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  • So apparently two days ago marked the fifth year of Lunar Shadow's release...
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Well it hasn't been released yet, so nobody really knows. And regarding LS's Sea Zone, you could just redesign it to be more in line with UL's design. Wait, so Repose will be playable?
    On another note, how are your 60 Questions coming along? If you're nervous about them, just think of the old Well threads we used to have. (It's not like you're asking me out or anything. ;) )
    Not likely (unless you want an entirely unplayable LS).
    No, Repose isn't playable; you'd need a new game engine for her since she can copy souls like Soma Cruz and transform like Sonic the Hedgehog, apparently.
    LuniSolar Repose needs seven Lunisolar Gems, but there's no "Master Lunisolar Gem".
    And no progress. It kinda slipped my mind, sorry.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I fail to see how a simple level design change would render Lunar Shadow unplayable, considering how unfinished LS's Sea Zone is.
    No progress? I assume you (and by extension Bloom and Shane) probably have a lot you'd like to ask me. (You could always ask about my mod and use that as a starting point.) Also, how is Bloom? I hope she isn't too upset about LSF, and that she'll be okay.
    ... Pokémon and expansion packs? That's... probably going to become normal or something...
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I'd guess that Galarian Moltres is probably Fire/Dark or Ghost/Dark. And these new regis (Regidrake and Regivolt?), will they be tied to Regigigas, or will they have a new Trio Master?
    So... I take it Galarian Moltres looks a bit... evil?

    I'd guess getting Regigigas this time will require all five Regis, or that these new ones power up the Regis somehow... but then, anything can happen. Like Eternamax Eternatus being a thing.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Well yeah, it kinda does look ominous. It does make me wonder though, will we be seeing Galarian Lugia/Ho-oh? And as for Regigigas, I think you only need the original trio and that the new ones aren't related to it.
    These days I wonder if there's any point in watching the news these days...
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I know right? It's all the same really, so there's little point in tuning in. Besides, we've got ourselves (and each other) so it's not completely hopeless.
    Rolling blackouts, wildfires, and more negative news...

    Even Serenth's not safe from the bad news. You'd think crime would stop after near-apocalypses, but no.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    At least you've got Shane and Bloom to keep you company. Besides, I can imagine that your mod is definitely going to be one of the best CS Mods of 2020, so keep up the good work.
    Thinking up pronouncable names is harder than I thought...
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Considering you've declined to answer about Ginerva/Karlien, I take it their statuses are also unknown?
    Aside from that, I found Electra on LSF, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? (Link:
    She's often lurking there, isn't she?

    Plus Karlien and I aren't on speaking terms. So I dunno.
    Ginny, hasn't called yet.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I suppose, but how would you know? You've told me that you can't access LSF multiple times.
    Karlien and Ginny not appearing matters little considering IllinaFan01 (aka Bloom) decided to come back.
    Happy New Year, and may 2020 be a blissful year full of good things.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Yes, I agree. May 2020 be a far better year for all of us.
    agreed. april 2020 should be good too.
    Cold weather, phones apparently hate a lot.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    So you can save in the Basement Floor? Hopefully we'll see the return of the Warp Doors or teleporters? Oh and if Isca has a stress related heart condition, just know that cardiac arrest is not caused by stress. I'm just saying that if you do intend to have her die that way.
    Warp Gates appear this time around.

    ...? Isca's as fit as a fiddle.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Sounds like an improvement over the Warp Doors. I wonder how many Warp Gates will appear on A.S.
    Well that may be true for Isca but the same can't be said of the Dragon Rider Princess.
    Random LS Project stuff...
    In Serenth, it'd be Gifting Day today. So even their holidays are different.
    (Wonder what presents Serenity would get.)
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    So would you ever give Bloom permission to release the beta version of Apocalyptic Shadow?
    Unless the beta had finished floor 30 already, but I believe progress has come to a halt at floor 24...
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Knowing Bloom, it wouldn't surprise me if she released it at some point. Regardless of what happens, I can't wait to try out Apocalyptic Shadow. It'll probably be as good as Lunar Shadow or surpass it entirely.
    An early merry Christmas to you all.
    (Might not be around to say this on the 25th.)
    Same to you Kim, same to you. :)
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Happy Christmas to you Kim! (and that includes Shane and Bloom too)
    Right now, I wish I had a magic lamp with unlimited wishes.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I assumed she had connections to you considering she got in, and she's obsessed with your mods.
    I don't know anyone who'd call themselves an Ilina fan; Ilina doesn't even appear until the Myst Zone (alive if Alexis lives, dead if Shinica and Luna are defeated, IIRC).
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Nice to see you again. Neither would I, though and I doubt she's real. Also, where's Michelle? We were in the middle of talks not so long ago, and were actually getting along (for once).
    No electricity since Sunday. My scarcity now will be enforced...
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    1) Considering it's a boss rush mode , wouldn't it be easier to make it an add-on/DLC?
    2) I suppose. Weren't the Myst Zone puzzle tiles reused from Hope of Shane?
    3) Okay then. I assumed you changed the name.
    4) Do you know what happened to Bloom?
    She had an apology that I forgot to send. Shall I send it here or start a PM? I ask because Serri and Mint gave me the business about it a few days ago.
    1. Separate would be easier, if LSM does get made.
    2. Probably?
    4. Either's fine, but I can't reply to messages (I can still read them, though).
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    1) I figured you reused a few things from that mod.
    2) I'll send it to you now. (Link:
    If Serri and Mint have a problem, they can go sling their hooks.
    How much bad luck can one girl have, after just a single day of extremely good luck...?
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Text limits, sorry Kim.
    I just to say a few things before you disappear:
    1) As for all the things I said regarding your inaction on Bloom, I understand why you couldn't help her and I forgive you.
    2) One question: Bloom said that she and her sisters met Luna on January 2018. She wanted to talk to you about something, though about what Bloom doesn't know.
    (Link for proof:
    Perhaps, but some wounds are far too deep for even time to heal...

