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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

I also haven't been on the forums much, and I can't blame ya for that one. What do you like to do with your free time?
I play too many videogames and watch too much Youtube/ Twitch for my own good, of course, like most people. There’s nothing inherently wrong with them, but it’s an addiction I try not to nurse. I much prefer reading, since that’s a little “healthier” of a pursuit, along with other neglected pastimes like programming, modding, writing and drawing. What about yourself?
I can't really draw, but I do like to make music. Other than than, basically everything you said applies to me. I really need to read more! What kind of books do you like to read?
I've composed a little for a class. It didn't take me long to realize that I did an awful job, and other things have been focused on since. ^_^;

My tastes go to flowery nonsense and bits of fantasy, so anything that approaches the intersection could truly capture my fancy. That's vague for a good reason: I have pretty wide tastes, and while I lean slightly towards fiction and away from saucy romance/super cynical terrible depressing reads, I enjoy all sorts of things! (Yes, this can include the aforementioned saucy terrible cynicism.) I like sci-fi, slices of life, steampunk, short stories, flights of fancy, historical accounts, even the backs of cereal boxes if the wall of text is inviting enough.

What about you, got any better defined tastes? Thinking of reading anything lately? o:
I'm really into Sci-Fi. Right now, I'm reading (when I actually get around to reading) "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline at the moment. Other books in the genre that I've read in the past are the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books, Armor by John Steakley, and Ender's Game.

Do you have any recommendations for books?
Ooh, I loved Ready Player One! I'm sure you'll be fond of it, too. And I ought to start Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy sometime, too. :3

I haven't read as much sci-fi as fantasy, but Melancholy of Mechagirl is one of my favorite books and includes quite a bit! Other odds and ends I think you'd like include The Icarus Hunt, Little Brother, The Martian and probably most anything on robertnowall.com - I believe I’ve only read Blessed Are Those That Remember and Plant Girl, but I enjoyed them, the latter especially!

I was lucky enough to receive a discount Nook for my birthday, and one of the pre-loaded books was The Secret Garden. It’s proven thoroughly enjoyable, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at my steady pace in reading it. Other books I’m looking into/in the middle of include The Thurber Album, Sylvie and Bruno, and Cloud Atlas. ^_^
I am definitely going to have to give those a look (after I'm done with Ready Player One, of course)! Funny enough, there's a guy at my school who saw what I was reading and he says he's read it about 12 times over (roughly) the past four years because it was so good. I'm pretty sure he hasn't actually gone out and looked for any retro games because of it yet, so I'm going to give him a list of stuff to check out.

Speaking of which, what kind of video games are you into?
I play a /lot/ of RPGs. There’s all sorts of classics, romhacks and fan translations that I have yet to get to, but even the basic elements in other kinds of games tend to make me happy (if the game’s fun in the first place). Pokémon Prism, Oriental Blue, OFF, Dark Souls II, Final Fantasy VI, One Way Heroics, Undertale kinda?, Mystic Ark, Arcanum and Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter all count, to give a few recent favorites!

While RPGs and related systems make up the majority, I also enjoy most other genres. AM2R, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Groove Coaster, The Guardian Legend, Crash Bandicoot, Kirby's Adventure, Mega Man X, Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, Iji, Puzzle and Dragons, Momodora 2, cat planet, Terraria, Super Mario 64, Reflecbeat, Saira, Princess Remedy, Crash Team Racing, Kingdom Hearts and Nethack are all things I’ve enjoyed and found lying around while making this list. ^_^;

Of course, you don’t have to be so in-depth yourself, but I’m curious what you spend your time on.
I play mostly FPS and retro games. I play a lot of Counter-Strike (mainly 1.6 and Source). I also really like Half-Life, Quake, Halo 3: ODST, Red Eclipse, Quake III Arena, Reflex Arena, and more that I'm probably forgetting.

As for the slightly older games, I'm really into Robotron: 2084, Joust, Centipede, Major Havoc, Asteroids, Ballblazer, Smash TV, Codebreaker, Wizard of Wor, Lode Runner, Jumpman, Test Drive II, and, again, probably more that I'm forgetting.

I've been meaning to get around to playing Princess Remedy. cat planet is great and amazing, and I actually have the soundtrack for it as mp3s because the soundtrack was made in PxTone, and I was easily able to figure out how to convert those to wavs and convert the wavs to mp3s.

I'm not an expert on the RPG genre, so could you give me a few suggested must-plays? (Also, if you want a copy of the cat planet soundtrack, I'll link you one)
That’s alright, I can do without. As for good RPGs...it will depend, of course, since there’s all sorts of systems, many quite antiquated, and a few too dull to really consider playing through. But you can look into these on your own and try what seems appealing to you. Of those already mentioned, Dark Souls is the most action-oriented (and difficult), while early Final Fantasies like VI and Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai are the most traditional. (Oriental Blue is Dragon Quest-ish in its battle system, same as anything like Earthbound.) All three are excellent in my eyes, and I think you’d enjoy them...well, with Dark Souls it depends on your definition of enjoyment.

For others not mentioned, Mother 3 is better as an actual videogame than Earthbound, and the story is enchanting, /especially/ if you don’t know anything about it. Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece that I also have yet to enjoy, admittedly. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (and the more recent Bowser's Inside Story and Dream Team) is amusing and delightful to play, and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is a slightly different flavor but a similarly great experience. Treasure of the Rudras has some interesting mechanics but is otherwise fairly basic. Yume Nikki can only be recommended if you like exploring, being lost, experimenting and theorizing. Moon: Remix RPG Adventure seems like a neat story-based game, and...heavens, there’s still so many better ones I don’t have enough personal knowledge of. But that should probably be quite enough! :v

I’ve never been very interested in shooters, though I tried some Call of Duty game (3?), some Halo game and Lovely Planet, finding them passable (Lovely Planet the most fun for its cuteness and single-player speedrunning bent). I’ve vaguely heard of most of the games you mentioned, and enjoyed Centipede and Asteroids somewhat! The most obscure game I can offer in similar vein to some of the others is probably Psycho Dream.