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  • Some say it gets easier to accept loss, but I guess it differs from person to person…
    In the end, we are just a brain in a mecha made of flesh and fueled with blood that is made by drinking water and powered by eating things that it can digest.
    I'm sorry for whatever loss it is you've faced. Do you want to talk about it?
    Having way too much fun with a Level 4 Fireball and Machine Gun. ^^;
    What do they look like?
    I'm… not good with describing them in words, haha. (I think the words escaped! But I'll try.)
    The Level 4 Machine Gun… I haven't noticed anything different, except maybe the damage value and firing rate?
    The Level 4 Fireball… I think it creates a Level 2 fireball when it hits a solid object.

    Best way I can think of seeing it is in Doukutsu Randamu though; Serenity gets to reach Level 4 (which, in her world, is a level above her maximum weapon level of 3, but details).

    Would love to see a Level 4 Crescent Moon, though. That would be a lot of bullets. ^^
    Can't wait for KH4, though all I'd be able to do is read about it.

    That aside, I decided the Entrance of the Xenoa: Lunar Shadow version should use a different tileset, so I'm currently trying to think something up that'll be fitting for it. Maybe a tileset from a past mod I worked on, I dunno.
    use marble
    Progress on Xenoa: Lunar Shadow: finished the tileset for the forest between Yes Town and the Lunar Soul Castle (no relation to MagicDoors or Slither or whatever his present name is).
    Also finished Yes Town's first district, and… that's currently it. I haven't even worked on most of the scripts yet. -_-"
    I do have some ideas for the Gomu Forest boss, but those are currently just ideas.
    Also have some ideas for a few new outfits. (Hopefully I won't go overboard when I do get around to it, haha.)
    Progress on Xenoa: Lunar Shadow: started with Yes Town's map. (Serenity's house appears to be finished, at least for now.)
    at last
    One endless loop can destroy a lot more than I thought.
    resetting windows should not remove any of your files if you're on win8 or higher? and dlls, yeah, those can be a pain
    Aside from the Windows folder (which got completely reset), Windows 10 removed files that were in the AppData and ProgramData folders, though; I'm guessing hidden folders aren't exactly safe places for files. Kinda stupid that some games (and programs) would store save data there instead of, say, Saved Games or Documents, but… oh well. Best I can do is make the best of the situation.
    Just about 14 games affected by the missing DLLs, though, and that should be easy enough to deal with.
    that's a shame, but it does make sense in one way or another
    I really need to stop goofing off and work on Terminus, hopefully finish the first sector before the end of December.
    (But I wanna play more games instead… T_T )
    We have ORG tags now?
    You can embed ORGs by doing
    [ORG]<link to org>[/ORG]
    , if that's what you're talking about. It's been around for a couple months, I think
    Any good (or great or excellent or awesome) freeware games?
    (Other than the original Cave Story, of course. :b )
    i've heard good things about iji, though i wasn't really able to get into it myself... OFF's another good one if you're into RPGs?
    Space Funeral has a really cool story and is also really funny and even somewhat meaningful. It falls flat in gameplay, however.
    OFF also has a really cool story and is absolutely unforgettable because of its amazing atmosphere. Even random encounters, which are really boring and annoying, have an interesting vibe because of the soundtrack and art.
    Ooh, kinda forgot about this--
    Haven't tried OFF, so that's definitely on my to-do list. :3

    @Mister.Hex - er, what's Wadanorah?
    And there goes all my schedules…

    (At least 'til Monday. Unless things get worse.)
    … So I dreamed of playing Cave Story using only On-Screen Keyboard. Somehow, I... don't think that's gonna end well!
    Can one ever have enough games…?
    There are a great many games in my Steam library that I have purchased but haven't played, so my guess would likely be "yes", even if the answer feels like it should be "no"
    I kinda have like a thousand games and only finished like (approximately) 1/4th of 'em, haha.
    Not to mention the few games I can't update because of my lousy mobile devices. T_T
    I find I have largely enough games personally if we count all the platforms I own.
    Nowadays I read more books than play games so I might should sell some with how easy it is to get them nowadays on modern platform, legally or illegaly.
    … Never fun having any form of artist's block or writer's block or whatever other blockheaded blocks exist. Could probably be worse, though.
    Progress… Origin's staying in the ideas phase until Terminus is done (I hope), and Terminus has Sector 1 (Origin Cave) fully mapped out. Began on Sector 0 (The Hub), wasted time on "Sector S" (mod's map total reached 181!) but I wanna see how many maps above 127 I can get away with using without the "Failure to read stage" issue.
    Yes, I'm writing the mods' names as above (it just seemed fitting to me).
    Two months' work and that's all I have for now… but as long as I have fun with modding and take frequent breaks, right?

    I mean, that's the main goal of this side project. To find the fun of what I liked about modding, again.
    181??? Huh. Didn't know that was possible. It always boggles the mind how far everyone has taken Cave Story, if you look into all the fan projects; mods, music, art, community... It has been a platform for making many dreams...
    Indeed… every day's a new opportunity to learn something new, even if times are tougher than a heavy metal critter! (Or something.)

    I'm more surprised that Cave Editor's still playing nice even with that many maps. Guess adding maps in Booster's Lab is one way to not break the executable.
    I'll be keeping the unuseable maps that bring up "Failure to read stage" errors, though.
    Happy new year, CSTSF!
    Happy new year! Thanks for staying active on here! I hope 2022 brings more good activity to the forums
    Staying up past 4 AM (GMT+2) just to work with ORGs… probably not the best idea I've had lately, but I guess it was worth it, in the end?

    ... Aaaaaaaaand tomorrow's Friday -again-. Feels to me like it was Friday yesterday. :s
    Probably not, but who doesn't enjoy pulling the occasional all-nighter to work on something enjoyable?
    "Occasional", I'm alright with…

    "Three nights in a row", not so much. :-/

    Hopefully the new year'll change that.
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