    My future doesn't hold pitter-pat puppies or kitty cats and sunshine. Not any time soon, what with... the past few weeks being worse than the Red Hell in several gigantic handbaskets.
    I'm not gonna elaborate; the AM part did.

    And Luna's message was about my aunt's daughter, though it came far too late.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I disagree. No wound is too deep for time to heal. Look, know one thing: What happened to you on 18th November was not your fault, and you didn't deserve it. I can't change how you feel Kim, but you can. I'm sure Bloom would want you to carry on, for her sake.

    Thank you for the answer. If Bloom comes back, I'll tell her.
    As of today, I've been a member here for five years...
    The Way's last episode puzzles me...
    Playing through The Way, for rpgmaker? That last episode was the biggest and strangest if I remember right. Really loved that game though.
    Yeah, episode 6... I rather like that episode the most, though.
    Though the way to get some furniture wasn't always easy, nor was that underwater place with the maze...
    So, Bewear is crazy fast and beat a Pheromosa with ease, Kenpachi defeated Kenpachi, and I'm thinking up Serenthan history about how Valkyries are really possibly artificial. What a day this was...
    Time only advances at specific points, and when resting. Other than that, take your time.
    Also, didn't you already ask about other towers? No, just one appears.
    Lastly, I can't reply to threads or conversations. Just statuses. (Lousy phone, but more reliable than any smartphone.)
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    1) How convenient. I guess that means that Bloom will have to suffer a bit longer then...
    2) Yeah, I know. You mentioned that already.
    3) Oh, Ellen? The person you continue to make excuses for? Bloom is suffering and I feel that if you don't help her, she'll do something she'll regret.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    4) Probably. So there's one tower in the game? No Apocalyptic Duck Tower?
    5) Also Bloom was really upset yesterday and I'm concerned for her (she's become suicidal).
    6) And wouldn't you know it? Michelle turned up on Lunar Shadow in the late of night, except all her posts are redacted. So I ask you, did you have a word with Michelle?
    I'm sorry, Kim. It's just that Bloom's really hurting and I care about her.
    Taking on any Elite Four using only one Pokémon is never going to be an easy task...
    Okay, I guess? Would be cool, though.
    Absolutely NOT. I disapprove of anything (... well, 99% of things, at least) from that work or related things. That was the intent since I started LS in 2015, though. (Also, what's with the "T"?)
    And no.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Thank you for answering all my questions. That will be all for now. I hope you have a good night. :)
    I beat the E4 of Unova twice before the lonely challenge; first team, all Fire-types.
    Second team, all Normal/Flying (two medals).
    Game: kinda White 2. With a "???" item.
    In about 20 days, it'll be five years...
    Hiya. I've been really tired this whole week, but things are mostly going well despite that. Ordered some cool art a while ago, just got it today, that cheered me up a bit.

    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I'm doing fine. I've gotten a lot of exercise, and I'm doing wiki work for the Dragon Quest Wiki. Aside from that, Brexit is still a nightmare as always...
    @zxin: in progress, I guess? Last I checked, still under 80 words so far.
    @Brayconn: if it helps, Serenity always gets a 0% in Newerthan at school. Thankfully, it's not a mandatory subject...
    I can say this - "ilina" means "clarity", "shin" means "grand", "ica" means magic, and there aren't articles (the, a, an).
    And the language uses interrobangs.
    Admittedly, I'm not even gonna try learning it... just keeping notes.
    Now I can focus on AS (Apocalyptic Shadow) again, but the Corrupted Code is not going to be easy to finish... not one bit.
    Fair enough. Btw to use PM, (assuming there isn't a low post count limitation): Click on your Inbox and "Start a new conversation."
    Well, I'll be fine...
    Some AS-related headaches aside.

    And, 'twould seem, an inability to reply to conversations and threads. :/
    This mobile is better than nothing, though.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @X-Calibar. Can't do PMs yet, need to boost my Post Count first. It's shoddy design in my opinion. EDIT: Turns out I now can do PMs, huzzah for me.
    @Kim Tyranto. Good to see you're still okay. Can't wait to play Apocalyptic Shadow Tower.
    So Kim, it's actually me. King of Despair was my former self, and in all honesty, someone I don't miss. However, I've come to see you so I ask, how are you doing?
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    If you want Kim, I could help you finish Lunar Shadow (and I've played it). And also, I've been working on my first CS mod: Gun.
    Thanks, but... I'd rather finish LS myself, when I have the courage to see it through to the very end.
    Gun... no relation to railguns, right? So, good luck. Just remember to keep track of the used flags, and to make back-ups regularly.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Fair enough. I want to continue work on Gun but the motivation seems to have left me.
    Today's definitely not a good day... :/
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    My apologies for asking, but how is Shane dealing with this?, if you don't mind me asking.
    Ellen's fiancée is doing okay; and Ellen seems to be okay right now (some good news).
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I hope they return. It's been 2 years and all 3 forums (Velkyzr/Astrum/Symfora) went silent at the same time. Who knows? Maybe things will be better this time...
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