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  • Staying up past 4 AM (GMT+2) just to work with ORGs… probably not the best idea I've had lately, but I guess it was worth it, in the end?

    ... Aaaaaaaaand tomorrow's Friday -again-. Feels to me like it was Friday yesterday. :s
    Probably not, but who doesn't enjoy pulling the occasional all-nighter to work on something enjoyable?
    "Occasional", I'm alright with…

    "Three nights in a row", not so much. :-/

    Hopefully the new year'll change that.
    This year can't end soon enough… but then, somehow someone got around CE's map issues. Time'll tell if it'll be of any use or not, haha.

    So 2021 was a mixed bag of "terrible" and "potentially great", I guess.
    … Progress made lately on CS mod project "Terminus": nothing, really. Got sidetracked by finding older (unrelated) projects I made files for and reading through most of them.

    I do have ideas for another CS mod project ("Origin"), but I'm just gonna put that in a text file. (And then try to finish Origin Cave's maps. Ironically, Origin Cave isn't going to be in "Origin", haha.)
    … And now my computer's mouse won't work properly (cursor won't move yet left- and right-clicking does) so now I can't do anything. -_-

    So much for trying to make progress today.
    Progress… five maps.
    The sixth one (about 126x80 tiles) seems to slow BL down, but probably better to take my time rather than a rush job at making the map.
    I wish there was a "flip map horizontally/vertically" option, haha.
    Huh, almost thought there was something like that? Probably my imagination if you didn't see an option for it.
    And nice, don't forget to backup!
    Well, I'm stuck with version since my mobile devices won't let me download Java for Windows and I can't open version…

    Having to flip the maps by hand isn't easy (as an example, think something like First Cave, except the Hermit Gunsmith is to the lower-left, and that enemy door is to the upper-left).
    Origin Cave was inspired by First Cave, but instead of doors, there'll be H/V triggers.
    I'm putting more effort into Origin Cave than the mod it would've, er, originated from. (Though the Solar Soul Castle would be visible but inaccessible, probably.)

    I'll remember to make back-ups! (Just have to find those CDs I back stuff up on... how I misplaced those I don't know.)
    My birthday's tomorrow, on 21 November…

    (Or today, or yesterday, depending on time zones. They can be tricky at times.)
    Well, it is actually November 21st right now at 2:40 AM as I am writing this reply. Happy belated birthday!
    Thanks~ :D
    Following Mister.Hex's suggestion and starting a side project to find out just what I found fun about modding.

    Already collided with a few walls (namely, two incredibly lousy mobile devices) so I'll simply have to make do with what I have that I can use - Booster's Lab v0.4.5.0 and CaveEditor. (It's better than nothing, haha.)
    Oh my haha. You could go all out and do CaveEditor, even if it's incredibly outdated, it's still a very good program to use (even if we, indeed, made better since.)
    … I swear I'm slower than a Slowpoke. Just realized I've been around for six years (as of 22 October). (Actually a bit longer, but messy details, haha. :p )

    Meantime, I've honestly been wondering, what's the favourite area of Lunar Shadow, of those who were brave enough to have played it?
    (I say "brave enough" because of a really buggy boss, haha.)
    I think… I'll give up entirely on CS modding. After everything that this year's been, I kinda lack motivation.

    This includes losing months' worth of progress (everything after 2 July 2020 to mid-January 2021) on several projects (whether in planning phase or beyond).

    I'll probably still lurk around, assuming my lousy mobile device permits it.
    backup backup backup
    PC's motherboard died on the day I wanted to make back-ups… the last back-ups are dated 2 June 2020. I'd hope it would remain on the hard drive, but apparently, it wasn't there (though I'll have to check it out myself; who knows, maybe luck'll help).

    So lesson learned: always make back-ups (and maybe back-ups of those back-ups) at least once a day, because you never know what tomorrow brings. (Except maybe blackouts, haha.)
    As for what I found fun about modding… I liked being able to work on multiple projects (no wonder most of them are incomplete, haha; the only "completed" one was poorly executed at best).
    Of course, I've moved on from those ancient gear golems projects, but I still keep getting bizarre ideas that wouldn't be possible in a CS mod. (Like having 2000+ playable characters. Overboard, yes, but that's how I am.)

    Some of the lost stuff currently remain only as fragments of memory within the Meridian of Darkness... it'd have been a new bonus area in a potential remake of Lunar Shadow (though, said remake would probably require 1000+ maps back then, which is going overboard too, haha).

    ... I never could think small, I guess. Maybe that's another reason my projects remain (mostly) unfinished. I'm guessing...
    Many fond memories remain… even as time continues to walk forward, never changing its course.
    So it's spring already… but also autumn (or fall, whatever you prefer). Oh joy.
    Flying by too quick :X
    Time tends to fly when you're having lots of fun… but feels like it's dragging on when you're having a bad time. :-/
    Guess I'll take some time off, effective tomorrow…
    At least until I come to terms with the fact that Mom's got MND… or, lockdowns permitting, after I've visited her.
    That sounds terrible... I wish your mother comfort and ease... Please be there for her
    Well… the past's in the past. Best thing to do is live in the present, right?
    The drama was so long ago, none the current users even remember it anyway. You're good, fam

    Life's too short to dwell on the past constantly. Gotta make the best of the time we've got in this world, right?
    Is it just me, or is the BL v0.5.0.0 link broken...?
    Ah, thanks! :)
    The Tribute Site links are still up, they were posted in the last post in the BL thread.

    EDIT: Wait shit, that link went to the post, lol.
    Well~. Things seem to be going a bit better here, at last... hopefully things can only get better!
    Status: gloomier than any Gloom could possibly be...
    Find that leaf stone or sun stone, then.
    On 19 January, my PC died (probably the motherboard, again)... so even if I'm here on a lousy mobile, I'll be mostly inactive or lurking. (Exceptions are possible.)
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