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  • Happy New Year, Cave Story Forums! I hope everyone has a great 2024.
    Happy New Year! ...
    Cave Story Release date: December 20, 2004

    What?! Are we already approaching that anniversary??
    We are, X-Calibar! The 20th anniversary is fast approaching!
    pummelator.... more like GUMmelator.. *eats you *
    I can't believe I haven't seen this until now. Guess I don't check this site enough.
    Anyways, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! (screams of agony due to being eaten alive)
    Updated my profile on here. First time in seven years that I've actually had an "about me"!
    Congratulations to Tpcool for being registered on this site for ten years now! I meant to send something the day it happened, but the day after will have to do.
    My ten year's coming up next year...
    Wow what the fuck are we all old?????
    Congrats on 10 years. I remember when 2011 members were viewed as young whippersnappers. It's crazy to think that there are now so few active members on these forums who've been around longer than I have, and half of them are 2011 members.
    Thanks for the shoutout, Pummel! The 10 year anniversary feels extra special now. :oops: Same Hayden. I remember first joining and immediately knowing I wanted to stay on for a long time so I could be one of the cool veterans after doing a ton of lurking haha.
    My profile doesn’t lie, I happen to be male! I understand you may not have been here or noticed the overly dramatic thread in which I discussed such things, though. ^_^;

    For my part, I don’t really work with music, nor do I spend as much time as I once did on the forums. That’s a factor in why I haven’t spoken to you much.
    I want to start checking those out, but I'm currently vacationing, and I'll have to wait before I can start doing that.

    In the meantime, I feel like I've been asking a lot of the questions. Feel free to ask me stuff!
    Oh! Oops. Apparently I was just a little too early to check back, and then forgotteded.

    If you’ve written for fun before, what kinds of stories do you like to work towards? I tend to go for slice of life-ish stuff, but I also wrote about weird illicit things more often than not so that may play a part. I suppose I could ask about your music, too, since I don’t really hunker down and check the stuff made by the forum that often. Do you have a certain style you hone, or do you aim for variety?
    When it comes to music, I like to have variety in what I make, but I usually stick with a lower and more simplistic style of song. I have a new batch of songs in the making, and I'll link you to that once it's done. I would show you what I've already made, but I had little to no idea of what I was doing at the time and they weren't all that great.

    It's been a long time since I've written a story, but I usually like to go with fictional works. I want to get working on an idea I had a long time ago where the Space Race becomes a hot war between the USA and the USSR for control over the moon.
    why do you still have my really old art as your avatar??
    not trying to criticize you, but i'd totally make you a better one if you need it
    yeah!! it's really old and I hate it so the logical conclusion is to just make Pummel a better one!
    Seeing someone use one's old art is so sadness inducing. I actually did the same thing as you when TLincoln used my old Gardevoir MyChar, and I'm very glad that I did. ^.^
    The day that school isn't hated is a possible day for the release of Half-Life 3.
    Reddeh Le Steddeh
    Reddeh Le Steddeh
    why isn't it releasing then ;3;
    because as long as school exists
    it will be hated
    by it's fundamental nature of being a boring place that drives people insane
    As homeschooler, ha.
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