about you every time you post!
So I guess the furry thing with me is weird. Partly I was on the defensive when I described it to you because I wanted to be honest about who I am but I didn't wanna come off as "creepy"; that's something I've always had trouble with, I know I'm not creepy at all but i have some interests and things that are almost always very creepy and then you have the people who just think immediately that if someone's remotely into anything furryish or bronyish they're creepy and lafkjsdflj I just don't wanna come off that way. Really though, I still "really really like" furry stuff too, but it's very much on the down-low, and it's something i know I could just dump tomorrow if I had a good reason to. Like, it's something that's fun to me, to look at that art or whatever, but it's not important in any way, it's just a thing.
As far as brony inter-warring and stuff, yeah, that sucks, but i totally predicted it. I honestly very strongly predicted every crappy thing that's happened within the pony community so none of it's been surprising to me, but it's still been distressing -- I expected it to happen 'in the future' but not so soon, so quickly, and it feels like no time AT ALL ago I was first falling in love with this. It feels like it started off and was just the most amazing thing in the world, and then a few weeks happened that were funky but had lots of cool pony, now all of a sudden it's... months later. But so much has happened this year, but... man, the ponies. God, the ponies. So much pony. I could seriously talk to you for hours, on voice or text, about just the ponies, what they did for me, what the community's been like for me, the people i've met from it, the victories and heartbreaks i've had because of it, the fanart and fics, the things i've participated in, the things i've wished i participated in, just all the ins and outs and just SO MANY STORIES TO TELL, it's incredible, it's unreal. Such a thing, like the most intense "internet adventure" I've ever had ever, even spending as long as I have for 12 years online, this just has no match. It's been such a ride.
But in the end, no matter what, no matter how weird the community gets, no matter how much people fight, no matter how 'creepy' outsiders may consider it, no matter how 'over-popular' it gets, I'm always, always going to love this show. It's meaningful to me in many ways now, but aside form that, it's just a damn good show. And even though I might sound like one of the 'woefully obsessed bronies' talking about it like that, I really mean it, I don't care-- maybe I am woefully obsessed. But I mean, no one but me's experienced exactly what I've experienced, so how can they know I don't have good reason to be? You sound like you know a lot, though, but still, if only I could tell you these stories, you'd just be shocked and amazed at how much even further the ponies go and how amazing and crazy the community's been than what you know. It's just... man. It's like being there when the Beatles first started coming to popularity and being a part of the fanbase, except in internet nerd form, or something.
But yeah, all in all, I think the community is still largely great. Like, as you said, you avoided furry community stuff, which is a wise decision, but you were spot-on about how the pony community just has a natural magnetism. A lot of people get mad at how much of a 'circlejerk' it is but they're just mad they're not a part of it, or are scared to join in -- it's so damn fun, it's just people having a good time, so why not enjoy it? But yeah, really, if you look at it from the outside it looks horrible, even if you go to ponychan or other big communities at large and try to be a part of them it seems pretty bad, but you join a small chat or small forum community, or make specific friends and talk to them 1-on-1 about ponies, it's still the most warm, wonderful community I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of. And that's one of the big reasons I love the artist training ground so much, people are so supportive, and there's also plenty of people who will maturely criticize you if need be, and it's just full of love and friendship and growth. Well, the whole community's still got a lot of love and friendship and growth. I just think a large part of the internet's still dumbfounded by the concepts of "love and friendship" and want to just denounce them, and so many new kids coming in don't really get it, but i agree, they should be welcomed and shown how cool it all is rather than immediately ostracized. But some will always be trolls and dummies and all that, but no matter how much that happens, I think the core community and cool individuals within it will always be rad.
And yeah, those look good, especially the Rarity and Dash ones. I dunno if I'll be doing it anytime soon, but I might just get me a good Pinkie toy eventually, I'd love a good quality Pinkie plush more than anything. Or if they EVER make ANYTHING that has to do with Discord. Or Derpy. As far as 'all the ponies' I still think I'd like the mcd's toys best because they're very adorable and very small and discrete, but maybe someday I'll have the guts to get some full-size ones like you.